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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 9361
 - posted
Please everybody - chip-in, lets try to do a good job with this, and achieve something that no group has ever achieved before.

First - Who were SOME of Ancient Egypt's neighbors:

North to South.

Cretans - (Minoans and Mycenaeans)
Anatolia - Hatti (falsely called Hittites), Matanni
Mesopotamians - Amorites, Akkadians, Chaldeans (Sumerians), Assyrians.
Canaanites - Phoenicians, Hebrews, Philistines.
Arabs - North
Other Africans South
Punt landers - Ethiopians and Minaean (later Sabaean - Queen of Sheba): Arabia South.

The problem here, is that White scholars (and their wannabe Turks in Egypt) don't even try to publicly identify these various people; because as they identify these Black people by their various ethnicity's, it debunks the White lie that they were White; (they privately probably know who is who - but we don't).

The best place to start, is probably with the so-called "Table of Nations" which of course makes no sense - it has four groups, and Egypt knew of far more nations than that.

Touregypt is now calling it the "Table of Races" which MAY be accurate in the sense of it being a representation of the ethnicity's that the Egyptians knew about. (In touregypts drawing they're all Black, that's why I give it some credence).

But, it MAY be a "Table of Neighbors" lets look at it.

It comes from the Book of Gates which is the principal guidebook to the netherworld found in 19th and part of the 20th Dynasty tombs of the New Kingdom, though it makes its first appearance to us with the last king of the 18th Dynasty. It was meant to allow the dead pharaoh to navigate his way along the netherworld route together with the sun god, so that his resurrection could be affected. It emphasizes gates with guardian deities who's names must be known in order to pass them. This is actually a very old tradition dating to at least the Book of the Two Ways in the Coffin Texts, where there are seven gates with three keepers at each.

The first example Egyptologists are aware of is that incomplete version in the tomb of the last pharaoh of Egypt's 18th Dynasty, Haremhab, who had the text placed in the sarcophagus chamber where, until then, the Amduat had been customary. The founders of the 19th Dynasty also employed the Book of Gates. Ramesses I included it alone in his tomb in the Valley of the Kings on the West Bank at Ancient Thebes (Modern Luxor), while his successor, Seti I', decorated the sarcophagus chamber of his tomb with the Amduat, reserving the Book of Gates for his two great pillared halls. This version includes only the first half of the book. However, Seti I's alabaster sarcophagus is adorned with the earliest complete and continuous version of the book. The famous Ramesses II also used the text in the upper pillared halls, sarcophagus chambers and subsidiary rooms of his tomb and his son, Merneptah, decorated the right wall of the corridor of his grandfather, Seti I's cenotaph at Abydos with a complete Book of Gates. There, he also placed the Book of Caverns on the left wall.

The structure of the Book of Gates is very similar to that of the Amduat, with twelve nocturnal hours each divided into three registers. As in the Amduat, the first hour of the night has a special position with a structure that differs from the remainder of the composition.

Our interest is in Hour five:
Hour Five is one of the most complex hours within the composition. In the upper registers, the gods are portrayed with a surveying cord, because the deceased are allotted space (in the form of fields) within this hour. The deceased are also allotted time, and hence the gods also carry the body of a serpent and the hieroglyphs meaning "lifetime" in the lower register. In order to accomplish this, the Apophis fiend, known as "the Retreater, must once again be battled and fettered. Behind Apophis we notice the ba-souls of the blessed dead, and at the beginning of the lower register are found the four "races" of mankind, including Egyptians, Asiatics, Nubians and Libyans. Each race is represented by four individual figures, who are assured existence in the afterlife. They are placed in the care of Horus and Sakhmet. It should be noted that the Great Hymn of Akhenaten, Aten is said to care even for foreign people, and hence, they are sheltered in the realm of the dead, according to the Book of Gates.

Link to the touregypt article:

Touregypt drawing
(The races are third register down)


Fake Drawing commonly used by White people:
It is actually a drawing made by a German in 1812.


The problem is that as with ALL things that would definitively identify Blacks, the White powers-that-be; and their wannabe Turks in Egypt - will NEVER let it see the light of day.


But we do have this joke that is SUPPOSE to be a photograph. (They want us to believe that no one took a photograph of it when it was first found (in good condition), and the copies in other tombs are also illegible - White people DO lie so much)!


Use the link below to find this picture, then open it to reveal some other drawings at the bottom of the window.

The problem is that this is done by the Theban Mapping Project - (Hawass and his crew of liars).

Theban Mapping Project (TMP)
Since its inception in 1978, the Theban Mapping Project (TMP, now based at the American University in Cairo) has been working to prepare a comprehensive archaeological database of Thebes. With its thousands of tombs and temples, Thebes is one of the world's most important archaeological zones.

Recovering Afro-holic
Member # 17311
 - posted
^You have failed to show anything that even REMOTELY suggests the rendition below, of the "four races" theme, is inaccurate. Perhaps you should point out exactly WHAT in the image is far removed from accuracy. Please point to us the discrepency. Thank you.

Member # 9361
 - posted
Afro-idiot - the thread isn't meant for people like you.
Member # 9361
 - posted
As an example of how interwoven Egypts neighbors were in the life of Egyptians.

Excerpt from:

"The Will of Amonkhau in Favor of His Second Wife"

The Vizier said: "Even if it was not his wife, but a Canaanite or Nubian woman who he loved and to whom he gave his property, and who might annul what he has done?"
(And they said:) "Let be given these four servants that he acquired with the Citizeness Ineksenedjem, that which he acquired with her of which he said: 'I give to her my two-thirds share in addition to her one-third share, and no son or daughter shall argue about this testament that I am making for her today.'"
The Vizier said: "Let be done exactly as that which the Divine-Father Amonkhau has said, this Divine-Father who stands before me."
The Vizier gave instructions to Ptahemheb, Priest and Scribe of Accounts of the Tribunal of the Temple of Ramses III, saying: "Let there be recorded the decisions that I have made on a papyrus roll in the temple of Ramses III; the same shall be done for the Great Council of Thebes.(Done) in the presence of many witnesses. The list thereof: (a list of 18 witnesses to this hearing follows.)
Recovering Afro-holic
Member # 17311
 - posted
yea, I thought so. 'BUNKED!

Originally posted by Mike111:
Afro-idiot - the thread isn't meant for people like you.

9th Element
Member # 17629
 - posted
DISCOVERY IN WEST AFRICA.; An ex-French Consul Finds Evidences that the Ancient Egyptians Penetrated There.

CAIRO, Dec. 8 -- An interesting discovery has been lately made regarding the Egyptian ancestry of West African races, a problem which is of great interest to anthropologists. According to Leo, intercourse was established between Egypt and Negro-land -- that is, the Western Soudan -- in A.D. 990, but it has long been thought that relationship existed long prior to those days...

NY Times

PDF NY Times
Recovering Afro-holic
Member # 17311
 - posted
^  -

Member # 17581
 - posted
Originally posted by 9th Element:
DISCOVERY IN WEST AFRICA.; An ex-French Consul Finds Evidences that the Ancient Egyptians Penetrated There.

CAIRO, Dec. 8 -- An interesting discovery has been lately made regarding the Egyptian ancestry of West African races, a problem which is of great interest to anthropologists. According to Leo, intercourse was established between Egypt and Negro-land -- that is, the Western Soudan -- in A.D. 990, but it has long been thought that relationship existed long prior to those days...

NY Times

PDF NY Times

 - [Big Grin]
Member # 17581
 - posted
Member # 17581
 - posted

I pray for the AfroDummies...to find their West African Black Heritage!
Clyde Winters
Member # 10129
 - posted
Cretans/Keftiu of Crete


Clyde Winters
Member # 10129
 - posted
Black Greeks

Clyde Winters
Member # 10129
 - posted


Clyde Winters
Member # 10129
 - posted


Member # 9361
 - posted
Thanks Clyde, but what I am trying to do is identify them in Egyptian art.

As I stated before, Whites call everyone with Black skin Nubian - common sense says that is not the case - and certainly they know that too, but their false history requires such nonsense.

Jari-Ankhamun posted these intriguing images on the other forum - I think he got them off of flickr. But they do demonstrate what I am talking about. If only we can find the source for them.


Member # 9361
 - posted
^Then there is the White bullsh1t about the Libyans:

Historically, we know that from the 22nd. dynasty onward (Sheshong I (945-924 B.C.), most of Egypts rulers were Libyans.

BTW - I understand that those White and mixed-race people calling themselves Berbers - the Amagzing or whatever - are claiming descent from Sheshong. That probably explains some of the bullsh1t images of Libyans that Whites are feeding us - they ALL work together in these matters!



The above are clearly Black men!

Yet bullsh1tting Whites falsely claim that the below is a Libyan

To complicate matters even more, whatever descriptive narratives Egyptians had for foreigners is carefully hidden away by Whites.

By that I mean that EVERYONE describes others by their physical attributes - color, hair, body type, facial features, even smell - but yet Whites want us to believe that the ancient Blacks didn't do that too - they're such liars!

So all they allow us to identify the Libyans is this from the Merneptah Stele:

The vile chief, the Libyan foe,
Fled in the deep of night alone,
No plume on his head (Plume = Feather), his feet unshod,
His wives were carried off from his presence,
His food supplies were snatched away,
He had no drinking water to sustain him.

(Please note: IT DOES NOT SAY PLUMES - IT SAYS PLUME (singular)

Which makes THIS a Libyan:




Note: For those foolish and gullible enough to believe the White mans bullsh1t that the above are Nubians and not Libyans.

The prisoners above are from Ramesses III's tomb.


Ramesses III's reign began quietly enough, as he attempted to consolidate his empire after the problems which arose in the late 19th Dynasty.

Nubia seems at this time to have been nothing more than a subdued colony to the south.


There were NO Nubian prisoners at that time - just lots of White mans lies.

Member # 9361
 - posted
Keeping in mind that there were at least TWO Libyan tribes (the Meshwesh and Tjemeh). Those above are likely the Meshwesh - the future rulers of Northern Egypt.


Whites often make fake artifacts that make the ancient Blacks look like White people. They regularly engage in this sort of thing to support their false White history.

luckily, these lying White people, are not only without scruples, but they are also quite stupid. Apparently it never dawned on them that these things are easily checked by simple comparison.

Let us now do that.

This is a false, made to look like a White man, Libyan tile:


Compare that to this "AUTHENTIC" tile from Ramses II.


Or this Libyan relief from Ramses III


Or these brown skinned Libyan prisoners from Medinet Habu.


And just like that, the White Mans lies are made obvious.

Please call me MIDOGBE
Member # 9216
 - posted
Hello Mike111,

Could you please tell me where on Egyptsearch those pics have been posted?

BTW, here is the source:

Originally posted by Mike111:
Thanks Clyde, but what I am trying to do is identify them in Egyptian art.

As I stated before, Whites call everyone with Black skin Nubian - common sense says that is not the case - and certainly they know that too, but their false history requires such nonsense.

Jari-Ankhamun posted these intriguing images on the other forum - I think he got them off of flickr. But they do demonstrate what I am talking about. If only we can find the source for them.



Member # 9361
 - posted
Please call me MIDOGBE - They were posted by Jari-Ankhamun in the Egyptology forum.


But if you are trying to track down who they are, that will be next to impossible unless you can find a similar item somewhere else.

The reason for that is because these tiles come from Ramesses III palace at Tell el-Yahudiya near Cairo; which was totally destroyed in the 1880s - probably to build a Mosque or something like that. The locals then collected these tiles and were selling them to tourists, that's how the ruins of the palace were discovered by Egyptologists.
the lion
Member # 17353
 - posted


why did you say this image is false? what is the proof that it's false?
the lion
Member # 17353
 - posted


why did you call this photo from the Book of Gates a joke?
the lion
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by Mike111:


Ramesses III's reign began quietly enough, as he attempted to consolidate his empire after the problems which arose in the late 19th Dynasty.

Nubia seems at this time to have been nothing more than a subdued colony to the south.


There were NO Nubian prisoners at that time - just lots of White mans lies.[/b] [/QB]

I'm trying to follow your point.
You seem to be saying that Libyans were black. And here's the rest of the quote you posted:

Ramesses III's reign began quietly enough as he attempted to consolidate his empire begun by his father after problems arose in the late 19th Dynasty. Nubia seems at this time to have been nothing more than a subdued colony to the south. However, in his fifth year as ruler, Egypt was attacked by Libyans for apparently the first time since Merenptah had to deal with them in the 19th Dynasty. The Libyan invasion forces included two other groups of people known as the Mshwesh and the Seped. Ramesses III easily dealt with this threat, annihilating many, and making slaves of the rest. Though the Libyan population of the western Delta continued to increase by peaceful infiltration (as they had actually done before the invasion), and would later form the basis for a line of kings that would ultimately rule Egypt, for a time at least, this firm action kept other enemies at bay.

So you saying that the Libyans who were black as you showed


That these Libyan black people attacked Egypt but
annihilating many, and making slaves of the rest

You are talking about Ramesses III here.

If we go to Ramesses II (not three)

Ramesses II embarked on numerous wars to return previously held territories back from Nubian and Hittite hands and later campaigns against the Libyans.

Below is a picture from the Great Temple, Abu Simbel, Egypt which was completed Ramesses II the king who was previous to Ramesses III who you mentioned earlier:

This is usually identified as a picture of Nubians
are you saying that they are actually Libyan black people also?

Ramesses II was 19th dynasty
and Ramesses III was 20th dynasty

what about Mentuhotep II of the 11th dynasty?
He had military campaigns into Nubia
Member # 9361
 - posted
Lion cub - I am so surprised, I took you for one of those young ass-hole trolls, and now you ask an extremely sensible and important question - great!

But first let me clear up what MAY be a misconception: Sorry if I got it wrong.

Ramesses III did not follow Ramesses II:

In between there was:
Seti II
Tausert (Female)
End of 19th dynasty

(Not meaning to piss the ladies off, but each time there was a female king, the country went into catastrophy).

20th Dynasty
Ramesses III

Back to the Nubians vs Libyans.

White people, whether because of racism (trying to hide the fact that ALL of these people were Black), or stupidity, or just plain laziness for not doing the work: Call ALL Black skinned people Nubians. Common sense says that can't be true, so what I am doing is making a logical investigation and argument.

First, I know of no scholarly work which describes Nubians as being Plumed (feathers), But at the same time, everyone describes Libyans as being Plumed.

Then there are the Egyptian depictions of these people.

From the tomb of Horemheb: These are Nubians.



Notice, they have no feathers and that may be a hair style or caps, but if caps, they are quite different from what the Libyans wear.

Then there is this:

Note, here the long haired Libyans with Plumes are grouped with Asiatics - Northern people like themselves.


And here, the short haired Libyans with Plumes are grouped with Asiatics.

Member # 9361
 - posted
To further make the point about White people and how they tag Blacks:

This Persian relief from Apadana is referred to as an Ethiopian. Problem is, the Persians did not conquer that country. The more likely identity is below the picture.


This relief found in Assyria is called a Nubian - Why?

Member # 9361
 - posted
More White people Bullsh1t:

What non-racist, non-bullsh1t, reason would White people have for calling these figures Libyans??? Which they always do.




There is no side plait of hair and no feather - so why do White people call them Libyans??? Wonder if the fact that they are Brown, NOT Black, might have something to do with it.

Problem is, they are Sea people!



NOTE ABOVE: The LAST man in the line is the LIBYAN!!!

the lion
Member # 17353
 - posted

please answer the questions in the following questions:

1) why do you call the photo from the Book of Gates that is referred to as the Four Races a joke?


2) What nationality is depicted in the following pictures from the Great Temple, Abu Simbel, Egypt which was completed Ramesses II


Member # 9361
 - posted
Lion cub - It is very disrespectful to ignore what I post, and yet ask a question that the very same post answered. This is not the first time that you have done this - is there a problem?
the lion
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by Mike111:
Lion cub - It is very disrespectful to ignore what I post, and yet ask a question that the very same post answered. This is not the first time that you have done this - is there a problem?

Please excuse my disrespectfulness.
I must have missed your comment specific to the picture I posted from Abu Simbal above.
I assume that you are saying that they are also Libyans and not Nubians.

Please post some pictures from ancient Kemet that really are Nubians and not Libyans. Thank You
Member # 9361
 - posted

the lion
Member # 17353
 - posted
It looks like you had a similar picture from the tomb of Horemheb to the picture I posted from Abu Simbal Ramesses II. Basically it's the same looking people, identified as Nubians and you don't dispute that. Your dispute is about what the Libyans looked like, do they have a complexion and features of bad people or good people.

You have some good points. This thread deserved more people commenting. It might do better in the Egyptology section as a re-post.
As you know if we look at images of Egyptians there are a variety of types. Even if you say they were all bliddack they would be variety of black folk not all just one tribe.
How do you know the Libyans weren't a mixed bag also that don't all conform to a couple of photos you found (source?) one photo does that mean they all looked like that? The Greeks used to call all of North Africa "Libya".
You said that the Book of Gates four races photo was a joke. Originally I thought it was because you thought the actual painted wall relief was tampered with but now I suppose you are saying it is real but It's a joke because it is so badly damaged and missing paint specifically on the Libyan figures you can't tell anything about the Libyans. Correct?
It does seem to distinguish Egyptians from Nubians as looking different and it does seem to intend to stereotype how most of them looked rather than just an individual. I guess you're not disputing that because the Nubian captives from Horemheb you posted seems to support that at this period they were distinguish between Nubain and Egyptian- the Egyptian standing above them does have has different features. But getting back to the Libyans. .
Do the Third Intermediate period Libyan Pharaohs fit into this topic?

Also this picture, you showed earlier the Libyan figure that is part of the several figures of foreign prisoners.


Ramesses III
Foreign prisoners
Libyan, Nubian, Syrian, Shasu Bedouin, Hittite

Do you think this a phony picture? But how do you know? Are you just guessing?

And if you are saying that the original Libyans were black, at would period of time are you saying the majority of them became majority non-black looking like Momar? Please answer this.


You think that Zahi Hawass is fronting being Egyptian but then why bother with making Libyans look some sort of way. The current non-black Arabs
don't even identify with Europeans , ancient Greeks and Romans. They are into their own Mecca centered nationalism.
Member # 9361
 - posted
lion Cub - Do you see the clarity that you get when you actually READ what other people post?

At least it's a start.

I see that you are also beginning to use common sense logic on the mysterys, that is a very good thing too. So lets do it.

Of course all Nubians didn't look alike, neither did the Libyans, Canaanites, or Arabs - no people do.

But just as today, when you want to depict a specific people, even people that may look exactly like you, you will use some aspect of their dress or appearance that in your peoples minds, is stereotypically them - the Egyptians had to do the same. Thus the feather and side-lock must be Libyan.

As to the tiles:
It is extremely important when analyzing artifacts to know their provenance (where it was found, who found it)

This is a healthy tile:


This is a less-healthy tile that has been "Touched" up.
(you can see that the beard has been re-painted).


So why do some have the original glazed covering, and others do not? The reason for this wide difference in condition is because these tiles were actually taken by the scavenging foreign natives of Egypt. Contrary to what these liars say, they have no interest in what the Egyptians left, except when they can make money off of it. (They know that they have nothing to do with the ancient Egyptians - but they go-along with the bullsh1t of the Whites to make money).

Here is the history of those tiles:

Ramesses III was a great king whose reign lasted more than thirty years. The ruins of two of his palaces have been discovered, the first on the Left Bank at Thebes, within the precincts of his great temple at Medinet Habu, and the second at Tell el-Yahudiya in the southern Delta, not far from present-day Cairo. The second was entirely destroyed in the 1880s (perhaps to build a Mosque - see photo below), but its faience tiles were collected by local inhabitants and are today to be found in a number of museums. They include tiles with rosettes, bearing the name of the king, and with images of foreign captives.


So continuing with logic, what happened to the glaze covering on the rest of the tiles? You don't need to be a genius to see that they have been tampered with, can you guess who did it and for what reason?

So which do you think that you should believe,
something like this:


Or something like this?


As to your last question about Gaddafi.
This question was greeted with great annoyance by me.
Please tell me how you can engage in discussions with others, about subjects that you have not done even the most rudimentary reading on?

True Wiki is little more than a haven for little White boys to spew their bullsh1t. But even Wiki would have told you exactly who Gaddafi and all the other "Pretenders" are - and more reading will even tell you where they came from and when.

Try it;
Here is the link.

the lion
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by Mike111:

As to your last question about Gaddafi.
This question was greeted with great annoyance by me.
Please tell me how you can engage in discussions with others, about subjects that you have not done even the most rudimentary reading on?

True Wiki is little more than a haven for little White boys to spew their bullsh1t. But even Wiki would have told you exactly who Gaddafi and all the other "Pretenders" are - and more reading will even tell you where they came from and when.

Here is the link.

Try it; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libya

Are you one of those easily annoyed fidgety type people?

The wikipedia entry doesn't resolve the issue. The first people to enter the region who were not of the African continent seem to be the Phonicians 1550 BC to 300 BC. I'm sure some people here might argue that they were black. So you never know when the "but the original ones were black" argument will be used.
You're saying a lot of history has been corrupted and falsified by whites so naturally you will need to clarify what in your opinion is true and what is false. Gaddafi is not mention in the link you gave. People will say the original Arabs were black. So with all your correcting of history how am I supposed to guess when the imposters came in?
Nobody knows if his father was Corsican. Was he a Bedouin or Berber? No one is too sure. Let's get off the particulars on Gaddafi.

Let me give you the same question again with the ending chopped off. And please be a man and don't say here, this wikipeida entry answers it.


And if you are saying that the original Libyans were black, at would period of time are you saying the majority of them became majority non-black?

Please stop fronting and take 2 seconds and type me a date range, thank you

the lion
Member # 17353
 - posted
can't edit the previous post for some reason.

The line:
Gaddafi is not mention in the link you gave.
should be
Gaddafi's background is not mention in the link you gave. His background is mentioned in the wiki entry about him. But disregard him as a specific person, look at people who look like him, in general, if the are not indigenous what are the dates when they came into Libya?
Member # 9361
 - posted
Lion cub - It is now clear to me that you are either illiterate (you can't read), an idiot (you don't know what you are reading), or a troll. Either way, you need to take it somewhere else.
the lion
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by Mike111:
Lion cub - It is now clear to me that you are either illiterate (you can't read), an idiot (you don't know what you are reading), or a troll. Either way, you need to take it somewhere else.


These Libyan Tamahus go back to the 13th century BCE

The Phoenicians supposedly the first major influx of Mediterraneans only dropped in 800 years later in the 5th c. BC.


We're dealing with three tribes in ancient Libya

The Meshwesh the Tamahu, the Libu and the Tjehenu. The origins of each of these tribes would have to considered.

Ahh. maybe you're right we need to see if anybody cosigns your TAMAHU were black theory. It's possible.
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt-no one else is listening
the lion
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by the lion:
Originally posted by Mike111:
Lion cub - It is now clear to me that you are either illiterate (you can't read), an idiot (you don't know what you are reading), or a troll. Either way, you need to take it somewhere else.


These Libyan Tamahus go back to the 13th century BCE

The Phoenicians supposedly the first major influx of Mediterraneans only dropped in 800 years later in the 5th c. B.C. so that works


We're dealing with three tribes in ancient Libya

The Meshwesh the Tamahu, the Libu and the Tjehenu. The origins of each of these tribes would have to considered.

Ahh. maybe you're right we need to see if anybody cosigns your TAMAHU were black theory. It's possible.
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt-no one else is listening

It only makes sense for Mediterranean looking Berbers to claim to indigenous to North Africa.

the lion
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by the lion:
Originally posted by the lion:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Mike111:
[qb] Lion cub - It is now clear to me that you are either illiterate (you can't read), an idiot (you don't know what you are reading), or a troll. Either way, you need to take it somewhere else.


-that seems agent-ish


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