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T O P I C     R E V I E W
the questioner
Member # 22195
 - posted
^^^ i believe they are
the questioner
Member # 22195
 - posted
the questioner
Member # 22195
 - posted
Member # 5777
 - posted
Hollywood is racist because blacks continue to worship at its altar--rather than develop their own international film production studios.

People say "Jews own Hollywood". If so, why do blacks continue to beg to be let in. That would only provoke contempt.

Motto: Do as the Jews do.

When Harvard tried to restrict the number of Jews admitted by its "numerus clausus" move, they quickly went down the street and started MIT.

Anecdote: A Jewish man was denied membership in a high class Golf Club, so what did he do?
He promptly amassed enough money to buy the darn club.

Way to go, one must say.
Member # 5777
 - posted
Exodus, Gods and Kings.

The world awaits the film "Akhenaten and Nefertiti" and there's enough money in the hands of blacks to do it.

So why is it not done yet? Plus films like "Toussaint" or "Nat Turner".

It seems as if blacks are afraid to make films that would challenge the "image of the black in Western history and culture".

People say that Hollywood is owned by Jews. If so, how come such a small population can control the images they portray of millions--especially blacks.

Blacks grovel at the feet of Hollywood for demeaning roles--and no complaints. Shameful.

The solution is for blacks to own their own international film studios. But they just don't. Films are produced in Nigeria and Kenya but they are for local consumption. They hardly appeal to international audiences as Hollywood does.

Motto: Do as the Jews do.

When Harvard had its "numerus clausus" against Jews for its freshman class, they simply went down the street and opened MIT.

Anecdote: A Jewish man was refused membership in an elite golf club. So what did he do? He promptly amassed some cash and bought the club.
Member # 20259
 - posted
If Jews don't own Hollywood, then what happened to Mel Gibson's career?

What happened to Arsenio Hall's career after he had Louis Farrkhan on his late night show?

Buying a golf course or a piece of property is entirely different than buying a TV network which requires writers, advertisers, actors, FCC approvals, etc.
However, Hollywood and America are just about over. As we see in Africa, the Asians are the money people today and many African American stars are spending more time in China, Japan, and Korea than they are in Hollywood.
China is the new world power and they are hip to the Jews and Europeans from their long history of being shafted by them.

Yes, no doubt Hollywood and it's supposed liberal Jews are racist.
That's not to excuse the stupid ass Negroes who bow to them and allow themselves to be used in any derogatory way, just to make a dollar and get their stupid faces on TV.

FYI: 1920s Birth of a Nation was distributed by Jews.
All the news station who look for the dumbest sounding negro to put on TV are Jews.

The GOP southern strategy was developed by Jews.

The US Civil War finances were managed by Southern Jews.

Marcus Garvey was framed and deported by NAACP.Jews.

W.E.B. DuBois was used terribly by the NAACP Jews.

The Nation Of Islam's program to take back the Chicago, Washington D.C. projects and run out the drug pushers to halt the sale of drugs in black communities during the 1990s Crack war waged against blacks was sabotaged by ADL Jews which allowed many tens of thousands of black lives to be destroyed.

The CONINTEL program is managed by Jews.

Remember Hitler's MASTER race, blond haired and blue eyed? This was a Zionist Jewish concept.
Look around at the wives of Hollywood Jews and see what they look like.

Here's the ADL Sic'ing their 2nd best Jewish scholar on Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannan, just for claiming his right as a black Jew.
Dr Yosef Ben Joch

No doubt, Ashkenazi Jews are racist.
Member # 5777
 - posted
Buying a golf course or a piece of property is entirely different than buying a TV network which requires writers, advertisers, actors, FCC approvals, etc.
Well, for FS, just do it. Waiting for whom? Godot?

China's advantage is its huge population advantage. The Chinese believe that they had an impressive civilization in the past and they can just build on that. This explains their rejection of alienating ideologies such as Islam and Christianity.

But they still have a way to go. Per Capita GDP is some $8,500. And Chinese women still fly into California to drop anchor babies. Why?
Member # 20259
 - posted
The thread topic is, is Hollywood racist, not, are Black people business illiterate.
See, this is how Ashkenazi's act. Rather than address/resolve the issue, they deflect.

Dr Yosef Ben Jochannan VS Rabbi Arthur Seltzer

Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannan: The Origin Of The Jews ADL
Member # 5777
 - posted
Well, if they are racist then common sense would advise to avoid them. Simple. Even herbivores on the African savanna know that they must avoid lions.
Member # 20259
 - posted
Louis Farrakhan calls Jews (Ashkenazis) the “worst enemy” of African Americans

Muammar Qaddafi transferred 5 million dollars over to the Nation of Islam and Minister Farrakhan in which he had difficulty getting a black bank to receive this lofty deposit of 5 million from the Libyan Government; some of the United States black banks did not desire to be associated with Farrakhan (the alleged anti-Semite) and Qaddafi (allege strongman and dictator stigma) because of the false anti-Semitism charges that were waged by a sector of Zionist Jews against the Nation of Islam and Minister Louis Farrakhan, it frighten many of the so-called black intelligencer away from helping the Nation of Islam leader. It was a conglomerate of negative propaganda and disinformation that had influenced how they were going to treat the Nation of Islam leader and this money from Qaddafi being transferred to Nation of Islam. Although, the United States Treasury Department Office of Foreign Assets Control had approved of the international aid coming to the Nation of Islam from the Libyan Government (the U.S. Government initially wanted Minister Farrakhan to register as a foreign agent for Libya)—these 'Negroes' were running scared.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Minister Malcolm X, also were accused of being anti-Semitic and Minister Farrakhan during the early 1980s had this volatile and contentious relationship with American Jews (let me again make a distinguish Zionist Jews)—which manifested itself during Reverend Jesse Jackson's 1984 bid to become president of the United States of America (the Zionist had labeled the good Reverend as an anti-Semite because of his "Hymietown" slur). These Negroes were so afraid that even George Johnson and Johnson's Product Company who had agreed to manufacture Farrakhan's cosmetic and body line products backed out of the agreement and reneged when it was made public who Farrakhan's financier was in which many in the black community believed that it was Zionist influences and pressure who covertly put the squeezed on Mr. Johnson to rescind his agreement with the Nation of Islam, which to manufacture the POWER Products and even the black banks did not want the Libyan Government gift in their banks because of being fearful of Zionist reprisals (this was a despicable and sad moment in the history of Black/Jewish relationship). These ‘Negroes’ were continually running for cover and eventually the POWER movement and/or the Clean-N- Fresh products line was derailed and the full economic potential would never be known.


Allow me to elaborate that the Zionist Jews of Chicago and New York, who control a major part of product distribution in the US verbally threatened George Johnson that if he provided support to Farrakhan and the Nation Of Islam, they would disrupt the distribution of Johnson Products in America. Under this threat George Johnson terminated his agreement with the Nation of Islam to manufacture and distribute their POWER line of products.

Likewise, the black owned bank in which Farrakhan had deposited the $5M dollars of seed money was also threatened by these same Zionist Jews to the point where the banks CEO personally meet with Farrkhan and handed him back the $5M check plus interests stating that his bank couldn't do business with the Nation Of Islam due to the pressure exerted from the Zionists.
Member # 21929
 - posted
This thread is coming close to being closed with the Ashkenazi rhetoric. Please keep it clean and on topic guys. The oft racist nature of Hollywood has a lot material for discussion; just don't turn this into a massive Jew conspiracy.
Member # 20259
 - posted
Check out this video by Louis Farrakhan which reveals exactly what America is and where it is headed.

Louis Farrakhan Exposes Rothschild Bankers (1995)
Member # 22317
 - posted
Mindovermatter your post has been deleted. You have violated Rule #2.
You may not refer to black people as "Negroids" or in this case Chinese people as "Mongolids".
Those terms can be used only in discussing skulls and physical morphology in anthopological contexts.
I am not going to further explain this. You may re-post the commentary on the Chinese culture but not the derogatory remarks. Thank you

the lioness

[ 03. June 2017, 05:25 PM: Message edited by: the lioness, ]
Member # 5777
 - posted
And those are some very stupid points you made.
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted

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