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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Trollkillah # Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
I bumped into this particular source, tell me what you think.

The big lie of genetics exposed: human DNA incapable of storing complete blueprint of the human form by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) The curse of being a critical thinker is that you can't turn it off, I've discovered. So you become a critical thinker about everything you've been told or taught, and as it turns out, most of what we've all been taught about genetics is a lie.

But don't take my word for it. Join me as we take an honest, critical look at genetics using the same kind of skepticism scientists demand we invoke when looking at medicinal herbs or acupuncture.

Genetics is an attempt by materialistic scientists to offer a purely materialist view of inheritance and development of not just physical bodies but non-physical inherited attributes such as instinctive behaviors and cellular function.

According to the theory of genetics, physical gene sequences contained in chromosomes found in each cell in your body are a "blueprint" for all your body's physical structures, biochemical functions and inherited behavioral patterns. This blueprint, the theory goes, contains ALL the instructions needed to create a complete human form with all its physical structures, physiological functions and inherited behaviors fully represented and complete.

Because of the enormous complexity of the human body, organ function, cell structures and instinctive behaviors, it was once believed that humans must possess somewhere around 2 million protein-coding genes. The Human Genome Project was launched in 1990 with the widespread belief that when it was finished, it would "unlock" all the mysteries of the origins of disease in humans. It was also believed that when the human genome fully mapped, scientists would be able to create humans in any form they wanted, including humans with extra arms or legs, humans free of all disease, humans with "enhanced" physical powers, and so on.

At the start of the Human Genome Project, everybody "knew" that humans were far more complex than, say, a roundworm, which only has about 20,000 protein-coding genes. This is why estimates of the number of genes in a human ranged from 100,000 to 2 million. Scientists were absolutely sure that humans were far more complex than a tiny roundworm, and therefore humans needed far more genes.

The Human Genome Project suffers an "epic fail"
The first draft of the Human Genome Project was published in the year 2,000. Far from being a breakthrough that would end all human disease, its findings utterly shattered the mythology of genetics as the sole explanation for all inheritance and physical development. Why? Because the Human Genome Project found that humans have only about 20,000 protein-coding genes, roughly the same number as the roundworm.

Huh? A human being has about the same number of protein-coding genes as a roundworm? Yes. And that's straight out of the mouths of human genome researchers who are, themselves, hard-core materialists.

By comparison, the common fruit fly has about 15,000 genes, only marginally less than a human. And yet it is obvious to any intelligent observer than a human being is considerably more complex than a fruit fly and a roundworm. So why didn't the Human Genome Project find a lot more genes that code proteins in humans?

Genetic inheritance theory shattered
The findings of the multi-billion-dollar Human Genome Project shattered the mythology of genetic materialism, sending nearly the entire scientific community into a tailspin and forcing "the great genetic cover-up" to begin.

Human genes simply needed "more research" to be understood, scientists exclaimed. And since the year 2000, that research has continued to no avail. The cover-up continues...

The truth is that there isn't enough data storage in 20,000 genes to hold a blueprint for a human being.

Human DNA data storage capacity
Allow me to explain this from a computer science point of view, as many of you know I founded a very successful computer software company and was the head of R&D for many computer science projects, including the popular new SCIENCE.naturalnews.com which uses advanced statistical algorithms to analyze scientific concepts across millions of published studies.

The human genome contains about 3 billion "base pairs" of genes. Each base pair can exist in one of four possible combinations of the four bases that make up DNA: Adenine (A), Thymine (T), Cytosine (C), and Guanine (G).

From a digital storage point of view -- as DNA is "digital" in its format -- a base pair is equivalent to two bits of binary data, which can represent four possible states as follows:


In computer storage vernacular, a "byte" is eight bits of data, such as:


Four DNA base pairs, then, makes one byte of data.

Given that there are roughly 3 billion base pairs in the human genome, this equates to roughly about 750MB of data storage capacity.

It turns out this number is shockingly small. 750MB is smaller than the file of a typical modern video game. It's smaller than a movie on a DVD, in fact. It's so small that a typical miniature thumb drive you might buy at Best Buy can actually store over 20 times as much data (that's merely a 16 GB thumb drive). You can buy a 16GB SD card right now on Amazon.com for a mere $12.

750MB of data is so small that no one can explain how it could possibly account for a human body with extraordinary complexity while somehow encompassing physical, structural, functional and behavioral inheritance as well.

To get a grasp of the complexity of the human body, realize that your body is made of 60 - 90 trillion cells. Each cell is its own ecosystem with highly complex functions including cell energy production, waste removal, cell membrane function, the nucleus command control center, and so on.

Your body manufactures 10 million red blood cells every hour. It has a capacity to heal damaged tissues almost everywhere. Your skin and intestines are being slowly replaced with new cells every minute. Your immune system is incredibly complex and highly capable, representing the most advanced system of nanotechnology that modern science has ever witnessed.

On top of all this, you are born with innate behaviors and the ability to develop, all on your own, the behavioral skills to walk, talk, focus your eyes, digest foods, eliminate waste, sweat, breathe and much more. Meanwhile, your body accomplishes billions of chemical reactions every second without you even knowing it. Somehow, every cell, organ and organ system in your body knows what to do to keep you alive and functioning.

Your body and its functions are unimaginably complex. Simply cataloging the structure and function of all the cells in your body right now would take countless terabytes of data -- more than a million times larger than "megabytes" of data.

Yet the entire human genome delivers only 750MB worth of data storage. Obviously, this is wholly insufficient to describe the entire structure, function and development of a human being. No matter how the desperate materialists try to keep us focused on human genes, it flat-out isn't possible to store a full blueprint of the human form in 750MB of data.

The human genome, therefore, is not the entire blueprint of human development. Although some genes do obviously code for some physical characteristics (such as eye color), genes alone do not contain the full blueprint. There must be something else that also contributes morphological information in addition to DNA.

The Human Genome Project, to the shock of nearly all materialists, ultimately proved exactly the opposite of what scientists had hoped. It proved that genes alone do not explain inheritance.

The materialists were horrified by this finding. To this very day, they are pouring over human genome data, desperately trying to find some "meta data" that would explain all inheritance. What they refuse to acknowledge is that there is a non-physical field of inheritance patterns that functions as an overlay to the human genome, interacting with it and enhancing its scope with non-physical encoding of additional information needed to develop a complete human form.

That field is called the "morphic resonance" field, and it was proposed by one of the most brilliant, revolutionary scientific thinkers of our time, Rupert Sheldrake, a biologist and author of "Science Set Free."

Morphic resonance fields infuriate materialists
The idea of morphic resonance infuriates materialists -- and nearly all modern-day scientists are materialists -- because the presence of a non-physical field of information naturally leads to the most dangerous idea of all to materialist science: the idea of consciousness.

This idea that your body as a whole, as well as each cell in your body, can tap into a field of information which encodes the "memory" of what a human form is supposed to be threatens the very pillars of materialistic science, upon which nearly the entire pharmaceutical industry is based, by the way. This is why materialist scientists are desperately attempting to defend the human genome as the single source of all the information needed to develop a human body, even though the human genome clearly doesn't have the storage capacity to represent an entire body (not to mention inherited physiological functions and behavioral inheritance).

The best place to read and learn about morphic resonance is at Rupert Sheldrake's website:

I also recommend his amazingly insightful book, A New Science of Life.

Keep in mind that if you read about Rupert Sheldrake from any materialistic science website -- including Scientific American which is 100% pro-Monsanto, pro-GMO and anti GMO labeling, by the way -- you are going to read vicious attacks against Sheldrake from desperate materialists who brand morphic resonance as "magical thinking."

This is especially comic, given that these same materialists believe the entire universe in which we live spontaneously appeared from nowhere without cause or reason through a process they call the "Big Bang." Somehow, the big bang isn't magical thinking to the materialists, but the idea of a non-physical field of inheritance is magical thinking. It's almost like these people have never heard of gravity: yet another invisible field that affects all living things.

How does your hand know it's a hand?
Another key problem with the theory of genetic inheritance is that even though all the cells across your body are supposed to contain the same exact genetic code, somehow the cells in your hand knew they were supposed to grow into a hand, not a foot or an ear, for example.

Conventional genetics has no explanation for this. How does a cell "know" it's supposed to be a specialized cell functioning as a tiny part of the whole? If every blood cell in your body contains the DNA for your entire body, how does it "know" to form itself into a blood cells and not, for example, a skin cell?

Rupert Sheldrake's morphic resonance explanation provides an answer. The cell taps into a knowledge field -- a non-physical pattern blueprint -- and through influence with that field, the cell knows to activate only the genes that code for it to form a blood cell. The local physical genes accomplish the protein coding, but the morphic resonance field directs the pattern of which genes to activate. This is how morphic fields interact with DNA.

The human genome, in other words, works hand in hand with a non-physical information field that keeps physical form development organized so that the resulting form is a human. The morphic resonance field "knows" the pattern of being human because it is a pattern that has been reinforced by billions of other humans who came before you and contributed to the resonance of the field.

This explains the missing link in DNA -- the fact that DNA alone cannot store the entire blueprint of the human form. The master blueprint is actually found in the non-physical morphic field. Local DNA are simply "protein builders" that follow the morphic resonance blueprint.

Just like there is an energetic pattern for a human being, there's also a different energetic template for an oak tree, and it overlays the genes from an oak tree seed, directing it to form a fully-grown oak tree. For every cell, every organ, every organ system and every life form on our planet (and across the universe), there is a morphic resonance field that provides the template overlay which affects local gene activation.

Learn more about morphic resonance
This article, of course, is only a short summary of the concept of morphic resonance. To learn more, I encourage you to read books by Rupert Sheldrake, and visit the Sheldrake.org website.

Keep in mind that Sheldrake's theories absolute infuriate materialist scientists. The journal Nature actually suggested that Sheldrake should be burned at the stake... like a witch, I suppose. TED talks essentially banned Sheldrake from speaking because he dared mention the idea of "consciousness."

Everywhere across the fatally closed-minded community of materialist science, Sheldrake is considered to be worse than a demon... he is a non-believer in the Church of Materialism! And there is no greater sin to today's cult-like science community than non-belief in materialism.

This is why Sheldrake's ideas will be viciously attacked, demonized and denied... up until the day they are finally embraced and accepted as the "new science of life." In a hundred years, Sheldrake will likely be remembered as far more important to science than even Charles Darwin. His ideas are not merely revolutionary, but desperately needed to advance science beyond the limiting realm of materialism. If science does not expand its scope beyond chemical structures, it will never understand life and will always remain mystified and frustrated about why genes still don't control much in the way of inheritance.

Watch for more coverage of Rupert Sheldrake here on Natural News, where our ideas are rooted in science yet not limited by the artificial confines of materialism. We also hope to interview Sheldrake soon and bring you the interview that TED won't allow you to hear.

Questions for faith believers in materialist genetics
1. Where is the gene for creativity? If creative works (songs, poems, fiction novels, etc.) are merely the work of mechanistic brains following genetic instructions, then all the lifelong works of creative individuals (musicians, artists, novelists, etc.) must somehow be encoded in the DNA before birth. Where is all this creativity encoded?

2. How does a blood cell know to make itself into a blood cell and not a skin cell?

3. Why is most physical inheritance unable to be traced to DNA? (The "heritability problem.")

4. If there is not enough storage capacity in the human genome to fully describe the human form, then where does the rest of the blueprint come from?

5. Where is the genetic code for love, compassion and cooperation, without which human civilization never would have survived?

6. If human consciousness is an illusion, as materialists claim, then it can have no impact on human behavior, which is purely mechanistic, they insist. So then why did the "illusion of consciousness" evolve in human beings if it serves no purpose? This contradicts one of the more fundamental tenants of natural selection.

7. Are you, yourself, purely a mechanistic biological robot suffering under the illusion of consciousness? And if so, then why should we listen to anything you have to say in the first place?

Child Of The KING
Member # 9422
 - posted
Ill give you something even more IMPORTANT and DAMNING to material science TP.

THATS The Creator of Heaven and Earth Yahweh.

To think scientists grapple daily with this idea, that life just "happened" and sprung up.

Yet common sense, will SHOW YOU that that's a bowl of baloney.

Really life just happened??? We just "appeared" out of nowhere??? Universe just exploded on the scene without a perfect designer???? What a bunch of brain numbing bull-ish.

Look around you. The earth is PERFECTLY Placed close enough away from the sun to not burn up and get the different weather patterns we have on this earth. If the earth even shifted 1 inch, that would have monumental affect on this earth and life as we know it.

scientist, try as they may to play god, are and will never be the creator Yahweh who Praise his name has given life on this earth and shown us that we will NEVER unlock the secrets of his Creations and how complex it all is. These scientists have tried for years to explain life, how it began, whats our purpose etc. Yet ignore the very conscious that speaks to every living human on this earth...The Great Creator that has shown us that we are more then vessels, but have a living spirit in us and this flesh we have holds that spirit, until we die.

It boggles the mind, to see people run away from the very Blessed Being that gave us life and to understand a better purpose through his son Jesus Christ...Yet still even with all they have found, or rather have not found, they still brainwashingly deny the undeniable. That we are Created beings and we are to worship and praise the great designer who has given us life.

Scinetists say that the complexity of a single cell organism, is so complex that not even a computer can contain all the information. Yet still they trust in man instead of The Eternal Father. I AM has shown us the light, but people loved darkness more then the light because there deeds were evil. The Creator of Heaven and Earth is Reality, and his patience means we have been given chance after chance to come to him and change our ways, yet man denys and leads other men in that ditch(blind leading the Blind).

Abundant life begins with Acknowledging HIM and then we can see people learn to truly fill the void in their hearts. Like really man, People get high, have sex with multiple partners etc because they are empty inside we are all searching. Searching to fill the emptiness. Some try with Getting High, Partying, Sex yet the high is temporary and does not last you return to the hole in the center of your being. If you know the Creator, you are filled with happiness, that no sex or drug can fill and ITS ETERNAL.

Jesus came to save the lost and make sinners come to repentance. And espound to his diciples the way to become closer to God and to find salvation trough no other....Yet people will deny this to do there favorite lust and to fall into the power of darkness and all its sickness.

It's sad that most people will continue living life in a haze and not think their is more to life then just what we see. Respect the Unseen and open yourself to the one who wants to make you his children.

There is a Greater Power and he warns us of this world and the evil therein.
Child Of The KING
Member # 9422
 - posted
This Article belongs on this Thread for all those searching:

Printable View

Since mankind is unable to understand the Bible (1 Cor. 2:14) and is separated from God through the power of sin and the spirit of this world, there has been much speculation and misconception about the origin of man as part of God's Creation.

We have explained much of the mysteries and the early days of Adam & Eve and where and when they lived, in the article 'Who is God and who is Satan?' posted on this website.

It is well known that Adam & Eve lived approximately 4,000 BC in the area presently called Baghdad and Adam lived to be 930 years of age.

Most people still believe today that Adam & Eve were the first man and woman that God created, which has proven to be impossible, as mankind in its present form has existed for millions of years.

Adam was the first Son of God as explained in the article 'The Mystery of God Revealed' listed on this website, but Adam and Eve were not the first man and woman as claimed by so many.

The purpose of this article is to show mankind what took place before the days of Adam & Eve, and how God's Creation has developed (evolved) for billions of years.

We are not speaking about evolution as a form of creation, but as a form of development, growth and advancement. This article will also serve as another piece to the puzzle of the Mystery of God (Mark 4:11; 1 Cor. 4:1; 4:1; Eph. 1:9; 3:3; 6:19; 1 Tim. 3:16).

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth (Genesis 1:1). Without giving any recognition of God's infinite power, mankind started to gain information about two hundred years ago, how this world was created through a theory of natural selection as presented by Charles Darwin.

Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882) was an English naturalist who realized and presented compelling evidence that all species of life have evolved over time from common ancestors, through the process he called natural selection.

The fact that evolution occurs, became accepted by the scientific community and much of the general public in his lifetime, while his theory of natural selection came to be widely seen as the primary explanation of the process of evolution in the 1930s, and now forms the basis of modern evolutionary theory.

In modified form, Darwin's scientific discovery is the unifying theory of the life sciences, providing logical explanation for the diversity of life.

Darwin's theory was met with derision by the religious communities, especially the Roman Church. They had placed the Bible in the index of forbidden books by the Council of Toledo in 1229 AD and were totally void of any wisdom and knowledge of God as orchestrated by and while under the powers and principalities of this world (Eph. 6:12).

The primary objective of the Vatican in those days, was to convince every man, woman and child that Adam and Eve were the first man and woman.

Due to mounting pressures by undisputed scientific evidence, even the Vatican has now changed its stand about the Theory of Evolution advanced by Charles Darwin. Archbishop Gianfranco Ravasi, head of the Pontifical Council for Culture, said Darwin's theory, which the Church was against, is compatible with Christianity.

The acknowledgment of Darwin's theory, coincides with the holding of a papal-backed conference at the Pontifical Gregorian University to observe the 150th anniversary of Darwin's 'On the Origin of Species'.

Now Darwin's Theory of Evolution has still been in crisis, in light of the tremendous advances science has made in molecular biology, biochemistry and genetics over the past fifty years.

While Darwin's evidence brought his Theory of Evolution back to only a certain timeframe of God's Creation, it is only recently that mankind has been able to unlock the mystery of molecular mechanism.

A biochemistry professor and a student at the University of Montreal have proposed a new theory how life on earth may have started and found the answer in the ribosome, a relatively large mechanism within the cell that takes RNA (Ribonucleic Acid) instruction and builds proteins.

Scientists have long wondered how chemicals spontaneously came together to create proteins before life began itself.

According to the professor, life got started approximately four billion years ago and his theory fills in a critical step in understanding how God's Creation developed and advanced.

The following statement by the professor is critical in being able to understand God's Creation:

"In the absence of such explanations, some people could imagine unseen forces at work when such complex structures emerge in nature."

The unseen forces (1 Peter 1:8; 1 John 4:20) refer to God who is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:24) in order to be able to come to the acknowledging of the truth and of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ (Col. 2:2).

The above is what the believers refer to as Creation while many refer to it as evolution as they do not understand and accept God as the creator of all things. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end and the first and the end of all things (Isaiah 40:28; 41:4: 44:6; 48:12; Revelation 1:8,11,17; 21:6; 22:13).

Now the spirit of this world (Satan) knows that his kingdom will not stand and that it eventually will come to an end (Matthew 12:25,26).

He also knows that Christ some day will return to set up God's everlasting Kingdom. Satan's desire has always been to be equal with God (Isaiah 14:13), and his attempt to know through science (biology, biochemistry and genetics) how life was formed, has been a futile attempt to be equal with God, by trying to disapprove that God created the heaven and the earth (Genesis 1:1).

In the last decade, the spirit of this world (Satan) has even tried to copy the creation of life by means of what mankind has called 'cloning', which is the production of a genetic twin of another organism. But this will prove to be a futile exercise as well.

Cloning is man's work and man trying to be god. It is similar to Genetic Engineering or the modifying of biological organisms or genes outside the natural realm of a body, plant or tree.

Personalized Regenerative Medicine (generating stem cells) falls into the same category. It is all an abomination in God's eyes.

The history of mankind and how life was formed and advanced, prior to the days of Adam and Eve (4,000 – 3,070 BC) is irrelevant, as mankind without union with God, was not a living soul (Genesis 2:5).

All of the other mysteries concerning God's separation from Adam and Eve and how mankind came to live under the power of sin and the spirit of this world, we have explained in the book 'A World Deceived' and the pages and articles listed on this website.

Much has happened in the last six thousand years and the days Adam & Eve were called and formed by God (Genesis 2:7) to teach mankind about the wisdom and knowledge of God. However, Adam and Eve failed in their mission and as a result, God separated Himself from them and their offspring (Genesis 6:7).

In order to keep God's word alive and to keep the way of the tree of life (Genesis 3:24), God sent others, but mankind has always refused to listen to the prophets, Christ (God in the flesh) whom they crucified, the disciples and all those that followed thereafter as mankind continues to prefer darkness over light (John 3:9).

It is our hope that through our testimony you will come to understand Christ's message of repentance and while you may be searching, please remember that there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repents (Luke 15:10).

And our rejoicing is this, the testimony of our conscience, that is simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom, but by the grace of God, we have had our conversation in the world, and more abundantly to you-ward (2 Cor. 1:12).

We encourage you to direct any questions to us, and have provided you with a contact page for this purpose.

Member # 13597
 - posted
My comments: also being a critical thinker. Genetics is being used to identify and cure deseases. It is also being used to enhance physical attributes.

BTW. What is “advanced statistical algorithms to analyze scientific concepts across millions of published studies”? It sounds like a BS title to me.

We need more time.

Nevertheless. Being not religious has its doubts(which I am one). But on the other hand. I agree with King, there is no doubt we are related to the other prinates, but on the flip side, what are the chances/probability of humans becoming this advance. In terms of intellectually and physically. Eg walking upright, the thumb. It seems almost an impossibility. It seems like the stars, moon, sun and earth aligned for us humans. Makes one wonder. And we are about to conquer the universe. It is highly improbably the way things turned out. It started with these African Neolithics. Who would of thought it.


The curse of being a critical thinker is that you can't turn it off.

Quote :
It was also believed that when the human genome fully mapped, scientists would be able to create humans in any form they wanted, including humans with extra arms or legs, humans free of all disease, humans with "enhanced" physical powers, and so on

Human genes simply needed "more research" to be understood, scientists exclaimed.

as many of you know I founded a very successful computer software company and was the head of R&D for many computer science projects, including the popular new SCIENCE.naturalnews.com which uses advanced statistical algorithms to analyze scientific concepts across millions of published studies.
Clyde Winters
Member # 10129
 - posted
I embraced the idea of morphic resonance years ago because it was the only way you could explain why ideas spread without formal teaching of the idea.

This is what led me to the idea that populations share a genetic memory which includes bits of knowledge that population has acquired overtime and make up part of the memories each individual carries.

Evolution as taught by Europeans remains a theory, because we can not find the missing link that connects each hominin form when it transitioned from say austrolipethicus, to homo habilis= homo erectus and etc. My theory of the Cosmic Black gene explains this transition as an interplay between melanin,and "jumping genes of DNA". It explains why we have races and why origin traditions for these population often talk about a mountain homeland for specific race/population. See:


Member # 13597
 - posted
The only issue I have with your statement is, “the missing link”. This is a strawman put up by the religious groups. There isn’t “a missing link”. The anthrolopogical data shows many missing links being observed leading up to anatomically modern humans. eg Neanderthal is one of those links.

Irregardless – my position have softened over the years. Modern science cannot explain everything. I doto some extent now appreciate “traditional” and holistic medicine. Not to say I will be going to a witch-doctor in the near future LOL! But I see now modern Drs have lost focus, greed being the number one problem. Curently they have limitations., greed has overtaken them, prescribing an unnecessary and unneeded quantity and variety of medication.

The same goes for the canned and even uncanned foods sold in the stores. Many are genetically engineered,(one benfit of the Genome project) without unknown consequences, with those canned coated with chemicals that are not regulated.

Not being a “earthy” person but I understand that type who eat “natural’’ foods, are into holistic medicine, medirate and all that stuff. Maybe geneticist will come up with a super pill.
Amun-Ra The Ultimate
Member # 20039
 - posted
Only abrahamic followers see an opposition between religion and science.

The foundation of western science (and culture) was laid down in Ancient Greece which was a "pagan" nation. Ancient Greece, itself influenced by Ancient Egypt, another pagan nation. Modern science reach back to those time to move our knowledge of the universe forward, after the dark ages, based on knowledge from Ancient Greece (mathematics, chemistry, democracy, etc).
Clyde Winters
Member # 10129
 - posted
Originally posted by xyyman:
The only issue I have with your statement is, “the missing link”. This is a strawman put up by the religious groups. There isn’t “a missing link”. The anthrolopogical data shows many missing links being observed leading up to anatomically modern humans. eg Neanderthal is one of those links.

Irregardless – my position have softened over the years. Modern science cannot explain everything. I doto some extent now appreciate “traditional” and holistic medicine. Not to say I will be going to a witch-doctor in the near future LOL! But I see now modern Drs have lost focus, greed being the number one problem. Curently they have limitations., greed has overtaken them, prescribing an unnecessary and unneeded quantity and variety of medication.

The same goes for the canned and even uncanned foods sold in the stores. Many are genetically engineered,(one benfit of the Genome project) without unknown consequences, with those canned coated with chemicals that are not regulated.

Not being a “earthy” person but I understand that type who eat “natural’’ foods, are into holistic medicine, medirate and all that stuff. Maybe geneticist will come up with a super pill.

Neanderthal is not a missing link. It was a fully formed hominid that looked exactly like homo sapien sapien. A missing link would be a creature that shows the transition from one hominid form to another. To date archaeologist have not found such a creature.

Clyde Winters
Member # 10129
 - posted
Originally posted by xyyman:

BTW. What is “advanced statistical algorithms to analyze scientific concepts across millions of published studies”? It sounds like a BS title to me.

The study of a number of published studies is called meta-analysis. This research method is used everyday, it is not BS.

LOL. I am surprised you asked the question:What is “advanced statistical algorithms". This is an interesting question because geneticists do not use statistical significance to measure their results. They simply report their findings and then use statistical algorithms to explain what the data means. This is not science, because they are not testing a hypothesis and judging its statistical significance, they are just reporting results.

Geneticists get away with this because the members of this discipline have agreed on their methods and how to interpret the data. Most medical researchers usually employ people like me, experts in research to make their research meet the requirements necessary to result in findings that can be measured to determine the statistical significance of their research. Geneticists just use descriptive statistics to report their findings.
Member # 13597
 - posted
"advanced statistical algorithms" is self-explanatory.

What I don't get is how it is applied ---"to analyze scientific concepts across millions of published studies"
Clyde Winters
Member # 10129
 - posted
Originally posted by xyyman:
"advanced statistical algorithms" is self-explanatory.

What I don't get is how it is applied ---"to analyze scientific concepts across millions of published studies"

I don't see why you can't understand this concept given the power of computers to analyze data. To analyze a number of studies all you would have to do is to separate the scientific concepts into dependent and independent variables, code the data and run the program. The program will analyze the data and all you have to do is discuss the results. The program will take the data and convert it into charts, graphs and etc.

Trollkillah # Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
Originally posted by xyyman:
My comments: also being a critical thinker. Genetics is being used to identify and cure deseases. It is also being used to enhance physical attributes.

BTW. What is “advanced statistical algorithms to analyze scientific concepts across millions of published studies”? It sounds like a BS title to me.

Sorry for responding this late.

But that would be the Euclidean Distance Genetic Algorithm, for example.
Amun-Ra The Ultimate
Member # 20039
 - posted
Originally posted by Trollkillah # Ish Gebor:
Originally posted by xyyman:
My comments: also being a critical thinker. Genetics is being used to identify and cure deseases. It is also being used to enhance physical attributes.

BTW. What is “advanced statistical algorithms to analyze scientific concepts across millions of published studies”? It sounds like a BS title to me.

Sorry for responding this late.

But that would be the Euclidean Distance Genetic Algorithm, for example.

The Euclidian distance is not an "advanced" "algorithm". It's the simple Euclidian distance formula (aka the Pythagorean formula) to measure the distance between 2 points on a plane everybody learn in high school (generalized to multiple dimensions).

I guess for this wiki can be ok:
Trollkillah # Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
Originally posted by Amun-Ra The Ultimate:
Originally posted by Trollkillah # Ish Gebor:
Originally posted by xyyman:
My comments: also being a critical thinker. Genetics is being used to identify and cure deseases. It is also being used to enhance physical attributes.

BTW. What is “advanced statistical algorithms to analyze scientific concepts across millions of published studies”? It sounds like a BS title to me.

Sorry for responding this late.

But that would be the Euclidean Distance Genetic Algorithm, for example.

The Euclidian distance is not an "advanced" "algorithm". It's the simple Euclidian distance formula (aka the Pythagorean formula) to measure the distance between 2 points on a plane everybody learn in high school (generalized to multiple dimensions).

I guess for this wiki can be ok:

I think this wiki explains it better:


Originally posted by xyyman:
"advanced statistical algorithms" is self-explanatory.

What I don't get is how it is applied ---"to analyze scientific concepts across millions of published studies"

I missed this post, by you.

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