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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 4547
 - posted
Bosnian archaeologist uncovers evidence of ancient pyramids
Last Updated Fri, 14 Apr 2006 10:13:35 EDT
CBC News

Scientists in the Bosnian city of Visoko have begun excavating a site that is believed to hold Europe's first known pyramids.

The pyramids have not been uncovered yet, but satellite images of the area show three pyramid-shaped hills about 650 metres high.

They have been named the Pyramids of the Sun, the Moon and the Dragon and are believed to be 2,000 years old.

Early excavations show what appears to be a network of tunnels several kilometres long that connect the pyramids.

Several Bosnian archaeologists and local miners descended into one of the tunnels early Friday morning hoping it would lead them to the gates of the pyramid site.

"We are going to prove that man made objects of stone blocks, and stone plates were used in building the pyramid," said archaeologist Semir Osmanagic.

Osmanagic, a 45-year-old Bosnian who now lives in Houston, discovered the site last year after spending 15 years studying pyramids in Latin America.

He saw some odd-shaped hills in his Bosnia homeland that resembled the hills that had covered pyramids in Latin America.

He started to dig and soon uncovered a paved entrance plateau, underground tunnels and stone blocks.

No pyramids are known to exist in Europe, and there is no evidence any ancient civilization there ever attempted to build one.
Member # 6698
 - posted
Are you sure these are pyramids or just mounds??..

It's been known that steppe nomads built large tumuli mounds in which they buried the dead bodies of their elite.

And if these were pyramids I doubt they were probably as great or as sophisticated as the Mayans or even the Egyptians but more like the ones built by the Nuer people of Sudan..

Member # 4547
 - posted
Originally posted by Djehuti:
Are you sure these are pyramids or just mounds??..

It's been known that steppe nomads built large tumuli mounds in which they buried the dead bodies of their elite.

And if these were pyramids I doubt they were probably as great or as sophisticated as the Mayans or even the Egyptians but more like the ones built by the Nuer people of Sudan..


That is what I was thinking... and secondly, I forgot to place the link up to where I found this article so I will search for it today...

I wasn't trying to plag...

Member # 8912
 - posted
Osmanagic, an amateur archaeologist, is an interesting fella. He originally dated the pyramids to 12,000 years ago. This is a Google cache of an interview with him. He says this:
The following year, 2007, will be marked by the astonishment of the world public how such colossal monuments could have been made before the end of the last Ice age.
Here is a link to his writings on the Maya.

He apparently is a believer in Lemuria and Atlantis, which he has every right to be, but makes me a wee bit more skeptical of his findings.

This is a link to the AP article on the pyramids.
Member # 1797
 - posted
Finding a pyramid anywhere does not prove anything unless you are real deep into diffusion. Many cultures built with pyramids because of the easy geographic shape and dimension of it. You can also find pyramids in places as far away as Uzbekistan. Archaeologist supposedly found small pyramids in Greece.
Member # 6698
 - posted
But the largest and most sophisticated ones from least to greatest are the pyramid temples of Angkor Cambodia, the Mayan pyramid temples of Mexico, and the of course the largest and greatest ones of all the Great Pyramids of Egypt.

Here is a link to the Angkor pyramids: http://www.crystallotus.com/AngkorVat/06.htm
Member # 10772
 - posted
Originally posted by ausar:
Finding a pyramid anywhere does not prove anything unless you are real deep into diffusion. Many cultures built with pyramids because of the easy geographic shape and dimension of it. You can also find pyramids in places as far away as Uzbekistan. Archaeologist supposedly found small pyramids in Greece.

Yes. There are several here in the United States:
Take a look at these
Member # 6698
 - posted
^^such mounds are vestiges of what apparently were the beginnings of civilization in that part of North America, however many scholars believe it was quickly wiped out due to overuse of resources and envirionmental problems caused by the Natives! Maybe this is the reason why Native Americans in those parts today are so conscious about the environment?
Member # 9820
 - posted

Well we would expect this response to come sooner or later:

Bosnian Pyramids: Great Discovery or Colossal Hoax? Heather Whipps
Special to LiveScience
Thu May 4, 5:00 PM ET

It's either one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of our time, or man has made a giant pyramid out of a molehill.


In the wake of recent news that evidence of colossal pyramids had been found in the small Bosnian town of Visoko, many in the archaeological community are speaking out and dismissing both the discovery and the man who made it, businessman Semir Osmanagic.

Some critics have gone as far as to call the pyramid an absurd publicity stunt.

But Osmanagic stands by his claim.

"They are jealous," Osmanagic told LiveScience in a telephone interview. "These people are going crazy because they've been teaching students that these [Bosnians] were cavemen, and all of a sudden they are finding complex structures here."

Something is there

Osmanagic first noticed the irregularly shaped hills on a trip to the town, located 18 miles north of Sarajevo, in April of 2005. Preliminary digging uncovered mysterious slabs in a stone not native to the immediate area. Further excavation of the hills in April of this year, along with the incredible announcement that one would be much larger than the great pyramid of Cheops at Giza, Egypt, prompted the most recent news release.

Satellite images, thermal analysis and radar studies have been performed at the site, all independently confirming the existence of pyramid-shaped architecture, according to Osmanagic. More importantly, he said, the tests suggest that the layout could not have been man-made.

Photos released by the media and made available on Osmanagic's website show a series of stone plates buried just beneath the top layer of soil and vegetation. Despite the tests and pictures, some archaeologists aren't convinced by his claims.

"Clearly there are voids or something similar in the rock, but that is a long way from saying these are man-made," said Anthony Harding, president of the European Association of Archaeologists.

The pyramids could be upwards of 12,000 years old, Osmanagic has deduced, based on geological knowledge of the area. That is a main point of contention for specialists concerned with the archaeology in the Balkan region.

"Europe was in the late Upper Paleolithic at this point and no one was building anything except flimsy huts," Harding said.

Workers at Visoko are spending this dig season sending twelve probing wells into different spots on the hill. Radiocarbon dating on organic material taken from the site may be performed as early as this fall, Osmanagic said.

No formal training

Whatever the outcome of the tests, critics also charge that the media did not do enough research into the background of Osmanagic, who has no formal archaeological training.

"A self-described archaeologist, who believes the Maya and others are descended from Atlanteans ... has been accepted as a legitimate researcher by many news outlets," writes Archaeology magazine online editor Mark Rose, in reference to Osmanagic's somewhat unorthodox interpretation of the Mayan culture found in his book, "The World of the Maya" (Gorgias Press, Euphrates imprint, 2005). The Bosnian spent fifteen years studying pyramids throughout the world and much of that time was in Mexico and Central America.

Many of those conducting the fieldwork at Visoko are local volunteers, not professionals. Experts worry that the often arduous scientific process is being eschewed in favor of some quick publicity for the country of Bosnia-Herzegovina, which has been hungry for good press after years of civil conflict dogged it in the 1990s.

"It adds insult to injury when rich outsiders can come in and spend large sums pursuing their absurd theories (the construction of a colossal pyramid so large that it dwarfs even those of Egypt or Mesoamerica? 12,000 years ago?), in ways that most other countries would never countenance," Harding wrote in an April 25 letter to the editor of The London Times.

Work is slated to continue at Visoko through at least 2010, by which time Osmanagic believes the research will have vindicated his theories. Meanwhile, he isn't worried that what he's found does not mesh with current thinking.

"We laugh at the people who said that the world was flat, and they laughed at Galileo," he said. "The history books will just have to be rewritten from scratch, that's all."


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