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Author Topic: Israel launches air strikes on Gaza, 155 dead
Member # 15824

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Mo Ning, i have never called you the names you have called me, think about it. We do not agree on mideast politics but that is what a message board is all about.

Meninarmer is a special case. Go back and objectively read his posts. You do not have to be black to be a nigger and meninarmer is a nigger. His ENTIRE stick is personal attacks and literally nothing else.

America is the only hope the world has. Everything decent that exists in the world today was brought by the UK and the United States. Israel shares our western vales and have been as loyal an ally as a nation can or should be.
I would hope you would come around to our point of view but if you do not I would not favor shutting you up.

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Meninarmer is a special case. Go back and objectively read his posts. You do not have to be black to be a nigger and meninarmer is a nigger.

Spoken like a TRUE Texan.
I know you were sorely tempted to write it a third time.

Posts: 3595 | From: Moved To Mars. Waiting with shotgun | Registered: Dec 2006  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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you bet
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^ You mean;
Yes, you know me like the back of your hand.

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You are a terrible person Mo! Why must you call the red neck goyim names!
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Good Morning Redneck Hillbilly [Razz]

had your quadruple bacon burger and moonshine breakfast yet [Big Grin]

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well hitler wasnt that evil looking what israel is doing to civilians in gaza.

i cant believe the world didnt stop israeli mass killing, and they wonder why radical islam on the rise in muslim world.

no wonder my home country somalis which was moderate muslim country is becoming afghanistan,thanks to somalis looking answers from ikhwan muslimoon and wahabi,now ikhawn is just bout to take over the whole country,this is response to the unjustice muslims are facing this world!.
palestinian problem should be fixed as soon as possible before the muslim world become afghanistan.every human has a right to live in peace

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Mo Ning Min E
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Hamza10 raises a point here that is worth worrying about.
This latest atrocity, apparently countenanced by the west and their allies [!] could be a tipping point for many people.
Think we will see repercussions in unexpected places.
Don't we all, in our own way, choose to stand up and be counted, make it clear which side of the fence we're on?
How 'good people' like TAP can even try to justify blatant murder and injustice is simply beyond me.Atleast he does so openly, most just keep their complicity silent.
What a world.
Thank God I am a bad person, the other side of the fence looks ugly.

BTW TAP, no you have never called me a rednck halfwitted dumbass racist etc etc ---- and why would you???

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I predict another 9/11 that will put 2001 in the shade.

I don't think the average American really has a clue how outraged the people are and the lengths they will now go to now for revenge [Frown]

The Twin Towers was only an appetizer to what I fear is to come and I think that there will not be such a global outpouring of support when it does.
Their war on terror has created the biggest terror network now around the world.

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Mo Ning Min E
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Does anyone think that maybe Israel is planning to use this situation to launch a [preplanned] attack on Iran? Netanyahu, Livni et al keep mentioning Iran's implied involvement in Gaza [hoho - if Iran did have any involvement I would guess Gazans wouldn't just be throwing tin cans at Israel]
Dead right HH, I think. This has the potential to get bigger, and fast.I pray not, but if and when, I hope poor Gaza doesn't get lost in the outcry.

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There is something more to this.

Funny how the cease fire was for 6 months.
Israel is at the moment in a political struggle between the parties to see who will win in 2 months.
They knew that if they continued the aid blockade and what they have been doing the last 6 months that Hamas would call off the ceasefire. That was their plan.
Each party now needs votes to win and each now is trying to show how much strength they each have in the hope for votes.
I would think that next they will attack Lebanon. That will force Syria and Iran to act if they keep up the momentum, and that is why they are saying this is not a short term plan.
USA wants Iran destroyed and is using Israel to do it.
USA will then turn around and say that they 'told us so that Iran was dangerous'.
It is all very carefully planned and the stupid Americans are falling for it and will pay the price unfortunately.
The country is collapsing and they are being fooled into thinking that Al Qaeda is the enemy of the USA.
If Palestine was given back there would be no need for Al Qaeda.
It's a plan by the Zionist USA to control the Middle East and it's oil.
There was no other reason for Iraq.

The thing they dont get is this.

To the Middle easterner this is a jihad. A Holy War. They are doing it for their land and for God.
They don't care about this life because as we all have discovered who live outside TEXAS!! that this life to a middle easterner is nothing, so they have nothing to lose.
They think they think like Westerners but they dont.
Do are not afraid to die for their God.

So as much as the USA thinks it will stop these guys, it will only make them more determined.

It's not until you live here, see the news in all it's gory detail ( not controlled by Fox or CNN, or ABC), realise the mindset you get a feel for the situation.

Everything in USA is filtered because the Zionists OWN the media. So they have no clue the real story.
The news in Texas and California is very different to what we are seeing here. The images, the rage.

Only when the American step outside their shores and get passports will they have a clue. They are the perfect captive audience.

These men have no other hope, they have nothing to lose, they will at the drop of a hat fly planes into the American buildings.
Nothing can stop that.


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Originally posted by Hermione Heliotrope.:
I predict another 9/11 that will put 2001 in the shade.

I don't think the average American really has a clue how outraged the people are and the lengths they will now go to now for revenge [Frown]

The Twin Towers was only an appetizer to what I fear is to come and I think that there will not be such a global outpouring of support when it does.
Their war on terror has created the biggest terror network now around the world.

I'm not sure how the average american feels but in my hometown Boston there have been a lot of demonstrations in the past few days. I didn't get a chance to see how many other cities had similar demonstrations but trust me THIS american and her entire american family are totally outraged!

The thing is, what is there to do about it? The government in the US is so closely tied to Israel you will never get a US President willing to back up Palestine. The Arab nations, especially Egypt, is so into getting $$$ from the US they don't dare tick off Israel because they'll get spanked by the US in the form of lower or no $$.

Sickening really. [Mad]

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Our TV's are showing close ups every hour of the 2 dead sisters in the mortuary freezer lying side by side. Graphic close ups.
One other image is a father carrying his dead toddler wrapped in green with her face showing and raising her up above his head pleading with the media to see what they have done.
Her dead lifeless body, flopping around in his arms.
Plenty more babies, toddlers all dead wrapped faces on display being carried through the streets.
It just makes me weep.

Mubarak spoke today.
He is under a huge pressure to open the Rafah and make it an enclave, same in the West Bank. To make that an enclave of Jordan.
As much as I was going crazy about him yesterday in not doing something, after listening to him I understood why.

He said if he opens it and it becomes and enclave, then Israel will move in and take it completely, close Rafah and make it totally Israel.
He has to keep it closed to ensure the Palestinians keep their bodies on the land physically.
Yes the gulf arabs are arseholes. Yes all they care about is petro-dollars.
But there are few real moslems there anyway. [Roll Eyes]

But this is not about religion. Is about basic human rights, the thing BUSH et al drones on about all day every day.
EVERY human though has that right. Not just the Israeli's.

I wish to God I could go over to Gaza right now to work in one of the hospitals. That is how strongly I feel right now. Before this week I would have been scared because of the bombs, but not today.
Something changed in me this week. Something changed in many people.
How can we call ourselves humans and watch this going on.
I would have gladly been on that aid boat that was attacked by the Israeli navy!! a tiny boat for Gods sake bringing syringes and bandages.........God I want to vomit right now [Frown] .................
A doctor from Great Ormond St in London aboard told how they rammed it in INTERNATIONAL waters????? WTF...........

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Mo Ning Min E
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Strange also that Israeli spokespersons keep harping on that Hamas ended the [vountary !!] 6 month ceasefire, when in fact, Hamas offered to renew it on 23/dec.

"Before it falls down the memory hole, we should remember that last week, Hamas offered a ceasefire in return for basic and achievable compromises
According to the Israeli press, Yuval Diskin, the current head of the Israeli security service Shin Bet, "told the Israeli cabinet [on 23 December] that Hamas is interested in continuing the truce, but wants to improve its terms." Diskin explained that Hamas was requesting two things: an end to the blockade, and an Israeli ceasefire on the West Bank. The cabinet – high with election fever and eager to appear tough – rejected these terms.
targeting civilians is always murder. But it is hypocritical for the Israeli government to claim now to speak out for the safety of civilians when it has been terrorising civilians as a matter of state policy.
The American and European governments are responding with a lop-sidedness that ignores these realities. They say that Israel cannot be expected to negotiate while under rocket fire, but they demand that the Palestinians do so under siege in Gaza and violent military occupation in the West Bank."

Where is the logic, the fairness, the bloody humanity in this?

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Masonic Rebel
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The Palestinians need to stop firing rockets into Israel; the Jewish state is here to stay so I really do not see the point of the rocket attacks.

The next time a United States President makes a peace offer (Like Bill Clinton proposed back in 2000) Hamas should accept it.

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The Palestine-Israel situation is merely another instance of Western expansionism begun when Columbus first set sail to the Americas.

In much the same way that Europeans invaded the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, parts of Asia and the whole of Africa, so too other Europeans of Jewish extraction have invaded on the heels of the departing British[who set up the Palestine Mandate as one of their colonial creations] with the intent of doing exactly what the other European settlers did elsewhere: exterminate or marginalise the indigenous inhabitants then set up a new state and cloak it with the trappings of a "modern democracy" while conveniently forgetting the exterminated of marginalised and oppressed indigenes.

Normally, the Palestinians would have gone the way of the Australian Aboriginese or the Maoris of New Zealand but they are
still fighting back.

One might wonder why the governments of the European nations and those founded in the name of Europe all side with Israel and the U.S. The answer is simple: European hubris acts on the assumption that European civilisation is a master civilisation and has the right to appropriate whatever it wants and to dictate to the rest of the world on European terms.

Euro-American civilisation is a civilisation based on the idea of "full spectrum dominance" in terms of economic, political and military matters. The United Nations, the IMF, World Bank, WTO, the huge military arsenal of Europe and the U.S., etc., are seen by the governments of Euro-America as the necessary instruments of dominance and a safe-guarding of the Euro-American way of life.

In the Euro-American mind Israel is justified in whatever it does because Israel is seen as a superior European outpost in West Asia and must be protected. Any attempts by the colonised Palestinians to fight back is naturally seen as a "terrorism" that seeks to upset the natural order of things--i.e. European dominance.

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Mo Ning Min E
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The Palestinians need to stop firing rockets into Israel; the Jewish state is here to stay so I really do not see the point of the rocket attacks

Ergo: If rape is inevitable, lie back and think of England.
Aka, Stop struggling bitch, or you will get hurt more.

Hey, that's a novel idea!
After all if you have watched your family starving for months, your kids are nervous wrecks, your father died because his medicine couldn't cross the blockade, and your nephew got killed by a sidewinder in a mistaken 'targetted killing' during the ceasefire YOU initiated, you couldn't possibly object to those guys living on the land they stole from you, could you?

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Mo Ning Min E
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"If somebody was sending rockets into my house where my two daughters sleep at night, I'm going to do everything in my power to stop that," said Mr Obama during the visit. "And I would expect Israelis to do the same thing."

A matter of perception - 'We' and the 'Other'.

I am beginnig to understand that the reason so many Americans support Israel's actions against the Palestinians is their tendency to judge everyone by themselves.We all do it to some extent.
Israelis are Jews. Jews are ok, Steven Speilberg [Great director, smart guy] Manny, the nice guy down at the deli in downtown Boston [another great guy,tells brilliant jokes]... All the intelligent writers, musicians, newsmen, actors [Hell, Dustin Hoffman wouldn't harm a fly would he?] and on and on ...

Palestinians on the other hand are quite clearly 'Ay-rabs'. The Other. THEY don't care about their children,some of those kids don't have shoes! They don't know any good jokes. THEY hate 'US'. we see them on TV, they yell 'Allahu Akhbar', they have fat wives who slap their faces and wail in unintelligble language.

Time Americans woke up to the fact that many Israelis are pretty different from the standard Jewish citizen of Western countries, most are not the talented, hard working, civilised,fun loving intelligentia happily living amongst us.A huge proportion of these guys are of Soviet roots, most settlers are hairy assed fundamentalists who don't even like nonpractising Jews, and despise non-Jews.
No famous Israeli movie stars, directors, writers, composers, etc are hitting the headlines are they?

Obama seems like a nice guy doesn't he?
We all wanted him to win didn"t we?

Read his words again. Was he suggesting that the Palestinian father of the 5 young girls killed together in their beds by Iraeli {sorry, AMERICAN} Sidewinder missiles, should bomb Israeli cities?, 'go after the ringleaders? Target their leaders? Attack their allies, those who support and supply arms,'{Presumably Bush/Obama/ and the Americans who pay for this slaughter?}

NO. Obama spoke from the heart, he can relate to the suffering of 'Nice Jewish folks', thinking of Palestinians as real human beings was a step too far.

Think about it. Think about the horrors in the DR Congo and think about Denzil Washington, doesn't it look different?

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A Note on Imperial Precedence

The Europeans swarmed out of Europe from the late 15th century to impose their imperial and colonial stamp on most of the world. Great force was used in the the form of the sword, cannon and the gun.

Whole populations were exterminated in the process; while those that were not fully exterminated were marginalised.

Claiming to be superior but "democratic" at the same time, the solution the Europeans offered to their captive populations was integration into a unitary state as cultural Europeans.

Thus the Aboriginese of Australia are now technically Australian citizens with European names and have English--or some form of it--as their only language. And their spiritual lives have now been taken over by the alien godheads of Christianity.

The same absorption process--but as a citizen of a lower class--took place all over the Americas. Native Americans have for the most part lost their indigenous languages, carry imposed Spanish, English or Portugese names and are beholden to the colonial religious totems of Christianity.

The problem of Israel-Palestine is of the same nature. The question is whether a similar kind of absorbtion mechanism will ultimately be used to solve the problem there--in what some advocate as a "unitary state" just has been pushed by the West in all its overseas imperial conquests.

The latest Western effort in this regard has been South Africa which safeguards Western interests through its constitution. It states that the cultural interests and rights of the settlers are not to be tampered with since they are bona fide citizens of "the new South Africa".

The same Western principle was attempted in Zimbabwe but the government under Mugabe balked. The result is Western imperial punishment.

So would the Israelis--under pressure from its Western patrons--have to rescind the idea of a "Jewish state" and replace it with a so-called "democratic state" just as the West has succeeded in doing in the Americas, Australia, parts of Africa, and New Zealand?

The 2 state solution will not work because the Palestinians will not settle for anything less than the 1947 forced partition.

But the Israelis will not accept that solution given the enormous amount of Western political capital they can call on to dismiss that kind of demand.

And as long as the supporters of the Palestinians remain weak technologically and politically, their governments under Western control the territorial integrity of Israel will be secure.

The only problem the state of Israel sees at the moment is Iran and its potential for nuclear weapons. But even if Iran acquires such weaponry it's doubtful that it would mean much given that Israel itself owns many such weapons.

Thus, in the long run the West will force a unitary state solution on Israel.

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Cynthia Mc Kinney has her USS Liberty experience.


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It's unbelievable that TAP is the only one on here who makes sense regarding Israel and the constant bullying by her neighbors she has had to endure. I have the same opinion. . .Israel needs to unload on the Palestinians and finish it once and for all. I dare say not one other country would tolerate the constant taunting and attacks Israel has for as long.

"Since 1948, Israel has been forced to fight 4 wars with the hostile nations surrounding her. Despite defeating her enemies on the battlefield, the international community has never permitted Israel to completely destroy any of these regimes -- none of which are democracies. They've always been left largely in tact, free to start or support another war, including the current terrorist war now being waged against Israel's citizens. And between wars, Israel's enemies have convinced the world, including the U.S., that her borders and security are not only legitimate subjects of constant negotiations, but that Israel's refusal to accept most, if not all, of her enemies' demands is an obstacle to peace.

This week Hamas and other terrorist groups -- which, like certain of the countries that surround Israel, seek the destruction of Israel, not co-existence or even the establishment of a Palestinian state -- intensified their war against the Jewish state by unleashing 5 fanatic suicide bombers against innocent civilians, mostly children. The result: hundreds of casualties, including 26 dead. In the past 14 months, more than 230 Israelis have been killed -- the proportional equivalent to the U.S. losing some 11,000 people.

In addition to Hamas, which receives support from Palestinian expatriates, wealthy Saudi Arabians, and Iran, Israel is under attack from, among others, Hizballah, which is supported by Syria and Iran, and Islamic Jihad, which is backed by Iran, Sudan and militant Islamic groups.

On December 4, in an address to his nation, Sharon stated: "...A war has been forced upon us. A war of terror. A war that claims innocent victims daily. A war of terror being conducted systematically, in an organized fashion, and with methodical direction... We will pursue those responsible, the perpetrators of terrorism and the supporters. We will pursue them until we catch them, and they will pay a price."

Ironically, the major obstacle to Sharon implementing the Bush Doctrine has been U.S. Middle East policy. When attacked by terrorists, Israel has been urged to show "restraint," to make more negotiated concessions and even accept the creation of a hostile Palestinian state on its border. This week's carnage appears to have caused some positive change in America's rhetoric and position. The president has now pointed the finger of responsibility directly at Yassar Arafat for ending the terrorism committed by his people. But accomplishing peace requires more -- much more.

Truman was right to insist that peace would only be realized after the "obliteration" of the Japanese war machine, just as Bush is right about "defeating" the Taliban, al Qaeda and other terrorist networks. It is, therefore, necessary that in the pursuit of real and lasting peace, Israel also be free to destroy its enemies -- meaning the terrorists and, yes, their sponsors, who are at war with her, and that she do so before they obtain devastating weapons of mass destruction."


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Time for bedtime. You are not coherent; you are gurgling.
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Bozzo [Big Grin]

must have taken a few bottles from Rednecks Moonshine crate and started his New year early [Roll Eyes]

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^ lol
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Masonic Rebel
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"After all if you have watched your family starving for months"

Well the “Arab World” watch Africans in Dufar Starve, while the Genocidal self-hating Arabized Janjaweed continues their killing spree and guess what NO outrage.

^This is a Double Standard

I could also add the Kujbar Dam project which destroyed millions of Native Egyptains homes

"In 1964, construction of the Aswan High Dam in Egypt forced the relocation of 50,000 Sudanese Nubians in the Wadi Halfa region, near the Egyptian border, and nearly 800,000 Nubians in Egypt."

"Nubians see the new dams as a plot by Arab governments in Sudan and Egypt to exterminate their communities and seize the land."

Does this Sound Familar Mo Ning Min E^


"The two countries have never liked having Nubians, who are not Arabs, in the middle," said Abdul Halim Sabbar, a former doctor who is part of the Kajbar Dam Resistance Committee.


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Typical responses from people who don't have a clue. Resorting to personal insults is the only way you know how to try to cover up your own lack of understanding.
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Mo Ning Min E
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Hamas, which receives support from Palestinian expatriates, wealthy Saudi Arabians, and Iran, Israel is under attack from, among others, Hizballah, which is supported by Syria and Iran, and Islamic Jihad, which is backed by Iran, Sudan and militant Islamic groups.

Seems SO unfair ! On the other hand poor old Israel has NO help from anyone.
Is it not true that they have to build their own tomahawk and sidewinder missiles in Art and Craft workshops in Jerusalem?
They have groups of ladies knitting Apache helicopters every day i've heard.

"The other side of reality" seems to explain a lot.

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I am surprised to read it from CNN
Originally posted by akoben:
Cynthia Mc Kinney has her USS Liberty experience.


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Originally posted by Bonzo:
Typical responses from people who don't have a clue. Resorting to personal insults is the only way you know how to try to cover up your own lack of understanding.

from your location you certainly do live on the 'other side of reality' [Roll Eyes]

My reality is from living in the region.

What middle eastern stamps do you have on your passport Bozzo ? What's your experience of living here?

That's IF you have a passport
80% of American's DONT and most have never even traveled outside their own state [Wink]

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Mo Ning Min E
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The gap between the might of Israel's F-16 bombers and Apache helicopters, and the Palestinians' catapulty thing is so ridiculous that to try and portray the situation as between two equal sides requires the imagination of a children's story writer.
The reporter on News at Ten said the rockets "may be ineffective, but they ARE symbolic." So they might not have weapons but they have got symbolism, the canny brutes.
It's no wonder the Israeli Air Force had to demolish a few housing estates, otherwise Hamas might have tried to mock Israel through a performance of expressive dance

.....they prefer a direct approach, such as the statement from Ofer Schmerling, an Israeli Civil Defence official who said on al-Jazeera, "I shall play music and celebrate what the Israeli Air Force is doing."
Maybe they could turn it into a huge national festival, with decorations and mince pies and shops playing "I Wish We Could Bomb Gaza Every Day".
In a similar tone Dov Weisglas, Ariel Sharon's chief of staff, referred to the siege of Gaza that preceded this bombing, a siege in which the Israelis prevented the population from receiving essential supplies of food, medicine, electricity and water, by saying, "We put them on a diet."

Parallel universe????
People can choose sides, support Israel, or Palestine, there are many opinions, but only one truth.

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Originally posted by Masonic Rebel:

"After all if you have watched your family starving for months"

Well the “Arab World” watch Africans in Dufar Starve, while the Genocidal self-hating Arabized Janjaweed continues their killing spree and guess what NO outrage.

^This is a Double Standard

I could also add the Kujbar Dam project which destroyed millions of Native Egyptains homes

"In 1964, construction of the Aswan High Dam in Egypt forced the relocation of 50,000 Sudanese Nubians in the Wadi Halfa region, near the Egyptian border, and nearly 800,000 Nubians in Egypt."

"Nubians see the new dams as a plot by Arab governments in Sudan and Egypt to exterminate their communities and seize the land."

Does this Sound Familar Mo Ning Min E^


"The two countries have never liked having Nubians, who are not Arabs, in the middle," said Abdul Halim Sabbar, a former doctor who is part of the Kajbar Dam Resistance Committee.


More killings in DRC yet Darfur gets head lines? Double standard? It has long been established that the conflict in Darfur is a civil war, not "genocide". Why the propaganda? Instead of cut and paste from blogs why not try to understand whats goin on?
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Masonic Rebel
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At akoben

you need to take your own advice

On 14 July 2008, prosecutors at the International Criminal Court ICC, filed ten charges of war crimes against Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir, three counts of GENOCIDE, five of crimes against humanity and two of murder.

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^ don't be be fool, just because the ICC calls it "genocide" doesnt make it so. Where is your proof that the Sudanese govt. is exterminating civilians in Darfur because they are not "Arabs"? And please don't spam pitures of dead bodies caught up in a civil war.

And you underscore my point with these ICC "charges". Far more killings in DRC yet no charges of war crimes against Uganda or Rwanda's Presidents. Why? [Roll Eyes]

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Originally posted by Hermione Heliotrope.:
Originally posted by Bonzo:
Typical responses from people who don't have a clue. Resorting to personal insults is the only way you know how to try to cover up your own lack of understanding.

from your location you certainly do live on the 'other side of reality' [Roll Eyes]

My reality is from living in the region.

What middle eastern stamps do you have on your passport Bozzo ? What's your experience of living here?

That's IF you have a passport
80% of American's DONT and most have never even traveled outside their own state [Wink]

I've lived in Europe a combined total of 21 years and I've been over here this time 8 years so far. My stamps include Egypt and Turkey along with almost every other European country in it as well in TWO passports (tourist and official). I also lived in Turkey for one year. I was educated and graduated in a school in Germany (when it was still divided) plus hold two college degrees. I lived in Germany when the Munich Olympic massacre occurred and when the German terrorist groups were blowing up US targets with car bombs.

So I ask again why do you all continue to hurl personal attacks against others who don't agree with your personal opinion? My Egyptian and Turkish friends & I don't resort to that when we sit around discussing world events. We are eager to learn from each other and my personal experiences (especially with Muslims) have allowed me to share with my American friends that not all Muslims share in the radical behaviors you see daily coming from the Palestians or other terrorist groups using women and children as suicide bombers to not only kill foreigners but their own people, too.

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Masonic Rebel
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^ don't be be fool, just because the ICC calls it "genocide" doesnt make it so
Define Genocide:

While precise definition varies among genocide scholars, a legal definition is found in the 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG). Article 2, of this convention defines genocide as "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group

If I show you "Proof" then you try to dismiss it as
"Propaganda" that's lame you can do better

Sudanese teacher Amina Tinjany, 29

A Loss of Hope Inside Darfur Refugee Camps

when the other posters were posting pictures and articles about the deaths in Gaza it wasn't consider "spam" (Double Standard) so let it go and stop debeting the obvious truth about the Genocide in Darfur

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^Foreign embroilment in the affairs of the Republic is entirely unwholesome and inimical to the dignity of a State.

The Government has injudiciously chosen sides in the initial tribal/ethnic conflicts, rather than being an impartial mediator to the sovereigns[the people].

It is now an insurrection miscontrued as some kind of racial holocaust. The Government has NOT massacred 400,000 of the citizenary[ a proposterous estimation] by the corporate Western media.

The ICC is an organization whose precepts go against fundamental notions of sovereignty, checks and balances, and national independence.

National sovereignty is sacrosanct and we will NOT accede it. There is NO such thing as the ''International Community'', there are only International powers, who so strategically [in a machiavellian form] masquarade themselves as representitives of global consensus.

There is NO genocide occuring,only an incohesive and fragmented insurrection, seized upon by world Jewry.

Dont believe everything you hear from the Council on Foreign Relations[CFR] outlets.

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zarahan aka Enrique Cardova
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Originally posted by Masonic Rebel:
^ don't be be fool, just because the ICC calls it "genocide" doesnt make it so
Define Genocide:

While precise definition varies among genocide scholars, a legal definition is found in the 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG). Article 2, of this convention defines genocide as "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group

If I show you "Proof" then you try to dismiss it as
"Propaganda" that's lame you can do better

Sudanese teacher Amina Tinjany, 29

A Loss of Hope Inside Darfur Refugee Camps

when the other posters were posting pictures and articles about the deaths in Gaza it wasn't consider "spam" (Double Standard) so let it go and stop debeting the obvious truth about the Genocide in Darfur

Excellent point. Why is it that tens of
thousands of murdered blacks in the Sudan
get such slight attention and help but a few
score Arabs over a few days gets the IMMEDIATE
attention of the UN, so-called "peace"
activists, alleged world "leaders" and
American presidents?

Can we say hypocrisy and double-standards?

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well arab countries can not hide the treatment of minorities in the arab world .

look how berbers are treated in arab maghreb!
look how nubians/beja are treated in arab sudan
look how kurds are treated in in aran syria,iraq

i think its part of pan-arab policy to treat very bad any one who is ethnically not arab.

lets hope aljazeera to change this ignorace and islamic behaviour in the arab world,sice qatar is the only democratic and muslim country in the region before the arab world become a laughing matter in world if not already.

i think if arab showed little human and love to its minorities,even the bereber and nubians would have become arabs but by force ,..i dont think so .

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look how little qatar is, and how giant democratic,great intellectual it is.

one good thing come out the arab world in 21st century is qatar.
the sky is your limit qatar,..show the whole world the good and very dirt aspects of the arab world, aljazeera is already unstopable,because qatar leader is comitted to free speach and democratic while being pan-arab at the same time. you see pan-arab dont mean killing non arabs,learn from qatar


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Mo Ning Min E
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Why is it that tens of
thousands of murdered blacks in the Sudan
get such slight attention and help but a few
score Arabs over a few days gets the IMMEDIATE
attention of the UN, so-called "peace"
activists, alleged world "leaders" and
American presidents?

possibly because this thread is about Palestinians?
You CAN start one about Sudan, it would be good to get some inside info.

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Without no doubt,

While the focus is now in Gaza and Palestinians, aggressions go un-notice in Somalia, Pakistan, Bolivia, Ecuador [refusing to allow American military base in the country], Venezuela [I don't think Hugo Chavez is resting], Iran, Zimbabwe, and Darfur.

And speaking about Darfur,

"On February 25, the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM), a rebel group from Darfur led by Abdel Wahid Al Nur, announced it was opening an office in Tel Aviv."
Originally posted by Mo Ning Min E:
Why is it that tens of
thousands of murdered blacks in the Sudan
get such slight attention and help but a few
score Arabs over a few days gets the IMMEDIATE
attention of the UN, so-called "peace"
activists, alleged world "leaders" and
American presidents?

possibly because this thread is about Palestinians?
You CAN start one about Sudan, it would be good to get some inside info.

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There are many Black Palestinians in Gaza too.

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Mo Ning Min E
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My [vague and probably illinformed] take on Darfur is that all the big oilies are there [US, France, GB, Israel] and they wanted the tribal fighting to stop as it was bothering the pipelines.
They are playing for high stakes.
It's not about 'black' it's about 'black gold' ... it always is.

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Mo Ning Min E
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Sorry, I meant to place China at the top of the list of oil interests.
I know I'm simplistic, but Darfur seems to be a bunch of bickering tribes, [fighting over grazing land] and eking out a living whilst sitting on the biggest potential oilfeild in the southern hemisphere.
People calling for 'intervention to stop the "genocide"'are headed by Zionist groups, Evangelican Christians, Condi Rice, Tony Blair, Colin powell, John Bolton, and all the usual suspects. HA!
A loooong list of famous humanitarians eh?
Perfect outcome would be to partition this area of Sudan, then the oil majors could fight it out and rip off Sudan.

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it is quite obvious that even after all your years here and speaking to your Egyptian and Turkish friends, you really still have no idea.
Firstly take the War on Terror that is being bandied about so much.

You talk of the suicide bombers.
Let me define war for you.
A war that is a recognised war is a conflict between 2 armies.
A war is NOT one huge military power with nuclear, tanks and sophisticated military air power, crushing, bombing, slaughtering, unarmed, defenceless, trapped, innocent civilians.
To have a war you need both to be equal in terms of might. If they are not which is the case in Gaza, then you have cold blooded slaughter.

So let's just agree on that first. Forget the religion, forget the reason, just focus on that point if you can.

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Originally posted by Masonic Rebel:
^ don't be be fool, just because the ICC calls it "genocide" doesnt make it so
Define Genocide:

While precise definition varies among genocide scholars, a legal definition is found in the 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG). Article 2, of this convention defines genocide as "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group

If I show you "Proof" then you try to dismiss it as
"Propaganda" that's lame you can do better

Sudanese teacher Amina Tinjany, 29

A Loss of Hope Inside Darfur Refugee Camps

when the other posters were posting pictures and articles about the deaths in Gaza it wasn't consider "spam" (Double Standard) so let it go and stop debeting the obvious truth about the Genocide in Darfur

The washingtonpost? Give me a break. Im sorry but my information re African politics doesn't come from "fair and balanced" western sources that has a proven track record of lying. WMDs remember? I find it amazing that people still think western media has any credibility after their compliance in the Iraq war. Amazing.

You really are naive person or just propagandist. For every story from the Jewish washingtonpost that blames Sudanese government for "genocide" we have the Sudanese ambassador and African sources such as the New African magazines that contradict it.

when the other posters were posting pictures and articles about the deaths in Gaza it wasn't consider "spam" (Double Standard)
Irrelevant. My information on the current Gaza conflict isn't based on pictures so this is just your spam. And when do you think ICC will charge Israeli PMs or Bush as they did Sudanese pres.? Double standard? [Roll Eyes]

"On February 25, the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM), a rebel group from Darfur led by Abdel Wahid Al Nur, announced it was opening an office in Tel Aviv."
interesting... [Roll Eyes]
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Originally posted by Hermione Heliotrope.:
To have a war you need both to be equal in terms of might. If they are not which is the case in Gaza, then you have cold blooded slaughter.

So let's just agree on that first. Forget the religion, forget the reason, just focus on that point if you can.

Uh, since when?

If so, then you'd think the people in Gaza would realize the consequences of constantly pushing the buttons of the Israelis. You need to look at history and count how many wars there have been where both sides had the same power. I dare say you won't find as many as you'd like to think.

How many terrorists were actually involved physically at Mumbai? Hardly an army's worth yet look how many innocent people were killed. September 11 the same. I think it's you that needs to try to focus on the facts. . .that is if you can.

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Mo Ning Min E
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A preemptive attack on a largely civilian population is NOT a war. You can't count the numerous American assaults on places like Grenada, Panama etc. Neither were these 'wars'.
The Mumbai thing was never pretending to be a 'war'. It was a terrorist crime.
I would not be willing to accuse Israel of 'war crimes' as a lawyer would immediately point out that this does not meet anyone's criteria of 'war'.
Crime against humanity, yes.

'pushing the buttons'? Grow up.

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Masonic Rebel
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The washingtonpost? Give me a break. Im sorry but my information re African politics doesn't come from "fair and balanced"
Amina Tinjany is an “African” like many others in Darfur who are speaking about the Genocide going on In the Sudan, so Now what? Are you just going to continue with the (Double Standard) I was speaking about?

I bet you are so once again

If I show you "Proof" then you try to dismiss it as "Propaganda"

Eyes on Darfur

You really are naive person or just propagandist
Self Projection^

African Genocide in Action

Irrelevant. My information on the current Gaza conflict isn't based on pictures so this is just your spam.
My Information is based on research and EyeWitness accounts and thanks to satellite technology your comments about Darfur are exactly that “Irrelevant” and so is your opinion about my photo being "spam"

Paul Rusesabagina

“The hotel manager who inspired the film "Hotel Rwanda" recounted his experience during the 1994 massacre in Rwanda and urged the audience to stand up against GENOCIDE”

“What's happening in Darfur today is exactly what was happening in Rwanda in 1990 to 1994," he said. "There are nearly 2 million people displaced from their homes with no food, no water or hope for the future”

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