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Posted by abdulkarem3 (Member # 12885) on :
click modern egyptians explaining their identity
Posted by TheTruthHurts (Member # 17194) on :
Just a matter of time before someone posted that video great video seen it a few times wish there was a part 2 or something
Posted by anguishofbeing (Member # 16736) on :
Where's our resident "angry white man" White Nord? This should piss him off even more! lol
Posted by Jari-Ankhamun (Member # 14451) on :
Originally posted by anguishofbeing:
Where's our resident "angry white man" White Nord? This should piss him off even more! lol

Im sure The Professor and his personal co@k sucking shoe shine boy Afronut will call the people in the clip
Posted by StTigray (Member # 16910) on :
Well Done
Posted by Jari-Ankhamun (Member # 14451) on :
Dr. Ben and the Egyptians
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
I'm a little surprised that those Egyptians knew so much about their history, especially the European component.

But am I the only one who is outraged that these types of conversations have to take place in the first place?

The fact that Afrocentrics have to claw and scratch to expose the simple and obvious history of a great people, is only proof of the White mans Vile, Lying nature. Would a worthwhile race of people, go to such lengths to hide and steal the history and accomplishments of another race, I think NOT.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
Those guys are tan cocoa-zoids. This is a keeper. you-tube downloader
Posted by Recovering Afro-holic (Member # 17311) on :
This is comical at best. It is so obvious this guy has been indoctrinated by one of the Afrocentrists. Only Afrocentrist "Historians" use the argument that anytime you find light skinned middleeasterners, they are a result of Turks. It is their famous talkin point.

This dude is no different from the some of the "untouchables" who have been indoctrinated by that bald headed Afrocentrist Ray Hagins.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
Put the glass down.

You saying he is not black, not African and not egyptian?
Posted by markellion (Member # 14131) on :
Egypt continued to be under a great deal of "Sudanese" influence even after Islam. And even as this Sudanese supremacy waned it was the British that finally tore these relations apart. Egypt has always been an important part of Africa


M.A. Shaban page 109

"The sudden and conspicuous appearance of the Sudan amongst the armies of Ibn Tulun in Egypt calls for an explanation. Some sources like us to believe that he bought as many as 40,000 Negro slaves and made soldieries out of them to build up an empire of his own. Buying such a number of slaves, let alone training them to be an effective fighting force in a completely unfamiliar territory, would certainly have required more time than the few years that preceded their appearance in Egypt and subsequently in Syria and on the Byzantine borders in the early years of Ibn Tuluns rule 868/884. Other sources more accurately inform us that he enlisted these Sudan in his army"

(Cont) page 110

"We are here concerned with the Zaghawa, the name of a tribe and its territory which bordered the south of the Sahara and extended west from what is now the western Sudan across Chad, Niger and Northern Nigeria to Upper Vota. Through these regions passed an important trade route that started from Ghana and continued all the way to the Egyptian Oasis and then either to the Nile Valley or to Tripolitania.. The good relations with the king of Nubia, who had had his Nubia House in Fustat since the days of Mutasim, provided the solution"

(cont) page 111

"For the Zaghawa the Nubian route was a much safer one that would save them from the hazards of the desert. Once this was established, their increasing presence in Egypt was almost a logical consequence and a clear indication of their interest is widening the scope of their trade. Ibn Tulun would have no objection to such an expansion which could only enhance the wealth of his domains. This common interest created the opportunity for military as well as economic co-operation which explains the enlistment of the Sudan in the army of Egypt"

Perry Noble pages 48 and 49

Perry Noble


About 1100 Yusuf of Marocco influenced the Negroes, but Timbuktu (refounded 1213) is said to have received Islam from Egypt. It entered Gao, down the Niger, in 1009; Melli about 1025; and Silla fifteen years later. Between 1085 and 1100 Hume, the first king of Bornu, extended Islam almost to Egypt.

Perry Noble


In the Chad group the Hausa has spread farthest and acquired most usefulness. The vernacular of a numerous people, it offers a valuable medium of communication through vast districts on both sides of the Binwe and the Niger. In extent of use it surpasses all other languages in inner Africa, serving not only as the mother=tongue of millions but as a world=speech between tribes of different languages and between Mediterranean and Sudanese Africa. Hausa is remarkable for simplicity, elegance and wealth of vocabulary. It stands among the world's imperial languages, magnificent, rich and sonorous, beautiful and facile in grammatical structure, enjoying a harmony in the forms of its words and a symphonic symmetry that few tongues can equal, and assured of prolonged existence and vast expansion. It is the Latin of Central Sudan.

Posted by Jari-Ankhamun (Member # 14451) on :
Originally posted by Recovering Afro-holic:
This is comical at best. It is so obvious this guy has been indoctrinated by one of the Afrocentrists. Only Afrocentrist "Historians" use the argument that anytime you find light skinned middleeasterners, they are a result of Turks. It is their famous talkin point.

This dude is no different from the some of the "untouchables" who have been indoctrinated by that bald headed Afrocentrist Ray Hagins.

Told you, the cock sucker never fails...LMAO. I would love to see your white ass tell that to these Egyptians faces
Posted by Brada-Anansi (Member # 16371) on :
Man!! what a wholly different response from the Cairo response to the same question sometime ago, when asked most of the Carinees say something like they have no connection with Africans..and seem even upset at the question.
Posted by Recovering Afro-holic (Member # 17311) on :
Tell them what, that some Afrocentrist (perhaps it's Mr. Kwesi the Afro-nutty Egyptian tour guide) taught them a revisionist form of history? (LOL)

Originally posted by Jari-Ankhamun:
Originally posted by Recovering Afro-holic:
This is comical at best. It is so obvious this guy has been indoctrinated by one of the Afrocentrists. Only Afrocentrist "Historians" use the argument that anytime you find light skinned middleeasterners, they are a result of Turks. It is their famous talkin point.

This dude is no different from the some of the "untouchables" who have been indoctrinated by that bald headed Afrocentrist Ray Hagins.

Told you, the cock sucker never fails...LMAO. I would love to see your white ass tell that to these Egyptians faces

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Recovering Afro-holic - Thank you, I had never heard of Ray Hagins.

But do you really think that we need another Afroidiot here? I mean, we Afrocentrics already have enough ignorant idiots to abuse.

Ray Hagins link below - the boards Christian brothers might find this interesting and enlightening.
Posted by Recovering Afro-holic (Member # 17311) on :
exactly! which only shows some Afronut got a hold of this guy and indoctrinated him. He is not the norm.

Tnis video is a joke. It is no proof of anything. Yet it is evidence of Afrocentrism being exported to other countries.

Originally posted by Brada-Anansi:
Man!! what a wholly different response from the Cairo response to the same question sometime ago, when asked most of the Carinees say something like they have no connection with Africans..and seem even upset at the question.

Posted by Brada-Anansi (Member # 16371) on :
Recovering Afrocentric
Tell them what, that some Afrocentrist (perhaps it's Mr. Kwesi the Afro-nutty Egyptian tour guide) taught them a revisionist form of history? (LOL)
Well if the centuries old Euro-indoctrination can be over-come so let it be said so let it be done son!!  -  -
[Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by markellion (Member # 14131) on :
I have seen things like that with Indians (i.e. Hindus) because people think all Africans in India traveled there as slaves. This is entirely because of European colonialism

Originally posted by Brada-Anansi:
like they have no connection with Africans..and seem even upset at the question.

Posted by Brada-Anansi (Member # 16371) on :
This is entirely because of European colonialism
Something Recovering Alcoholic wants to ignore..and no!! I don't believe they the Upper Egyptians needed prodding to remember who they are they do not seem confuse by their complexion or features,all they had to do was look in a mirrior,but I have always said Egyptians needed to have this conversation amongst we did 40~50 yrs ago..maybe they will throw out products like Ponds bleeching cream..and balance out their Movie stars with some dark-skinned folks..remember we were not soo different anytime before the 50ts,60ts and 70ts ask grandma. .. [Big Grin]
Ah know I-am being silly^.. [Big Grin]
Posted by markellion (Member # 14131) on :
Web Site

Today most natives of the United Arab Republic of Eygpt consider themselves (thanks to European colonials) representative of the indigenous people of ancient Egypt . However, it is clear that less than a century ago this was not the case. Most of the agriculturalists in Egypt had absorbed for centuries the incoming Bedouins of the Arabian peninsula who were according to most accounts dark or brown and the same color as the indigenous Egyptians, as well as large numbers of slaves in early days from Asia and later mostly African and Slavic slaves.

Posted by markellion (Member # 14131) on :
This is to show the extent that Europeans had influence/control over Egypt

BBC the Story of Africa "Egypt and The Sudan"

In 1811 Mohammed Ali, a high ranking Albanian army officer serving the Ottoman Empire ousted the Governor of Egypt and appointed himself ruler. He remained nominally under Ottoman authority and was carefully observed by the British, who were determined to strengthen their position in North Africa. To begin with, Mohammed Ali pursued an independent domestic and foreign policy.

"Egypt may now almost be said to form part of Europe. It is on the high road to the Far East. It can never cease to be an object of interest to all the powers of Europe, and especially to England…"....

In 1820, with the encouragement of Britain, Mohammed Ali invaded Sudan in search of slaves and to keep his army occupied. The Funj sultanate was deposed. Southern Sudan was devastated and the Dinka still refer to the invasion as 'The time when the earth was spoilt'. Sudan was now under Egyptian rule.

For the first time Egypt had a growing number of Egyptians in its army (as opposed to foreign mercenaries). The British became anxious that Egypt was becoming too strong a force in the region. In 1838 they compelled Mohammed Ali to reduce his army and drop his protectionist trade policies. As a result, Egypt became flooded with British goods and local industry collapsed.

John Hobson "Economic Parasites of Imperialism"


Italian economist Loria:

"The appointment of such a commission literally amounts in the end, however, to a veritable conquest. We have examples of this in Egypt, which has to all practical purposes become a British province, and in Tunis, which has in like manner become a dependency of France, who supplied the greater part of the loan. The Egyptian revolt against the foreign domination issuing from the debt came to nothing, as it met with invariable opposition from capitalistic combinations, and Tel-el-Kebir's success, bought with money, was the most brilliant victory wealth has ever obtained on the field of battle."*18"


But, though useful to explain certain economic facts, the terms "creditor" and "debtor," as applied to countries, obscure the most significant feature of this Imperialism. For though, as appears from the analysis given above, much, if not most, of the debts are "public," the credit is nearly always private, though sometimes, as in the case of Egypt, its owners succeed in getting their Government to enter a most unprofitable partnership, guaranteeing the payment of the interest, but not sharing in it.

Posted by Brada-Anansi (Member # 16371) on :
Well most of us are aware of the info..posted above if not in such detail,the thing is what to do with that info,how does one go about reversing the negative effects? and folks of West-Asian decent may have their own separate agenda but tied to the same land.their case is similar to Brazil when folks praise Brazil for being non-racist and all inclusive when you couldn't find anyone darker than the color o caramel working in a bank or an up-scale department store,They now realize they have been hoodwinked and are now taking steps to reverse all that. I hope Egyptians do the same.. WAKE-UP!!! BLACK PEOPLE THE DAWN APPROACHES
Posted by ausar (Member # 1797) on :
You might be suprised how many Lower and Upper Egyptians see the Nubians to be the best representation of the ancient Egyptians. The indigenouness of the Cairene Egyptians ultimately depends which part of Egypt they come from. Even if an Egyptian hails from a particular part of Egypt does not make them immune from foreign ancestry. However, the Egyptians from rural areas in Middle and Upper Egypt tend to have less foreign ancestry.

I personally have found little data supporting that either Mameluke/Turkish ancestry had much effect on the modern Egyptian population. From what I have read it appears the pre-Islamic foreign element is what lead to the admixture in modern Egyptians.

Let me clarify also that its not an Afrocentric notion to say that the modern Cairene and Delta Egyptians are foreign. Many early Egyptologist felt this way and often wrote about it in their writings. Most believed this to be fact. It would not suprise me if there are villages in the Delta filled with people that desend from Egyptianized foreigners. It was even the case back in pharoanic times because much of the southern Egyptians could not understand the dialect of the Delta Egyptians. What are we to make of the presence of reykt birds binded. Diop believed these people to be foreigners.

Sorry if I rambled on. As an Egyptian I felt like I should say something.
Posted by abdulkarem3 (Member # 12885) on :
I'm a little surprised that those Egyptians knew so much about their history, especially the European component
this is kinda nown all over north africa. southerners are darker and look african. this is told to me by every northern or city dwelling moroccan . moroccans even know that the southern egyptians tend to look like their southern neighbors.
Posted by Jari-Ankhamun (Member # 14451) on :
Originally posted by ausar:
You might be suprised how many Lower and Upper Egyptians see the Nubians to be the best representation of the ancient Egyptians. The indigenouness of the Cairene Egyptians ultimately depends which part of Egypt they come from. Even if an Egyptian hails from a particular part of Egypt does not make them immune from foreign ancestry. However, the Egyptians from rural areas in Middle and Upper Egypt tend to have less foreign ancestry.

I personally have found little data supporting that either Mameluke/Turkish ancestry had much effect on the modern Egyptian population. From what I have read it appears the pre-Islamic foreign element is what lead to the admixture in modern Egyptians.

Let me clarify also that its not an Afrocentric notion to say that the modern Cairene and Delta Egyptians are foreign. Many early Egyptologist felt this way and often wrote about it in their writings. Most believed this to be fact. It would not suprise me if there are villages in the Delta filled with people that desend from Egyptianized foreigners. It was even the case back in pharoanic times because much of the southern Egyptians could not understand the dialect of the Delta Egyptians. What are we to make of the presence of reykt birds binded. Diop believed these people to be foreigners.

Sorry if I rambled on. As an Egyptian I felt like I should say something.

Oh, No Ausar your input is much appreciated, and we all know that this is very true. What is said is people who want to TELL YOU and YOUR PEOPLE like the Egyptians in that clip that your culture is not African and if you claim so you are Afrocentric. It is of course mindless ignorant swine that would do so and still try to push the European spin on African Egyptian history.
Posted by ausar (Member # 1797) on :
Many of the same people who deny African links are unaware of the secret folk culture that exists amongst the rural and poor urban class of modern Egyptians. Its unfortunate that outside/inside Egypt this fact is not well known either. Even Molefi Assante, the spear head of Afrocentrism, failed to mention this

Moustafa Gadalla expounds upon this. I wouldn't recommend him as an unbiased source but he covers aspects of modern Egypt not explored by academic Egyptologists.
Posted by Jari-Ankhamun (Member # 14451) on :
Originally posted by ausar:
Many of the same people who deny African links are unaware of the secret folk culture that exists amongst the rural and poor urban class of modern Egyptians. Its unfortunate that outside/inside Egypt this fact is not well known either. Even Molefi Assante, the spear head of Afrocentrism, failed to mention this

Moustafa Gadalla expounds upon this. I wouldn't recommend him as an unbiased source but he covers aspects of modern Egypt not explored by academic Egyptologists.

I have heard of Gadalla, I have been trying to read some of his work.
Posted by Brada-Anansi (Member # 16371) on :
Many of the same people who deny African links are unaware of the secret folk culture that exists amongst the rural and poor urban class of modern Egyptians.
And if they did find that out they would link it to Devil worship and have it stomped out by fundamentalist folks of all stripes.
Posted by Chimu (Member # 15060) on :
Originally posted by abdulkarem3:
click modern egyptians explaining their identity

Some admixture occurred, but not a replacement. about 30% of the male ancestry seems to be foreign in North Egypt according to Lucote.
G. Lucotte* and G. Mercier, Brief Communication: Y-Chromosome Haplotypes in Egypt, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY 121:63–66 (2003)

Fifteen different p49a,f TaqI haplotypes are present in Egypt, the three most common being haplotype V (39.4%), haplotype XI (18.9%), and haplotype IV (13.9%). Haplotype V is a characteristic Arab haplotype, with a northern geographic distribution in Egypt in the Nile River Valley. Haplotype IV, characteristic of sub-Saharan populations, shows a southern geographic distribution in Egypt.

Haplotypes V, XI, and IV are the main Y-chromosome- specific haplotypes in Egyptian males detected in the present study. Haplotype V is characteristic of Arab and Berber populations of North Africa (Lucotte et al., 2000), where it defines a major similarity among coastal populations in a one-dimensional pattern: the frequency of haplotype V is 53.4% in Tunisia, 56.7% in Algeria, and 57.9% in Morocco, reaching 68.9% among Moroccan Berbers where it is in the wide majority; the frequency of haplotype V is 44.7% in Libya, and was established to be 40.4% in a previously studied population of 52 males originating from the northern part of Egypt (Lucotte et al., 2000). Haplotype XI is one of the three most important haplotypes found in Ethiopia (Passarino et al., 1998; Lucotte and Smets, 1999), where it attains 25.9% in frequency. Haplotype IV is characteristic of sub-Saharan populations in Africa (Torroni et al., 1990; Spurdle and Jenkins, 1992), where its geographical distribution can be an indication of Bantu expansion: for example, in Central Africa (Lucotte et al., 1994), the frequency of haplotype IV is 55.2% in Cameroon, and reaches 80.3% in Zaıre and up to 83.9% in the Central African Republic.

Shomarka Keita has more to say on Haplotype V.

S.O.Y. Keita and A. J. Boyce, Genetics, Egypt, and History: Interpreting Geographical Patterns of Y Chromosome Variation, History in Africa 32 (2005) 221-246
The most common variants found in different studies of Egypt collectively are, in descending frequency, V, XI, IV, VII, VIII, XV, and XII (Table 2A). The first three of these are of greatest interest due to their frequencies. Haplotype V, sometimes called "Arabic" (Lucotte and Mercier 2003a) declines from lower Egypt (north) at 51.9%, to upper Egypt (24.2%), and to lower Nubia (south) at 17.4%. Haplotypes VII, VIII, XV, and XII also decline (Table 1). In contrast, haplotypes XI and IV, called "southern," with IV being labeled "sub-Saharan," have their lowest frequencies in lower Egypt (XI-11.7%; IV-1.2%), but increase in upper Egypt (XI-28.8%; IV-27.3%); and lower Nubia (XI-30.4%; IV-39.1%); there is no statistically significant difference between the latter two regions (Lucotte and Mercier 2003a). Haplotypes VII and VIII are most prevalent in the Near East, and XII and XV in Europe.
It is important to address the appellation of "Arabic" for haplotype V, due to names being interpreted as indicators of origins, and the inconsistencies found in the literature. This variant is found in very high frequencies in supra-Saharan countries and Mauretania (collective average 55.0%), and in Ethiopia (average 45.8%) (Table 2A). In specific groups its highest prevalence is in samples from Moroccan Amazigh (Berbers) (68.9%) and Ethiopian Falasha (60.5%). Its frequency is considerably less in the Near East, and decreases from west (Lebanon, 16.7%) to east (Iraq, 7.2%) ([url= 2A[/url]). The label "Arabic" for V is therefore misleading because it suggests a Near Eastern origin. In fact this variant has been called "African" (Lucotte et al. 1993:839, Lucotte et al. 1996:469), and "Berberian" (Lucotte et al. 2001:887).

Now Haplotypes VII, VIII, XII and XV are foreign, and they account for almost 30% of Northern Egyptian male ancestry.
Posted by Chimu (Member # 15060) on :
Now I highly doubt that the female foreign ancestry is as high as the male, but for comparison purposes, let us say it was the same, 30%.

Now that is about the same level of admixture as say:

Maya Angelou is 33% European and 67% African.

Tina Turner is 33% European, 66% African and 1% Amerindian.

Quincy Jones is 34% European and 66% African

Djavan is 30% European, 65% African and 5% Amerindian.

Tom Joyner is 33% European, 64% African and 3% Amerindian.

Obina is 13% European, 61% African and 25% Amerindian.

People with even less African ancestry can still be relatively dark, so how do you explain the much lighter populations? Northern Egyptians sure don't look like Dominicans. (Who mitochondrially have more non-African ancestry than Egyptians have on their Y-Chromosome)

Unless the Egyptians of the area already looked somewhat like they do today as well. Maybe slightly darker, but not that marked. And considering the maternal side has to be lower, I doubt they even have 20% non African ancestry.
Posted by anguishofbeing (Member # 16736) on :
Originally posted by Chimu:  -
Some admixture occurred, but not a replacement.

Another classic straw by blue eyed "creole" soldierboy. Who argued a replacement?
Posted by White Nord (Member # 14093) on :
In North Africa, J1 first entered Ethiopia with the spread of Semitic speakers Eritrea (11%), Ethiopia (9%), Ethiopia-Amhara (33.3%). It spread later to North Africa in historic times (as identified by the motif YCAIIa22-YCAIIb22; Algerians 35.0%, Tunisians 31%), where it became something like a marker of the Arab expansion in the early medieval period. J1 also seems to be found with high frequency in the northern parts of Sudan (Arabs 45%, Nubians 41%, Copts 39%, Beja 36% ), and present with lower frequency in the region of Darfur (Masalit 6%, Fur 6%). Haplogroup J1 may be found in as many as 20% of Egyptian males, with the frequency of this haplogroup tending to be comparatively high in the south of the country.

Hisham Y. Hassan et al., "Y-Chromosome Variation Among Sudanese: Restricted Gene Flow, Concordance With Language, Geography, and History," American Journal of Physical Anthropology (2008). J-12f2(xJ2-M172) in 46/102 Sudanese Arabs of the Gaalien, Meseria, and Arakien tribes, 16/39 Nubians, 13/33 Copts, 15/42 Beja, 2/32 Masalit, and 2/32 Fur.

Above is debunking such findings by Keita that the Lower Egyptian, Upper Egyptian, and Lower Nubian Haplotypes are "mostly Africans". Once again dumb fucks Africans even further South than modern Egyptians are heavily mixed WITH BLACK SKIN. So to say that they are a representative of their ancient ancestors but the light skinned egyptians aren't is fucking retarded and hypocritical!
Posted by anguishofbeing (Member # 16736) on :
^ I think you should stay away from ES for a while. The numerous beatdowns have clearly affected your sanity.
Posted by The Explorer (Member # 14778) on :
LOL @ percentages of "admixture" in celebrity figures. My friend, anyone who is human has got to have more than 99% African component! If not, then that person is not a HUMAN!
Posted by The Explorer (Member # 14778) on :
Just to add one more thing...

Originally posted by Chimu:

People with even less African ancestry can still be relatively dark, so how do you explain the much lighter populations? Northern Egyptians sure don't look like Dominicans. (Who mitochondrially have more non-African ancestry than Egyptians have on their Y-Chromosome)

Unless the Egyptians of the area already looked somewhat like they do today as well. Maybe slightly darker, but not that marked. And considering the maternal side has to be lower, I doubt they even have 20% non African ancestry.

Using your logic, one will figure that these folks, claimed to have recent sub-Saharan [the first set presumably implicating Somali ancestry, per Yonis who posted them here] ancestry, should not look the way they do:





^Of Ghanaian and Scottish ancestry

^Of Nigerian and Finnish ancestry

^Of Ghanaian and English ancestry

^Of Senegalese and English ancestry

^Of Senegalese and Swedish ancestry

The above set + info, courtesy of ES poster gilgameshx/humanity.
Posted by astenb (Member # 14524) on :
Originally posted by White Nord:
In North Africa, J1 first entered Ethiopia with the spread of Semitic speakers Eritrea (11%), Ethiopia (9%), Ethiopia-Amhara (33.3%). It spread later to North Africa in historic times (as identified by the motif YCAIIa22-YCAIIb22; Algerians 35.0%, Tunisians 31%), where it became something like a marker of the Arab expansion in the early medieval period. J1 also seems to be found with high frequency in the northern parts of Sudan (Arabs 45%, Nubians 41%, Copts 39%, Beja 36% ), and present with lower frequency in the region of Darfur (Masalit 6%, Fur 6%). Haplogroup J1 may be found in as many as 20% of Egyptian males, with the frequency of this haplogroup tending to be comparatively high in the south of the country.

Hisham Y. Hassan et al., "Y-Chromosome Variation Among Sudanese: Restricted Gene Flow, Concordance With Language, Geography, and History," American Journal of Physical Anthropology (2008). J-12f2(xJ2-M172) in 46/102 Sudanese Arabs of the Gaalien, Meseria, and Arakien tribes, 16/39 Nubians, 13/33 Copts, 15/42 Beja, 2/32 Masalit, and 2/32 Fur.

Above is debunking such findings by Keita that the Lower Egyptian, Upper Egyptian, and Lower Nubian Haplotypes are "mostly Africans". Once again dumb fucks Africans even further South than modern Egyptians are heavily mixed WITH BLACK SKIN. So to say that they are a representative of their ancient ancestors but the light skinned egyptians aren't is fucking retarded and hypocritical!

One study doesn't debunk another study dumb ****. Its not like they are sampling the SAME PEOPLE. Different samples from different areas yield different results. IN the Lucote study the samples gave the results that Keita critiqued. Also its pretty clear that when "J1 first entered Ethiopia" it was NOT with the spread of Semitic languages. See "J1-M267 Y lineage marks climate-driven pre-historical
human displacements" and look at the TMCRA for Ethiopian J1.
Posted by anguishofbeing (Member # 16736) on :
Originally posted by astenb:
One study doesn't debunk another study dumb ****. Its not like they are sampling the SAME PEOPLE.

You do know that you are going to be held responsible for white nord's nervous breakdown with this reply do you? lol
Posted by Chimu (Member # 15060) on :
Originally posted by The Explorer:
LOL @ percentages of "admixture" in celebrity figures. My friend, anyone who is human has got to have more than 99% African component! If not, then that person is not a HUMAN!

Strawman as we are speaking of genetic markers since the OOA occurrence.

Originally posted by The Explorer:
[QB] Just to add one more thing...

Originally posted by Chimu:

People with even less African ancestry can still be relatively dark, so how do you explain the much lighter populations? Northern Egyptians sure don't look like Dominicans. (Who mitochondrially have more non-African ancestry than Egyptians have on their Y-Chromosome)

Unless the Egyptians of the area already looked somewhat like they do today as well. Maybe slightly darker, but not that marked. And considering the maternal side has to be lower, I doubt they even have 20% non African ancestry.

Using your logic, one will figure that these folks, claimed to have recent sub-Saharan [the first set presumably implicating Somali ancestry, per Yonis who posted them here] ancestry, should not look the way they do:
Oh you mean the kids of Ethiopians, Eritreans and Somalis that already show heavy middle eastern admixture? Already saw them.

The trick would be to test those kids and how much admixture from each region they already had. That is like claiming she is half African.
Posted by Brada-Anansi (Member # 16371) on :
The point being missed here is a group of Egyptians seemed fit to declare their Africaness and the Africaness of their ancestors inspite of naysayers and Eurocentric positions that to me is the most important aspect to the video we can search for haplotype this and haplotype that measure nose width and head lenght that till we are blue in the face the facts are ancient Kemet was biologically and culturally African with some genetic infusion from Eurasia from time to time like all other cosmopolitan civilization. Ie Rome Greece,Persia,etc. What's the BFD??
Posted by AswaniAswad (Member # 16742) on :
I always knew this but what suprised me is that at the end when they start speaking in arabic to eachother they bring up a good point SAeedi and Bahri lower egyptians are not egyptians.

Even Saeedi to an Extent are not pure egyptians
Posted by AswaniAswad (Member # 16742) on :
The way Muhammed Arabi speaks english is typical egyptian accent ahahahhahahhahahh
Posted by AswaniAswad (Member # 16742) on :
Muhammad Arabi even says that even in the fellahin areas they are not egyptians but mixed with romans mamlukes and etc..

Most Nubians dont even consider SAeedi pure egyptians
Posted by The Explorer (Member # 14778) on :
Originally posted by Chimu:

Strawman as we are speaking of genetic markers since the OOA occurrence.

And what do you think I was talking about; bones? LOL.

The classic uniparental markers doesn't not even make a stain, all things genetic considered, as it is simply part of that mere ~.o1 genetic variation. What does that mean?

Originally posted by The Explorer:

Oh you mean the kids of Ethiopians, Eritreans and Somalis that already show heavy middle eastern admixture? Already saw them.

I knew you'd get an idea like that, excusing the fact that the above east Africans are sub-Saharan folks. Yet even here, you still claim that it is strange for northern Egyptians to be dramatically facially modified through generations of gene flow from nearby areas. You are telling us, it is excusable that these people don't conform to your highly selective Black American celebrity figures and your "they don't look like Dominicans".

Recap: I knew you'd get an idea like that, excusing the fact that the above east Africans are sub-Saharan folks. Therefore, I included examples of outcomes between designated exotic groups and other sub-Saharan African folks, other than just the Somalis. Unfortunately for you, being "illiterate" gives you a convenient space to simply ignore them, and hence, imagine that you can get away with cowardly ignoring the point made to you.

Furthermore, your complaint that "Ethiopians, Eritreans, and Somalis show heavy middle eastern admixture", presumably explaining away why your subjective emotional feelings [which you pass of as some sort of informed judgment] did not square with the reality put in your face, does not have an ounce of objectivity to it. I knew it was a matter of time, but I in fact predicted in another thread, that you were trying to attribute things like nasal index et al. to exotic gene flow into Africa, and NOT part of its natural variation...which you know, has no legs to it, despite being the ideal you wish had been the case. These spurts of your true mindset across different threads come out, because they serve as proof that you cannot hide your true self no matter how much and how long you try through lies. For your sake, you had better not disagree with this assessment about your rationalizing away of the Somali ancestry implicated in one set of photos. It is an undertaking that will miserably fail.


The trick would be to test those kids and how much admixture from each region they already had. That is like claiming she is half African.

The same could be asked of your highly selective photo spams of Black American celebrity figures, and of your assessment about the impossibility of gene flow into Northern Egypt enough to modify the facial phenotypes of the populations therein. The photos of the folks with "mixed" geographical ancestry are presumably first generation progeny of such unions. What does that mean to you?

Gist: Your illogical amateurish double talk is as clear as the distinction between day and night. LOL.
Posted by ausar (Member # 1797) on :
Aswani_Aswan, I donot agree with that acessment about the people of Sa3eed. Many Nubians in the Aswan region and areas around Dongola have mixture with Turkish people and Mamelukes. I donot doubt that rural Upper Egyptians have mixture from pharoanic period to Islamic periods. The Fellahin in the Delta it depends which village and I am willing to bet its especially true getting closer to where bedouins have had much interaction with bedouins.

Either way not many people in modern Egypt is 100% pure. What I do know is the pharoanic customs are shared from the Delta to parts of northern Sudan.
Posted by GlobalAfrikanSupremacy (Member # 16906) on :
How much percent of Modern Kemet, is black?
Posted by AswaniAswad (Member # 16742) on :
U are speaking of the royal Nubian familys of Dongolawi yeah some of them have mameluke and Turki mix but they still retain there dark complextion as a whole. But look at Bahri lower egyptians and even those who are in fellahin areas even middle egypt they are not they have lost there original color as the egyptians of elephantine have not that is a big change my friend.

More or less i believe my Brother Muhammad Arabi which would make all those of Lower and upper egypt proper really socalled nubians who have mixed in with the invaders over centuries and u get your saeedi to a lesser extent and your nubian white Hawass only this can make sense as i have seen many sudanese who mix with turks and arabs and just look like saeedi socalled fellahin of masri
Posted by AswaniAswad (Member # 16742) on :
GlobalAfrikanSupremacy what do u consider black most egyptians who are darkskinned are in more similar complextion and skin tone as Northern sudanese eritreans ethiopians than they are to the rest of africa as well as african-americans.

Egypt is all black but just think of it like this Lower egypt is a bunch of socalled Nubians of egyptian decent who mixed in with romans mameluke Turki etc. So all of egypt is Black just like u all still consider half white half african americans still african
Posted by The Explorer (Member # 14778) on :
Originally posted by AswaniAswad:

GlobalAfrikanSupremacy what do u consider black most egyptians who are darkskinned are in more similar complextion and skin tone as Northern sudanese eritreans ethiopians than they are to the rest of africa as well as african-americans.

Not according to this:

Posted by anguishofbeing (Member # 16736) on :
Originally posted by The Explorer:
The same could be asked of your highly selective photo spams of Black American celebrity figures, and of your assessment about the impossibility of gene flow into Northern Egypt enough to modify the facial phenotypes of the populations therein. The photos of the folks with "mixed" geographical ancestry are presumably first generation progeny of such unions. What does that mean to you?

LOL the jackass forgot to factor that in when posting his picture spams.
Posted by AswaniAswad (Member # 16742) on :
U guys and your charts and studies how can we get anywhere when u keep going to this Eurocentric academic bullshit and this Afrocentric academic bullshit i think we africans should just take over the world and start the new school without europeans or african-americans or asians writing a damn thing. My grandfather always told me to look at the world those who write about others only do it for two reason love or hate
Posted by Bob_01 (Member # 15687) on :
The "Middle Eastern" admixture in East Africa involved Asians who looked African. Even today, the population in the Arabian peninsula are not white at all. On the other hand, there is GREATER European admixture within Blacks in South America or the United States.
Posted by AswaniAswad (Member # 16742) on :
Its not that East africa looks asian or arabian its arabians looking east african mainly eritrean,ethiopian,somalian.

People of Yemen,Saudi Arabia, and Oman look Horn of African not the other way around i have had this same talk to many of my arab friends from Yemen and Saudi Arabia and they agree
Posted by The Explorer (Member # 14778) on :
Originally posted by AswaniAswad:

U guys and your charts and studies how can we get anywhere when u keep going to this Eurocentric academic bullshit and this Afrocentric academic bullshit i think we africans should just take over the world and start the new school without europeans or african-americans or asians writing a damn thing. My grandfather always told me to look at the world those who write about others only do it for two reason love or hate

Using your logic, if "Eurocentric academia" state a fact, it should automatically be dismissed, well because, according to you, they are "Eurocentric academia"? If say, they said you were human, you'd dismiss it? The chart presented is based on empirical studies of certain populations in the region, with some obvious extrapolations thereof of the areas not directly sampled. This versus your unsubstantiated opinion; which one should be given a modicum of credibility? Fact doesn't discriminate based gender or race/ethnicity. If something has the potential of having truth to it, then it certainly also has potential of being falsified.
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
GlobalAfrikanSupremacy what do u consider black most egyptians who are darkskinned are in more similar complextion and skin tone as Northern sudanese eritreans ethiopians than they are to the rest of africa as well as african-americans.
Then perhaps you can explain why Jesse Jackson looks like an Eritrean, Henry Louis Gates looks like the PM of Ethiopia, Michael Steele looks like a Somali, and Bill Cosby looks like a "northern" Sudanese.

We're waiting......
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
Chimu wrote:

Oh you mean the kids of Ethiopians, Eritreans and Somalis that already show heavy middle eastern admixture? Already saw them.
Your statement above makes no sense.

So you are saying that Jesse Jackson, Dick Gregory, Tupac Shakur, Plaxico Burress, Henry Louis Gates, Richard Pryor, Michael Steele, Sean Combs, Sean Elliott, Omar Epps, Gregory Hines, Robert Horry, Montelle Jordan, and Cornell West have "middle eastern admixture"?

They are African Americans and have no "middle eastern admixture" or any admixture for that matter and look like the nationalities you claim have "heavy middle eastern admixture". Therefore since those AAs look like people from the nationalities you listed, how can those nations have "admixture"?

Once again I have exposed you as an idiot who makes things up as he goes along.

This intellectual thrashing has been brought to you by Argyle.
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :

From your posting history, it is safe to assume that the two posts immediately above will bother you immensely? Therefore feel free to add your thoughts as well. : )
Posted by KING (Member # 9422) on :
The Features of East Africans like Ethiopians, Eritreans, and Somalis has NOTHING to do with Middle Easterners.

Chimu if you have proof it's because of admixture, then please post the studies.

All I got to say is that East Africans are not people who look like middle easterners, it's the other way around.

Moving on. I am so happy to see Egyptians explaining there own ideas about the Ethnicity of AE. We need to see more of this. To see them cling to the truth about AE being African is just gravy. Nuff respect to these Egyptians who are not afraid to tell it like it is. It almosts seems like what we do on these forums is not a waste at all but we are slowly reaching people. Remember people truth stands on it's own. We just got to continue pushing forward the truth.

If we want to see change in this world, we got to be the Change we want to see in the World.

Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
King wrote:
The Features of East Africans like Ethiopians, Eritreans, and Somalis has NOTHING to do with Middle Easterners.
What features are you talking about?
Posted by Bob_01 (Member # 15687) on :
It's funny too, because hooked noses are more common in the Arabian peninsula. On the other hand, Horner noses can be narrow and sharp. I got to see both, first person, ever since I was born and it's hilarious that both are being considered identical nose types.
Posted by dana marniche (Member # 13149) on :
Originally posted by Recovering Afro-holic:
This is comical at best. It is so obvious this guy has been indoctrinated by one of the Afrocentrists. Only Afrocentrist "Historians" use the argument that anytime you find light skinned middleeasterners, they are a result of Turks. It is their famous talkin point.

This dude is no different from the some of the "untouchables" who have been indoctrinated by that bald headed Afrocentrist Ray Hagins.

Actually I am sure many dark-skinned Egyptians have just gotten sick of the Turko-United Arab Republican nonsense, and how they have been treated. [Wink]

Ex. - If you wanted to see Umm Kulthoum concerts back in the early 20th century you would not see any really dark-skinned Egyptians there, only upperclass people with light skin. Probably they weren't allowed in. [Eek!]

Posted by markellion (Member # 14131) on :
This is entirely because of European colonial eugenicists who wanted to protect light skinned Egyptians from contamination from "inferior races". They completely ignored the fact that large numbers of people from Africa were traveling to Egypt since forever so they changed history and made "blackness" a disgrace
Posted by dana marniche (Member # 13149) on :
Originally posted by markellion:
This is entirely because of European colonial eugenicists who wanted to protect light skinned Egyptians from contamination from "inferior races". They completely ignored the fact that large numbers of people from Africa were traveling to Egypt since forever so they changed history and made "blackness" a disgrace

We finally agree on something. [Wink]
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
Originally posted by markellion:
This is entirely because of European colonial eugenicists who wanted to protect light skinned Egyptians from contamination from "inferior races". They completely ignored the fact that large numbers of people from Africa were traveling to Egypt since forever so they changed history and made "blackness" a disgrace

No Markel...the turks were in collaboration
with the French and British to rob north Africa
from the Africans.

"Europeans" didn't need to teach those racist turkies racism, or thievery; they were masters in it already.

Posted by markellion (Member # 14131) on :
There remained close relations with different African empires and Egypt which were of course closed off when Europeans were taking over Africa. This is why I came to that conclusion because it was Europeans that closed off these relations
Posted by markellion (Member # 14131) on :
Originally posted by IronLion:
the turks were in collaboration
with the French and British

Everyone was aiding the European colonialists including freed African Americans and others of the African diaspora but especially Africans themselves

Perry Noble

During our century Muslim or pagan powers arose in Ashanti, Dahome, Kazembe, Lunda, Muata=Yanvo, Sahara, Senegambia, Sudan, Tabililand, Uganda, Upper Zambezia, Zanguebar and Zululand. These aided the development of Africa, influenced its relations with Europe and participated in preparing it for missions. Of the thirteen native states only three were not Negro powers, only four were not pagan. These (omitting the Mahdists) were the Arabs of Senusi and from Zanzibar and the Fulah of Senegambia and West Sudan. The Fulah and the Zanzibari have become quite Nigritic, and the ruling native race of Central and East Sudan belongs to the Negro. The black man instead of the Arab and the Berber has enabled Europe, seconded by America, to open Africa*....


•Speke, 1855, said: "The freed Negro contributed more than any one else to open Africa '. It is a source of regret to the present writer that the Procrustean lack of space prevents him from doing justice to the brawn and faithfulness of the Africans who in exploring and other enterprises have enabled brave and brainy white men to develop Africa. He hopes that some American Negro will work out this thesis.

Bellow page 185 he reveals Brittan's control over the East African slave trade

Zanguebar until 1884 remained a self=governing sultanate, its sovereign ruling in 1861 from Mukhdisho to Cape Delgado and his influence extending to Lake Tanganika, five hundred miles west. British influence was supreme, British subjects among Zanzibari slave=dealers

BBC the Story of Africa

"Egypt and The Sudan"

In 1811 Mohammed Ali, a high ranking Albanian army officer serving the Ottoman Empire ousted the Governor of Egypt and appointed himself ruler. He remained nominally under Ottoman authority and was carefully observed by the British, who were determined to strengthen their position in North Africa. To begin with, Mohammed Ali pursued an independent domestic and foreign policy.

"Egypt may now almost be said to form part of Europe. It is on the high road to the Far East. It can never cease to be an object of interest to all the powers of Europe, and especially to England…"....

In 1820, with the encouragement of Britain, Mohammed Ali invaded Sudan in search of slaves and to keep his army occupied. The Funj sultanate was deposed. Southern Sudan was devastated and the Dinka still refer to the invasion as 'The time when the earth was spoilt'. Sudan was now under Egyptian rule.

"Unnatural and Ever Prejudicial: Racial and Colonial Hierarchies in 19th Century Zanzibar" By Dyer, Jeffery

Page 60 One sailor said that the sultan of Zanzibar was

never was a man so falsely represented or so little understood as this petty Prince. In England we hear of his munificence, his power whereas he is merely upheld in the shadow of authority by the countenance of the English.

The bellow is from John Hobson

John Hobson "Economic Parasites of Imperialism"


Italian economist Loria:

"The appointment of such a commission literally amounts in the end, however, to a veritable conquest. We have examples of this in Egypt, which has to all practical purposes become a British province, and in Tunis, which has in like manner become a dependency of France, who supplied the greater part of the loan. The Egyptian revolt against the foreign domination issuing from the debt came to nothing, as it met with invariable opposition from capitalistic combinations, and Tel-el-Kebir's success, bought with money, was the most brilliant victory wealth has ever obtained on the field of battle."*18"


But, though useful to explain certain economic facts, the terms "creditor" and "debtor," as applied to countries, obscure the most significant feature of this Imperialism. For though, as appears from the analysis given above, much, if not most, of the debts are "public," the credit is nearly always private, though sometimes, as in the case of Egypt, its owners succeed in getting their Government to enter a most unprofitable partnership, guaranteeing the payment of the interest, but not sharing in it.

Posted by markellion (Member # 14131) on :
This is way off topic but I wanted to show how colonial powers were able to bring devastation in many ways that are not apparent.

BBC the story of Africa "Zulu Rise & Mfecane"

MFECANE 1817-1828

More destruction was caused by those whom Shaka defeated, than by his own forces. Such was the case of the Hlubi and the Ngwane. Bereft of all social order, these refugees took to looting and pillaging wherever they went. They reduced the landscape in the Natal and much of the Orange Free State into a wasteland. This period of change became known as the Mfecane, which is said to derive originally from a Zulu word meaning "crushing". For the past ten years the word and ideas behind it have aroused much debate and argument.

Many South African historians now believe that Europeans, and slave traders in particular, played a much larger part in upheaval in the region in the first quarter of the 19th century than was previously thought, and that too much emphasis has been put on Shaka's impact.

Posted by KING (Member # 9422) on :
Man I can't stop watching this video. I just hope many more African Egyptians continue to fight for their right to be heard. African Egyptians are part of the future of Egypt and they should be respected enough to gain education and jobs.

I would love to see more videos like this. Egyptians not afraid to embrace there idenity is a step in breaking the hold the elite have on the nations. We must teach people to love who they are, selfhate is one of the main weapons the elite use to keep us weak and unmotivated for change. Thats how division creeps in and people fight against the very people they should be supporting.

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by IronLion:
Originally posted by markellion:
This is entirely because of European colonial eugenicists who wanted to protect light skinned Egyptians from contamination from "inferior races". They completely ignored the fact that large numbers of people from Africa were traveling to Egypt since forever so they changed history and made "blackness" a disgrace

No Markel...the turks were in collaboration
with the French and British to rob north Africa
from the Africans.

"Europeans" didn't need to teach those racist turkies racism, or thievery; they were masters in it already.


Lion - You would think that what you say would be self evident; In as much as Turks now inhabit all of those formerly Black lands.

I keep wondering if the board is that dense, or if everyone has an unknown agenda.
Posted by markellion (Member # 14131) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
Lion - You would think that what you say would be self evident;

The problem here is the assumption that "blacks" had no power and influence. This is annoying because people do it all the time and this assumption is held without any proof.

Concerning "self evident" see this on stereotypes and how the person believes them without proof, and even acts as if it can never actually be proven

The other two items bellow are actual proof of this "black" influence

"Unnatural and ever prejudicial Constructions of Race and Colonial Hierarchies by British observers" in 19th century Zanzibar Electronic pages 13


In a discussion of race and colonial discourse, Homi Bhabha has described the stereotype as "a form of knowledge and identification that facilitates between what is always 'in place', already known, and something that must be anxiously repeated As if the essential duplicity of the Asiatic or the bestial sexual license of the African that needs no proof, can never, in discourse, be proved." In dual character as that which is already known and yet dependent on being anxiously repeated suggests an important aspect of the racial stereotype that is revealed in its use and function in many colonial sources......

page 14

"....We always already know that blacks are licentious, Asiatics duplicitous The stereotype becomes an element of unproven prior knowledge that needs no proof of its veracity for its employment as explanation for racialized difference.



World Power and Military

Contemporaries recognized Borno as a world power. They had vast trading networks, a powerful military and a rich intellectual culture. Around 1512 Borno sent diplomats to the N. African-occupied Spain, they had an embassy in the Ottomans Empire, where the two countries had a treaty of, "friendship and commerce," and Borno also had close relations with Egypt.6 (496, v)

Perry Noble


In the Chad group the Hausa has spread farthest and acquired most usefulness. The vernacular of a numerous people, it offers a valuable medium of communication through vast districts on both sides of the Binwe and the Niger. In extent of use it surpasses all other languages in inner Africa, serving not only as the mother=tongue of millions but as a world=speech between tribes of different languages and between Mediterranean and Sudanese Africa. Hausa is remarkable for simplicity, elegance and wealth of vocabulary. It stands among the world's imperial languages, magnificent, rich and sonorous, beautiful and facile in grammatical structure, enjoying a harmony in the forms of its words and a symphonic symmetry that few tongues can equal, and assured of prolonged existence and vast expansion. It is the Latin of Central Sudan.

Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
Originally posted by IronLion:
Originally posted by markellion:
This is entirely because of European colonial eugenicists who wanted to protect light skinned Egyptians from contamination from "inferior races". They completely ignored the fact that large numbers of people from Africa were traveling to Egypt since forever so they changed history and made "blackness" a disgrace

No Markel...the turks were in collaboration
with the French and British to rob north Africa
from the Africans.

"Europeans" didn't need to teach those racist turkies racism, or thievery; they were masters in it already.


Lion - You would think that what you say would be self evident; In as much as Turks now inhabit all of those formerly Black lands.

I keep wondering if the board is that dense, or if everyone has an unknown agenda.

Super dense....

Markellion is dense in a super-hero sense...
Posted by abdulkarem3 (Member # 12885) on :
This is entirely because of European colonial eugenicists who wanted to protect light skinned Egyptians from contamination from "inferior races". They completely ignored the fact that large numbers of people from Africa were traveling to Egypt since forever so they changed history and made "blackness" a disgrace
i agree with iron. the turks have allways been like this. actually this mentality was common in the greco-roman cultured world. read the story of ubadah bin samit the arab who was ebony black and was sent to maqauqis as an ambassador. maqauqis the greek told ubadah's companions u let ths black lead you when he is tall and very black and scary. or the psuedo science of plato i believe that dark skin like egyptians and ethiopians breeds cowardness. all of these spaniards greeks italians romanians albanians very north africans syrians persians alexandrian jews and etc were all from this school or thought. this is y jahiz had a plethora of info concerning the boast of the dark skin nations. ali jawad the 21st century iraaqi historian touces on this in his "hostory of the arabs before islaam" he adds how the arabs forgot the contributions of the darkskin nations to the arab civilization and how they adopted the conqured natins culture and mentality just like the northern gypos who mixed and hellenized themselves and south egyptians contrast.
Posted by markellion (Member # 14131) on :
@ abdulkarem3 Jahiz also wrote a similar treatise about Turks.

However absurd my claims here might have been, and I'm probably being overzealous in the way I depict things, but how about the whole Charles II thing? He had Italian ancestry and it makes sense that he was called black because he was darker than a typical Englishmen. Yet many are calling him African. Why didn't you point this out on this thread?

Thread "KING CHARLES II STUART, THE BLACK BOY":;f=15;t=001675;p=1

Quote is referring specifically to Charles II

"From Indentured Servitude to Racial Slavery"

English suppliers responded to the increasing demand for slaves. In 1672, England officially got into the slave trade as the King of England chartered the Royal African Company, encouraging it to expand the British slave trade.

Posted by Recovering Afro-holic (Member # 17311) on :
Are you fvcking kidding? You are dealing w/Afrocentrists who have a racial-political agenda. They will achieve their goals BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. That includes lying, as well as slanting and skewing the facts.

Originally posted by markellion:
@ abdulkarem3 Jahiz also wrote a similar treatise about Turks.

However absurd my claims here might have been, and I'm probably being overzealous in the way I depict things, but how about the whole Charles II thing? He had Italian ancestry and it makes sense that he was called black because he was darker than a typical Englishmen. Yet many are calling him African. Why didn't you point this out on this thread?

Thread "KING CHARLES II STUART, THE BLACK BOY":;f=15;t=001675;p=1

Quote is referring specifically to Charles II

"From Indentured Servitude to Racial Slavery"

English suppliers responded to the increasing demand for slaves. In 1672, England officially got into the slave trade as the King of England chartered the Royal African Company, encouraging it to expand the British slave trade.

Posted by dana marniche (Member # 13149) on :
Originally posted by markellion:
@ abdulkarem3 Jahiz also wrote a similar treatise about Turks.

However absurd my claims here might have been, and I'm probably being overzealous in the way I depict things, but how about the whole Charles II thing? He had Italian ancestry and it makes sense that he was called black because he was darker than a typical Englishmen. Yet many are calling him African. Why didn't you point this out on this thread?

Thread "KING CHARLES II STUART, THE BLACK BOY":;f=15;t=001675;p=1

Quote is referring specifically to Charles II

"From Indentured Servitude to Racial Slavery"

English suppliers responded to the increasing demand for slaves. In 1672, England officially got into the slave trade as the King of England chartered the Royal African Company, encouraging it to expand the British slave trade.

Actually - I don't think anybody in their right mind would say Charles II was an Afro-European - at least not from his depictions. Most people weren't saying he was. They were I suppose leaving the possiblity open that he had black African blood as is known of some of the other royals.
Posted by markellion (Member # 14131) on :
Iron Lion and Egmond Codfried thought he was black. This is why I pointed out the irony of the racism thing and King James II

Originally posted by Egmond Codfried:

The white's were oppressed, but have gotten even royally by keeping house in Africa and Asia, the past two hundred years. So we are even. Just like we had apartheid in South africa, we had Reversed Apartheid in Europe (1500-1789).

Originally posted by markellion:
Originally posted by IronLion:

Do u have any information on Prince Edward the black prince and King James II the brother of Charles II?


This is unbelievably pathetic!

Note this is from wikipedia but as I've shown earlier racial slavery developed during the reign of Charles II as will as the expansion of the slave trade

"Royal African Company"

The Royal African Company was a slaving company set up by the Stuart family and London merchants once the former retook the English throne in the English Restoration of 1660. It was led by James, Duke of York, Charles II's brother....

In the 1680s it (Royal African Company) was transporting about 5,000 slaves per year. Many were branded with the letters 'DY', after its chief, the Duke of York, who succeeded his brother on the throne in 1685, becoming James II. Other slaves were branded with the company's initials, RAC, on their chests.

Posted by Bob_01 (Member # 15687) on :
What is the prostitute on our board - Afroholic - jabbering about? He makes Eurocentrists look infinitely ignorant.

Markellion, if Charles II is of Italian ancestry, he would have recent African ancestors. I think that should be clarified, because the Africanity of Italians is a fact. Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting that his most recent ancestors were visibly African. In that sense, Charles II has black skinned ancestors, who recently entered Europe. [Wink]
Posted by markellion (Member # 14131) on :
You don't see it necessary to criticize Egmond Codfried on the black royalty apartheid thing? People are acting like his claims are completely normal:


Originally posted by Bob_01:
What is the prostitute on our board - Afroholic - jabbering about? He makes Eurocentrists look infinitely ignorant.

Posted by AswaniAswad (Member # 16742) on :
U see this is the problem Jesse Jackson doesnt look eritrean and if u think he looks eritrean sorry but Jesse Jackson has European mixture of which was recent eritreans have no admixture to look the way they look.

Every African American that i meet in America and looks EAst African or North african is a Creole or has recent admixture of which No One in eAst or North AFrican Needs inorder to have that look.

I have a friend who is from Louisiana he is black but his mother has french in her do u see what i mean u cant get horn of african or north african look being african american inless u have admixture from louisiana purchase native indian or white euroepan slave traders that is not a indiginous look among african americans period u can say what ever u want but no way my friend
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
[Embarrassed] Only in the Ancient Egypt section will a video showing indigenous (black) Egyptians speaking the truth about their ethnic identity and historical origins get replies that they are 'Afrocentric', or replies about percentage admixtures, or Jesse Jackson looking Eritrean. LOL

To the Alcoholic who hasn't quite recovered: the indigenous Egyptians in the video are obviously black and to accuse them of being "Afrocentric" for speaking the truth about their ethnic identity and historical roots, well here's some news for you-- Egypt is IN AFRICA and has always been part of Africa, you braindead kook!! This is like accusing Greeks of being Eurocentric for pointing how they and their ancient culture are European since Greece is part of Europe after all!

As to the blue-eyed mentally mixed-up Creole:
you love to bring up Ethiopians (albeit a minority) having Eurasian J paternal lineage, but what about the many Arabs who carry African E paternal lineages? What about all the literary texts from Biblical records of the Israelites to Greco-Roman accounts that peoples of western and especially southern Arabia were black and akin to Africans?? And what about what Explorer stated that 1st generation progeny of African and Eurasian admixture who look Eurasian than African??

It looks like your thongs are bunched up and what? Because some rural Egyptians spoke the truth about themselves?! LOL [Big Grin]
Posted by Brada-Anansi (Member # 16371) on :
for Egyptians against Bull-Sh!t
If u down with common sence enjoy if you are not cry...
Posted by astenb (Member # 14524) on :
^^ Interesting videos
Posted by PhuckaWhite (Member # 17548) on :
Seems like the Egyptians know exactly what they are and where they came from.

Bad news for the European.
Posted by homeylu (Member # 4430) on :
Originally posted by Brada-Anansi:
for Egyptians against Bull-Sh!t
If u down with common sence enjoy if you are not cry...

I wonder if this guy Truthseeker2007 is a member of this site.

When I met Egyptians on my visit, most of them will call the Upper Egyptians and Nubians "Pharonic people" and many in Cairo widely acknowledge their Turkish ancestors.

BTW, great videos. This guy was really on a mission, very clever.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Yes, what's also funny is that I've heard of many cases where African Americans who visit Egypt were mistaken for native Egyptians. Such a thing NEVER happens to whites. I wonder why. [Roll Eyes]

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