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Author Topic: Egypt is doing the RIGHT THING! We support PALESTINE, NOT HAMAS!
Member # 7838

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Most of the Arab world wants to put Egypt infront of the Gun AS USUAL and want to blame Egypt for everything after Thousands of Egyptian have died for the Palestinians, after for so many years the PALESTINIAN ISSUE has DELAYED our PROGRESS in Egypt and has caused us so many problems while the palestinians are over there KILLING EACHOTHER! Ofcourse Israels acts are BARBARIC and INHUMANE, but what about those COWARDS HAMAS? Hamas which cares nothing about its civilians and putting them in harms way, Hamas who kills other palestinians and split the palestinians into 2 factions..Hamas who provokes Israel when they know Israel will end up CRUSHING their entire population while so many poor innocent Gazans die! Egypt will never Support a Terrorist group like HAMAS, Hamas and the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD can goto hell and fight a war away from Egypt...Egypt said WE WILL OPEN THE BORDERS once HAMAS gives the Palestinian authority the border crossings, IF HAMAS CARED FOR ITS PEOPLE THEY WOULD DO JUST THAT! But for HAMAS the more people that DIE the more POPULARITY THEY WILL GAIN, and the Simple uneducated Egyptian who ONLY THINKS WITH HIS EMOTIONS AND NOT WITH LOGIC needs to be taught this, it seems the simple Egyptian only roots for ANYONE WHO CAN GROW A BEARD and only scream about DEATH and destruction (SIYASIT EL MOOT) and doesn't want peace.., since Abbas and the Palestinian Authority has no beards then automatically the Egyptians want to root for the Salafi Wahabi Hamas who in reality are the cause or at least a BIG FACTOR of the suffering of the people of GAZA! We all pray for the people of gaza to be rid of NOT ONLY ISRAEL, but ISRAEL & HAMAS!
Tarek Salah

عبد الرحمن الراشد

المثل مصري من قصة تروى انه عندما شب حريق في احد الحمامات، خجل البعض من الخروج من المكان وهم عرايا، في حين لم يبال البعض الآخر وخرج بعورته، الذين «اختشوا .. ماتوا» طبعا في الحريق. وهنا اسمحوا لي أن اصور الحدث كما هو، حريق وحمام دم غزة. فيه تموت الناس العرايا، يموت أضعف الناس، الاطفال والنساء والعزل في بيوتهم، لأنهم الهدف السهل لعدو غاشم لا يرحم. أما مسلحو حماس فلم نر لهم بعد حضورا، رغم بطولاتهم الكلامية قبل الغزو. هذا بالنسبة لأهل غزة، أما خارجها فينقسم العرب العراة الى فريقين. عراة يخجلون من عجزهم يريدون وقف القتل لذا صاروا هدفا للشتم والتشهير. يعترفون بحقيقة عجزهم، لذا يستجدون حماس ان تقبل بالتهدئة لان القتل من جانب واحد. اما العرب العراة الذين لم «يختشوا» نراهم يطبلون للحرب عن بعد، يصبون المزيد من الزيت على نارها دون رحمة للفلسطينيين، يرقصون لمعركة غير متكافئة، في الواقع تعد اقل معارك التاريخ الحديث تكافؤا.
طبالو الحرب، من أتباع ايران، مثل حزب الله، هم الذين يطالبون بترحيل الفلسطينيين او الحجر عليهم في لبنان. والفلسطينيون في لبنان مأساة مستمرة أعظم من غزة، حيث يحجر على نحو ربع مليون منهم فتحظر عليهم الحياة العادية، يمنعون من العمل والتنقل، وتغلق عليهم مخيماتهم كالبهائم، بل والله أسوأ منها حالا. هؤلاء يبررون محاصرتهم للفلسطينيين بانهم يخافون ان يتم توطينهم، فيمنعونهم من الخروج حتى لا يختل التوازن الديموغرافي بين السنة والشيعة والمسيحيين!

وهناك طبالو الحرب من أتباع ايران في العراق، مثل التيار الصدري، الذي سيّر مظاهرات عارمة في شوارع بغداد تضامنا مع المحاصرين في غزة، حاملين يافطات ضد المعتدين الاسرائيليين، إحداها تقول «قتل كلب جريمة تغتفر، وقتل شعب مسألة فيها نظر». كلام صحيح لكنه ينطبق عليهم أيضا. فالذي قد لا يعرفه كثيرون أن غلاة الصدريين هم الذين طردوا آلاف الفلسطينيين من بيوتهم في بغداد منذ أشهر فقط، وشردوهم في صحاري العراق حتى حوصروا على الحدود مع سورية، وهم اليوم بأطفالهم ونسائهم يعيشون في خيام لا تقي من برد، ينتطرون كل صباح معونات المحسنين.

هل يستأهل من يرتكب مثل هذه الجرائم بحق الفلسطينيين كل يوم أن نقبل منه ان يعظنا في الوطنية والعروبة والإسلام والأخلاق؟

هؤلاء يريدون ان تسفك دماء الفلسطينيين في حروب عبثية لأغراضهم السياسية، الايرانيون يريدون معارك عرب حتى يساوموا بها على النفوذ في لبنان والعراق والخليج. والاخوة في سورية، الذين يديرون حماس من دمشق، يريدون تقوية مركزهم التفاوضي بالتحكم في حماس، صواريخَ ومواقفَ سياسية.

في دمشق يعيّرون المصريين بإغلاق المعابر، ويريدون منهم المخاطرة بمواجهة عسكرية اسرائيلية، في حين انهم يرفضون فتح معابر الجولان خشية من اسرائيل.

«اللي ما اختشوا»، هم الناس الذين يمارسون حبس الفلسطينيين في لبنان، وتشريد الفلسطينيين في الصحراء العراقية، ومنع المرور من الجولان. فريق «اللي ما اختشوا» يتسيّدون اليوم الساحة رافعين رؤوسهم كالأبطال، قارعين عن بعد طبول الحرب في غزة.

اما الفريق الآخر، مثل مصر والسعودية والاردن، وغيرهم من الذين «اختشوا» يعرفون انهم عاجزون، ويعترفون به، هؤلاء على الاقل يرفضون تزوير البطولات والمتاجرة بهم كما تفعل ايران. ويحاولون جهدهم تقديم ما تيسر من مساعدات سياسية وإنسانية.

* نقلا عن صحيفة "الشرق الأوسط" اللندنية

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Member # 15728

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Mubarak took 2 billion from America last year to keep the mouth shut and cooperate. It is not the right thing it is a disgrace and if you think Hamas came before Israel you are brainwashed.

USA funds Israel because of all of the dual citizens in the American government:

American / Israeli Dual Citizens in the American Government

Attorney General - Michael Mukasey
Head of Homeland Security - Michael Chertoff
Chairman Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board - Richard Perle
Deputy Defense Secretary (Former)- Paul Wolfowitz
Under Secretary of Defense - Douglas Feith
National Security Council Advisor - Elliott Abrams
Vice President Dick Cheney’s Chief of Staff (Former)-“Scooter” Libby
White House Deputy Chief of Staff - Joshua Bolten
Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs - Marc Grossman
Director of Policy Planning at the State Department - Richard Haass
U.S. Trade Representative (Cabinet-level Position)- Robert Zoellick
Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board - James Schlesinger
UN Representative (Former)- John Bolton
Under Secretary for Arms Control - David Wurmser
Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board - Eliot Cohen
Senior Advisor to the President - Steve Goldsmith
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary - Christopher Gersten
Assistant Secretary of State - Lincoln Bloomfield
Deputy Assistant to the President - Jay Lefkowitz
White House Political Director - Ken Melman
National Security Study Group - Edward Luttwak
Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board - Kenneth Adelman
Defense Intelligence Agency Analyst (Former)- Lawrence (Larry) Franklin
National Security Council Advisor - Robert Satloff
President Export-Import Bank U.S.- Mel Sembler
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Administration for Children and Families - Christopher Gersten
Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Public Affairs
- Mark Weinberger
White House Speechwriter - David Frum
White House Spokesman (Former)- Ari Fleischer
Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board - Henry Kissinger
Deputy Secretary of Commerce - Samuel Bodman
Under Secretary of State for Management - Bonnie Cohen
Director of Foreign Service Institute - Ruth Davis

Those who OCCUPY Israel today are not the real jewish israelites. No matter what you read, they are not from the 12 tribes of judah. They are from Khazar. No matter how much they try to brow beat you with BS DNA documents remember it is BS. They are not from the 12 tribes but have fooled the whole world. Now they are being dragged into the light. Want to know what you are supporting?


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Member # 1925

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Originally posted by TAREK307:
Most of the Arab world wants to put Egypt infront of the Gun AS USUAL and want to blame Egypt for everything after Thousands of Egyptian have died for the Palestinians, after for so many years the PALESTINIAN ISSUE has DELAYED our PROGRESS in Egypt and has caused us so many problems while the palestinians are over there KILLING EACHOTHER! Ofcourse Israels acts are BARBARIC and INHUMANE, but what about those COWARDS HAMAS? Hamas which cares nothing about its civilians and putting them in harms way, Hamas who kills other palestinians and split the palestinians into 2 factions..Hamas who provokes Israel when they know Israel will end up CRUSHING their entire population while so many poor innocent Gazans die! Egypt will never Support a Terrorist group like HAMAS, Hamas and the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD can goto hell and fight a war away from Egypt...Egypt said WE WILL OPEN THE BORDERS once HAMAS gives the Palestinian authority the border crossings, IF HAMAS CARED FOR ITS PEOPLE THEY WOULD DO JUST THAT! But for HAMAS the more people that DIE the more POPULARITY THEY WILL GAIN, and the Simple uneducated Egyptian who ONLY THINKS WITH HIS EMOTIONS AND NOT WITH LOGIC needs to be taught this, it seems the simple Egyptian only roots for ANYONE WHO CAN GROW A BEARD and only scream about DEATH and destruction (SIYASIT EL MOOT) and doesn't want peace.., since Abbas and the Palestinian Authority has no beards then automatically the Egyptians want to root for the Salafi Wahabi Hamas who in reality are the cause or at least a BIG FACTOR of the suffering of the people of GAZA! We all pray for the people of gaza to be rid of NOT ONLY ISRAEL, but ISRAEL & HAMAS!
Tarek Salah


Amen to that. Its not just HAMAS that need to be sorted out but ALL these extreme groups that have grown up in recent time. They do a grave injustice to all Muslims and the stability of world peace.

The Palestinians had a real chance to make something of Gaza after the Isralies left, I don't understand what is in the minds of people like HAMAS and the PLO before them to hold their people back and make them suffer so much.

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Member # 15728

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What is the responsibility of Israel in this conflict? What is the responsibility of Mubarak regime? You blame Hamas for the killing of innocent civilians who are being targeted now:

Israel deliberately targeting civilians in Gaza

Mads Gilbert, a Norwegian doctor in Gaza, tells CBS News that the number of civilians injured and killed in Gaza proves that Israel is deliberately attacking the population.

HAMAS might not have had a choice as Israel has been squeezing the Palestinians for years now or have you not kept up with their suffering?'

What is the responsibility of Israel in this conflict?

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Member # 1925

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There is no excuse for the way Israel is acting in this situation its a travesty, there can be no excuse for them and they will suffer in the long run as its not going to bring peace.

BUT ask yourself what would the situation be in Gaza without HAMAS would this war have started?

The Palestinians in Gaza had a chance at a new life. HAMAS took that chance away from them.

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Member # 15728

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What of Israels use of chemical weapons now?
Do you also agree with that, blame Hamas for that? Israel has been in gross violation of international law for years yet nobody ever stands up to denounce it or stop them.

Look up "Willy Pete" on Google - if you have the BALLS!

The Israeli military is reportedly using napalm-like white phosphorus shells in its all-out attack on Gaza, according to the conservative Times of London. The phosphorus in the smoke-emitting shells causes agonizing, unquenchable burns, sometimes searing flesh right down to the bone.

These savage tools of terror are "legal" when used as smokescreens to mask military operations, although their use as an offensive weapon is war crime. This is a rather ludicrous distinction when the shells are fired into heavily populated civilian areas, exploding and spraying phosphorus in all directions. Anyone who orders their use on cities and refugee camps knows with iron certainty that civilians will be burned, maimed and killed by this chemical weapon. That is to say, they know they will be murdering and mutilating innocent people in the most gruesome manner -- and they give the order anyway.

web page
Fallujah by the Sea: Aping America, Israel Unleashes Chemical Weapons in Gaza

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Member # 15728

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Originally posted by Penny:
There is no excuse for the way Israel is acting in this situation its a travesty, there can be no excuse for them and they will suffer in the long run as its not going to bring peace.

BUT ask yourself what would the situation be in Gaza without HAMAS would this war have started?

The Palestinians in Gaza had a chance at a new life. HAMAS took that chance away from them.

I do not think it would matter Israel finds a way always. Palestinians have tried peace before and where did it get them? The day the Balfour Declaration was enacted by Britian it gave the green light for this to happen. Now I agree Hamas is not going through this right but it sick to finger point them and not see where Hamas was birthed from Israel and not the other way around.

In Haifa 726,000 people were run into the sea or the desert from their homes by Israelis and when they tried to return they were kept from it. Later Israel claimed the homes were abandoned and kept the homes and personal belongings for themselfs. Haifa still stands today and I know because someone in my family was from there. A chance at peace? Israel doesn't know what that means and neither do most who do no treally know what is going on there.

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Member # 3917

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I do agree with Tarek,,
Magdy , it just happened that I was in Alarish , nort Sinai , 40 KM from Gaza .. only few days before the air strike cheking some Properties I have , after I heard about what the palastinain did there few month ago. Any way I have spoken with many of the locals there , they were not very happy at all about the behaviour of the palstinians,, another topic , I was in Cairo when the strike happened , and unlike the media in many Arabic countries says and unlike when the opposition parties in Egypt say,, it is the minority of the Egyptians who is against the Egyptian formal situation ,,Egypt has a population of 80 millions ,, so how many went out in strikes or demonstration? Yes people are sorry for what happened for the people of Gaza,, but the general feeling is : why the palaqstinians are not united? If they are not standing to each other so why the Egyptians should do that? By the way Magdy ,, are you aware that the number of the palastinais killed by other palsatininas gropus over the past few years is much higher than the number of the palastinians killed by israllians since 1948? ( bare on mind the only country lost people in the wars against israil is Egypt.. more than 100 thousands).. by the way I am Egyptian

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I do not agree with hamas and I do think they are making more problems. But you are playing into israels hands now to back what they are doing. Hamas might provoke but so does Israel. Israel exaggerates their retaliation and I encourage you all to see this, just watch the first minute and a half:


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This is just more ZIONIST propaganda!



Israel will look for and find ANY excuse to persecute and kill Palestinians!

Palestinian PEOPLE, yes PEOPLE!! should never have to live the way they are FORCED to.

Having to have permission for just about anything they need, where they can go, what they eat, what they drink, if they are allowed water, gas, electricity, medical needs met, the list goes ON AND ON!

This year it's Hamas, several years ago it was Arafat and Fattah. Every year it's more of their LIES and excuses! These Zionists will control YOU soon, if you don't wake up to what they are doing!

40 YEARS OF THIS! ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you even watch these LYING bastards on television? How can you blame Hamas when you listen to the outright LIES these KILLERS tell???????

The only thing I do think Hamas did wrong, was to fire at Israel now, they should have waited till they had enough POWER to hit them where it would REALLY HURT!

and yes......I am married to a Palestinian! 65 years old. I don't need to watch youtube or read websites to know exactly what these ZIONIST's are up to!

SHAME ON THE WHOLE WORLD FOR THIS! It disgusts me beyond words watching these so called WORLD LEADERS discussing the current HOLOCAUST going on! WORDS ARE MEANINGLESS, it's time for ACTION! NOW!



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Laura is CORRECT 100%.

The people also elected Hamas because the US and Israeli stooge of Abbas and the corrupt Fatah were detested.

They can't "overthrow" Hamas, nor do they hate Hamas, because it's not Hamas that is starving them, bombing them, cutting off their water, electricity and all possibility of a normal life.
The 80% unemployment in Gaza is NOT the fault of Hamas, regardless of the "if they didn't send bombers, they'd be OK" the zionist propaganda will tell you.
"Resistance is futile" is not something easy to swallow when your back is against the wall.

If the Israelis had not decided to misinterpret Hamas, demonize Hamas and had talked to them, and had respected International Law, none of this would be happening.

People whine about the suicide bombings, and they're right, it's a horrible and vicious travesty, and a crime against humanity.
But what do you expect a people who are pushed against the wall, with no hope, no future and no outlook by a cruel and sadistic tyrant to do ?
Roll over ?
Lie on their backs so the people who took their country and condemned them to poverty and a life of permanent waiting for the return that will never happen can tickle their bellies ?

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Magdy, God Bless You for seeing the TRUTH to all of this.

It's not about rockets, or Hamas, it's about the ZIONISTS absolute need to eradicate all Palestinians from PALESTINE~

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Bless you Laura. I feel for your husband and his family. [Frown]

I mean, just go and stand for a day in a checkpoint into Jerusalem, and see after that if you don't feel like picking up a Kalashnikov or strapping on a suicide-belt.
Watch your 12 year old sister gunned down like a dog by a jeering Israeli soldier as she comes home from school.
Watch your children die, your men emasculated and imprisoned, your women abused and treated like üntermensch at the checkpoints and your houses bulldozed, watch all hope of International justice fade like a politicians smile, and tell me you wouldn't fight, tell me you'd just sit there and let yourself be raped of your dignity.

Tell me you'd take it lying down.

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Originally posted by Penny:
There is no excuse for the way Israel is acting in this situation its a travesty, there can be no excuse for them and they will suffer in the long run as its not going to bring peace.

BUT ask yourself what would the situation be in Gaza without HAMAS would this war have started?

The Palestinians in Gaza had a chance at a new life. HAMAS took that chance away from them.

This would have happened regardless because Israel doesn't want peace!

Be it in the past, present or the future, a long-term peace in the Middle East is against Israel's national interests. Peace will slowly but surely diminish Israel and will eventually cause its decline because a truly independent Palestine, that is a Palestine free from occupation, blockades and prosecutions, would exceed on all fronts and overrun Israel not just demographically but also economically. Eventually Jews would become an absolute minority and would have no choice but to be what they always were throughout their almost entire history, namely - a minority religious group. But this time the difference would be that instead of some European ghetto they will actually live and pray there where they holy sites are.

What does Israel want??? The answer is: Israel wants constant state of war.

That's the only way they can achieve their goal of complete Palestinian submission and/or annihilation. If the Palestinians submit then they will be spared and will become life-long servants of Israel and Israelis. Basically, at worst they will be like the blacks of South Africa during Apartheid, and at best they will be like the poor migrants of Western European slums. If they refuse to submit then Israel will try to destroy them and that's exactly what Israel is doing right now: (http://muslimtv.magnify.net/video/ISRAEL-CARNAGE-CIVILIANS-CHILDR )

What Palestinians should do? In one word: Fight! That's their only option. They should not rely on anyone else but themselves and fight! Fight until they have a State because the day they will have a state will be the beginning of the end of Israel as a country!

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the happiest day of my life and all the arabs would be the destruction and removal of terrorist israel from the planet. if i get a chance to beat the crap out of an israeli man i will do just that without hesitation. ill teach him a lesson that he is a coward and a terrorist for what he supports, killing innocent children, women and people every day. god i cant wait till that day or to meet some asshole that tells me he supports israel in my face, wont be pretty
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Member # 1925

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For sure Israel is evil. History speaks for that., but the Palestinians have to face reality ...... they can't win a war against Israel.

Its interesting to hear the constant condemnation of Israel now coming from many countries that would not have spoken in this way before. There is a sense of change in feeling on the western attitude to Israel, although we don't know yet about America until the new president takes over.

This is where real help for change can begin, but with blockheads like HAMAS its hard to see how negotiations will be able to move forward. If HAMAS were out of the picture then maybe Fatah would stand a chance to bring change to the country.

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Actually it's not even 40 years of OCCUPATION, it's 61, since 1948.

And another thing, these "rockets" Hamas have fired, just where in the hell do you think these rockets are landing???


and a Short Outline of a History Lesson...(from my husband).

Napolean promised the Jews a land. This was supposed to be in the States. The States refused, the Zionists refused.

Then England suggested to give them a home in Palestine (during the Ahmed Oraby revolution). The English then sent a letter to the English Colonel here in Egypt suggesting that Palestine would be the homeland for Jews, Egypt was against this.

During WWI and the Russian Revolution the Jews starting emigrating from Europe to other countries. They went to the states first, the states then stopped the emigration in 1938. They then started to come to Palestine with the help of the British and the British started supporting them with arms and everything.

This is the starting point.

We cannot deny the Egyptian efforts, even during the reign of King Farouk, until today, but this Peace Agreement with Israel has something hidden. This makes the Egyptian Government very careful in it's approach towards Israel.

We should not overlook the support of the Egyptian PEOPLE towards Palestine.

When Moses was born, in north Sinai, and received the message from God, he was in Sinai. He called to the people to become Jews when he was in Upper Egypt, during the times of the Pharaohs.

He ran from the Pharaohs to the Sinai.

His people were lost in the Sinai for 40 years. After that, they divided into 2 groups. One group went south to Yemen, the other group went to the northeast into Iraq.

So WHAT in History says that Palestine is the Homeland of the Jews aside from some ILLEGAL British Mandate???????

It's fact that Bethlehem is the birthplace for Jesus, does this mean that Bethlehem, is the HOMELAND for the Christians????

Mecca is the home of the birth of Prophet Mohammed (saw) does this mean that Mecca is the HOMELAND of Muslims?????????

Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Mecca are Holy Places but they are NOT the Homeland of Jews, Christians or Muslims!

End of his history lesson.

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Israeli Bombs Hits UN School:

Israeli forces edged closer to Gaza's major population centers on Tuesday and attacked new targets, including a U.N. school, taking more civilian lives after ignoring mounting international calls for an immediate cease-fire

web page

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Originally posted by magdy_salem:
Israeli Bombs Hits UN School:

Israeli forces edged closer to Gaza's major population centers on Tuesday and attacked new targets, including a U.N. school, taking more civilian lives after ignoring mounting international calls for an immediate cease-fire

web page

I saw this. This is the School the UN set up as a SHELTER for those told by the Zionists to evacuate! COWARDS then bomb it!!!!

Now they will be on tv denying it (or blaming Hamas as usual) just as they DENY there is any HUMANITARIAN CRISIS!!

Filthy Lying Cowardly Bastards!

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"They are Bombing 1.5 million People in a Cage"

Of 2500 wounded, 50% are women and children. Doing surgery around the clock. There are injuries you do not want to see-- children coming in with open abdomens, with injured legs, we had to amputate both of them. This is a war on the civilian population of Gaza. It is a very young population. They cannot flee. They are fenced in. They are bombing one and a half million people in a cage.


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Originally posted by Laura:
Actually it's not even 40 years of OCCUPATION, it's 61, since 1948.

And another thing, these "rockets" Hamas have fired, just where in the hell do you think these rockets are landing???


and a Short Outline of a History Lesson...(from my husband).

Napolean promised the Jews a land. This was supposed to be in the States. The States refused, the Zionists refused.

Then England suggested to give them a home in Palestine (during the Ahmed Oraby revolution). The English then sent a letter to the English Colonel here in Egypt suggesting that Palestine would be the homeland for Jews, Egypt was against this.

During WWI and the Russian Revolution the Jews starting emigrating from Europe to other countries. They went to the states first, the states then stopped the emigration in 1938. They then started to come to Palestine with the help of the British and the British started supporting them with arms and everything.

This is the starting point.

We cannot deny the Egyptian efforts, even during the reign of King Farouk, until today, but this Peace Agreement with Israel has something hidden. This makes the Egyptian Government very careful in it's approach towards Israel.

We should not overlook the support of the Egyptian PEOPLE towards Palestine.

When Moses was born, in north Sinai, and received the message from God, he was in Sinai. He called to the people to become Jews when he was in Upper Egypt, during the times of the Pharaohs.

He ran from the Pharaohs to the Sinai.

His people were lost in the Sinai for 40 years. After that, they divided into 2 groups. One group went south to Yemen, the other group went to the northeast into Iraq.

So WHAT in History says that Palestine is the Homeland of the Jews aside from some ILLEGAL British Mandate???????

It's fact that Bethlehem is the birthplace for Jesus, does this mean that Bethlehem, is the HOMELAND for the Christians????

Mecca is the home of the birth of Prophet Mohammed (saw) does this mean that Mecca is the HOMELAND of Muslims?????????

Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Mecca are Holy Places but they are NOT the Homeland of Jews, Christians or Muslims!

End of his history lesson.

The majority of people in Pali are kids. They are desperate people. The Jews have subjugated these people for years. Although wrong, the bombing of Israel is meager, with use of meager weapons that have hardly any effect. This does not give Israel the right to go in and kill as many people as they can.

I don't agree with either Hamas or Israel. And I especially do not agree that overwelming destruction of Pali is an answer. For one thing it's going to cost the United States billions to rebuild the place, because I doubt seriously Israel will rebuld it. The U.S. is allowing for the destruction of Pali probably due to U.S. contractors being lined up to rebuild infrastructure. The same they did in Iraq. It's really about making money if you want to know the truth. Arms, and making money on the clean up after violence ends.

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So what does anyone think Obama is going to do when he takes office, he's not saying anything just yet?
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Originally posted by Penny:
So what does anyone think Obama is going to do when he takes office, he's not saying anything just yet?

Whatever his zionist masters tell him to do. He was bought and paid for like all the others.
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Originally posted by south_london_male:
I was in Cairo when the strike happened , and unlike the media in many Arabic countries says and unlike when the opposition parties in Egypt say,, it is the minority of the Egyptians who is against the Egyptian formal situation ,,Egypt has a population of 80 millions ,, so how many went out in strikes or demonstration?

Are you serious? How many went out in strikes or demonstration? If you gauge the opinion of Egyptians by how many are demonstrating then that's a very poor gauge indeed.

I asked my husband if his friends in Egypt were protesting and he said "are you kidding me? All those people you see in the streets will be arrested once the demonstration is over. My friends are more concerned with feeding their families than going to jail over this."

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Originally posted by magdy_salem:
Originally posted by Penny:
So what does anyone think Obama is going to do when he takes office, he's not saying anything just yet?

Whatever his zionist masters tell him to do. He was bought and paid for like all the others.
I was thinking the same thing BUT he has spoken out about the attacks in Mumbai and about the financial crisis so why not speak out about this? The only explanation I can think of, and maybe it's my last grasp at hope that my country hasn't totally failed me, is that he is totally against the US stance at the UN re: Israel's massacre of Gaza and he is unable to speak out against a reigning president. I think this was Israel's only chance to do this because they feared Obama. Again though, I may be grasping at hope here but if he agreed with what Bush is doing why not enforce it? No harm in enforcing what the reigning president is doing but total harm in condemning it.
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" Egypt is doing the RIGHT THING! We support PALESTINE, NOT HAMAS!"

Who is we? The Egyptian people rightly support their brethren being bombed into smithereens. The tyrant coward Mubarak is supporting his bosses.

Hamas is a resistance movement. It is made up of Palestinian people fed up with the occupation and humiliation. It is better, in their view, to die fighting than to live on their knees.

Now, firing of rockets into Israeli cities is not very wise. And send it blindingly to kill civilians is a war crime. War crimes are what Israel excels at. Hamas should know better.

There are many ways to fight the enemy. Start with overthrowing the corrupt rulers in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan.

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Turkish PM has just visited Syria, Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.
Turkish press observed that Mr.Mobarek was not so interested to the subject and his manners annoyed the PM a bit. And what I understand is our PM couldn't find the enthusiasm he was looking for, for solving the problem.
So sad to read some people's saying 'we are sorry for Palestinians but sorry this not our problem'. Also so sad to know that 300 mllions Arabs cannot unite for stopping a nation with 5 millions population. And that nation tortures the people from the same race for years.
There is a genocide in Palestine under the name 'War against Hamas'. Few years ago, I read on Newsweek that, in about 50 years the population of Palestinians will be more than Israelis in the country. So killing the babies and children shows the real intention of Israel.
The number of civilian who killed in 1o days are 4 times more than the Hamas militants.

Praying for them (as Tarek says) or boycotting a bubble gum that is produced by a Jew don't solve the problem. There has to be some radical changes like having sighted leaders.

As for Obama, I am sure we will see that the massacre will be stopped before the day he starts to rule the States (or the world)

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salamu aleikum to all of you!

I'm amazed I can still log in after all these years... here i am sitting with a cold at night while my family is sleeping and I do read the Austrian news on Palestine, and I start to feel so outraged and angry and more angry because I feel I so helpless. The net of lies and propaganda is choking me. And I remembered when I was living in Egypt who would comfort me and share my thoughts was the community on egyptsearch. It is just wonderful to open the very first topic and to remember, that there are people out there who can still see the truth with my eyes and dare to speak it. This is a big thanks to egyptsearch and to its wonderful community. Thank you Laura, thank you Magdy and all the others. It is good to know you're still there Penny.

To those of you who still think it is about a peace deal, negotiation has failed for so long, it is now about living with dignity and honour or dying with it. Hamas are not oppressing the pal. people, they were elected, mind you. That no government in this world is ready to talk to them, and hear their views and their demands is sheer outrageous. Hamas are hiding between civilians? In the Gaza strip there is no place to go, it is like a huge prison crammed full with PEOPLE.

For the zionist Israelis it never was about two states, only about greater Israel, and the purpose justifies any means. What if there were no rockets being fired at Israel (which cost 20 Israelian lives in 6!! years!)? Israel would have simply set the pace faster of stealing lands, cutting the olive trees, more rapes, more murder (and targetted killings), more harrassment and oppression until somebody would have exploded literally in a suicide attack in Israel. The response would have been just the same!

They would point with their fingers and scream to the world, that the pal. people just won't let the Israelian people live in peace, "despite agreements and all the efforts taken by Israel" and that Israel needs to defend herself and they would just go ahead with every step they had planned in advance a long time ago.

People need to realize that! I do not call to wipe Israel from the landcard, no, but I do call the world to force Israel back into the borders of the green line, as they should have done united many years ago. Israel does not care about the UN, nor the UNO, or the EU, they have become arrogant tyrants once again, and inshaAllah they'll meet their punishment, if not in this life, then Allah is the best judge.

I pray for the palest. people to be strong and faithful at heart, to be blessed with patience, endurance, bravery, sakeena and I ask Allah to support the faithful in their struggle with forces we can not see, may He instill fear, terror, tremble and weakness in the hearts of the aggressors, and may He, Allah s.w.t. give victory to the believers. Amen.

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Originally posted by magdy_salem:
Bless you Laura. I feel for your husband and his family. [Frown]

I mean, just go and stand for a day in a checkpoint into Jerusalem, and see after that if you don't feel like picking up a Kalashnikov or strapping on a suicide-belt.
Watch your 12 year old sister gunned down like a dog by a jeering Israeli soldier as she comes home from school.
Watch your children die, your men emasculated and imprisoned, your women abused and treated like üntermensch at the checkpoints and your houses bulldozed, watch all hope of International justice fade like a politicians smile, and tell me you wouldn't fight, tell me you'd just sit there and let yourself be raped of your dignity.

Tell me you'd take it lying down.

You are a BABY! you can't use LOGIC you only use emotion! Do you really think i don't CONDEM ISRAEL for their BRUTAL ATTROCITIES..OFCOURSE! ISRAEL IS INHUMANE...but i'm talking about the other side now, HAMAS ARE ALSO ANIMALS and the people of GAZA WANT TO LIVE, HAMAS don't care about this, they wanna die and take their people with them...what is so hard to understand about this??? Hamas are TERRORISTS just like ISRAEL...you are happy about what is happening in Gaza? Hundreds are dying and Hamas is one of the reasons..This IS NOT HAPPENING IN THE WEST BANK NOW...HAMAS MUST BE ERADICATED.....OFCOURSE NOT THIS WAY AND I DONT AGREE WITH WHAT ISRAEL IS DOING!!!! but for me to say HAMAS is Blameless would be so stupid and ignorant!

If you want Egypt to open our borders for those animals Hamas to come in, then don't cry when within 5 years people with beards are walking around cairo with Guns and throwing people off balconies and dragging them behind cars if they think they don't "agree with them"!! USE YOUR BRAIN!

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Originally posted by Laura:
Originally posted by magdy_salem:
Israeli Bombs Hits UN School:

Israeli forces edged closer to Gaza's major population centers on Tuesday and attacked new targets, including a U.N. school, taking more civilian lives after ignoring mounting international calls for an immediate cease-fire

web page

I saw this. This is the School the UN set up as a SHELTER for those told by the Zionists to evacuate! COWARDS then bomb it!!!!

Now they will be on tv denying it (or blaming Hamas as usual) just as they DENY there is any HUMANITARIAN CRISIS!!

Filthy Lying Cowardly Bastards!

This made me cry, the Israelis are heartless 100% i even saw video of an Israeli lady screaming at soldiers saying what have you done. what have you done, we will have to pay for this now...she is right! Israel just like hamas don't give a crap about their citizens..if they really did how the hell could they bring all this death in GAZA...a freaking school?? HARAM walahey! all those dead children [Frown] Damn you Israel and your atrocities/

ps: Also Damn Hamas for what they are putting their own people through!

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To all of you feigning outrage, please direct your anger and frustration at your own leaders.

The leaders of Israel are doing what their people want them to do. What are your leaders doing for you?

Put up or shut up.

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Originally posted by binhaden:
To all of you feigning outrage, please direct your anger and frustration at your own leaders.

Put up or shut up.

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I support Isreal because...
Have you ever had a feeling when you were crossing Israeli Palestinian border that you just left modern, wealthy, trim , democratic country(Israel) and you come to poor, dirty, squalid country(Palestine)? The same feeling when crossing Israeli - Egyptian border, Israeli Jordanian...
Jews from this small piece of land make a really beutiful country. They irrigate the desert, make olive grives, they are most educated people. When you come to Palestine you see only dirt, poverty and malaria(also other Arabic countries)Yes, because of they education, intelligence they enjoy considerable influence in every country. Check Noblists, scientists, philosophers, the most famous actors and singers - 70% of them are Jews or have Jewish roots. Instead of envy them try to educate yourself, care about your country.
I am married to a Copt and he thinks the same as I. He hates lousy muslims who occupy Egypt and other countries from time immemorial...

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Forgot to say that Palestinians get milions of euro from Europian Union but they never make good use of these money. They are too stupid for that!
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I do not need to view or watch any videos to know what terrible things the Israeli government is doing ( I am not talking about JEW here. Any one who got a brain on this earth will not support the killing of civilians
But the matter was about if Egypt is doing the right thing or not , the answer is yes , ,Egypt should not open the border any way ,, as that al what Israel wants ,, is to supply alternate home for the palastinies ,, they want to export the problems to Egypt , they want the palastininas to occupy Egypt instead of their occupied lands.
Now back to my point ,, would Israel be able to hurt and attack the palastinins if the Pallastinins were unite and one group !! I doubt that.. al what the Palastinians need is to be in one side and agree on having one representative to face israel and USa .. instead of wasting their efforts and people fighting among themselves

Either you do not know Egypt at all or you are married to non educated Egyptian one.. Cop means Egypt , Coptic means Egyptian ,, so are you married to Egyptian one who hates the majority of the population? Or did you mean that he is Christian ( and for lake of knowledge and education you call him Copt? ) let me surprise you , I am Egyptian and Just did Hajj ( if you know what hajj means,, and the first call to congratulate me for doing was from Egyptian Christians ,, and the are church leaders in Egypt .. and the first call I did I made on my return to London few days ago was to the head of of one the Egyptian churches to give him my best wishes for the Easter church Christmas ( which is today )
I understand that your husband has his own personal problems rather than common Egyptian problems

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Yes, I am married to an Egyptian Christian(nice, young, educated man). By the way Egyptians in Egypt are only 10% [Frown]
The rest are dirty, uneducated Arab muslims.
Yes he hates Muslims, his own family also. He has reasons for that, belive me.
Even here in Europe he keeps away from them.
That why we support Isreal which we hope will destroy and finish with this Hamas rabble

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Originally posted by TAREK307:
Originally posted by magdy_salem:
Bless you Laura. I feel for your husband and his family. [Frown]

I mean, just go and stand for a day in a checkpoint into Jerusalem, and see after that if you don't feel like picking up a Kalashnikov or strapping on a suicide-belt.
Watch your 12 year old sister gunned down like a dog by a jeering Israeli soldier as she comes home from school.
Watch your children die, your men emasculated and imprisoned, your women abused and treated like üntermensch at the checkpoints and your houses bulldozed, watch all hope of International justice fade like a politicians smile, and tell me you wouldn't fight, tell me you'd just sit there and let yourself be raped of your dignity.

Tell me you'd take it lying down.

You are a BABY! you can't use LOGIC you only use emotion!

Please do not insult me nor disrespect me as I have not done that so with you. If you are unable to discuss things without going there perhaps you should not attempt it.
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Not sure if any of you saw a 2nd UN building housing children was bombed yesterday.

UN demands probe into Israel's strikes on Gaza schools

The UN SHOULD "PROBE" into the last sixty years of ISRAELS WAR CRIMES---PERIOD!

(and LAURA you were right they did blame Hamas again they claimed:

Strike at Gaza school 'kills 30'
Israel said its soldiers had come under fire from militants inside the school.
... which is the usual bovine excrement we get from Israel every time they kill more civilians.............all of the eye witnesses, the UN people said there was NO fire coming from the clearly marked buildings and the Israeli military knew exactly what they were targeting, who was inside and why)

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Disa.. I do not want go out of the main topic here , but I have one comment ,, if your husband is thinking and talking like you then no way that he is educated..etc .. and by the way who on earth told you the 10% of the people in EGypt are egyptian and the rest are arabs,, please give methe refeernce /links for this information ,, also as I am proud to be muslim and Egyptian then I have to to tell you that Muslims in Egypt are not dirty ,, I do not think you wil be happy to be called as dirty..etc and your husband would not be happy at al top be called as dirt Christian ( I have all respect for christians so I would not go down to your level and call them any thing ) please wtach your language when you call people of other nations or religions
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Poor Disa. [Frown]
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Arab Muslims are dirty, they stink- specially Arab women(they don't wash clothes, stench from mouth). Always when i stay beside them i feel to vomit. That is truth. My husband say this is all year but especially in ramadan
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Originally posted by xxx:
Originally posted by binhaden:
To all of you feigning outrage, please direct your anger and frustration at your own leaders.

Put up or shut up.

Smart asses

[Mad] [Mad]
[Roll Eyes]

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Originally posted by disa:
Arab Muslims are dirty, they stink- specially Arab women(they don't wash clothes, stench from mouth). Always when i stay beside them i feel to vomit. That is truth. My husband say this is all year but especially in ramadan

He is working hard for visa is he not?

How can you stereotype all group of women? You come to this message board where our mothers and sisters and aunts are these women and insult them? I am sorry for you and your 'husband' of convenience. Only a man who wants you to feel he does not like his own people for a hidden reason would say such dirty things. Something is wrong.

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My guess Magdy, Disa is a Zionist.
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Bravo Israel! In few days about 300 Hamas terrorists went to allah. There is already lack of virgins in heaven [Big Grin]
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Do you think that you are doing any good , even for yourself by beeing happy about some one gets killied.. whatever your religion or origin ,, I do not think any religion or origin asks people to be happy for killing.. if you please can not be sad for them then at least keep your views for ytourself.. by the way why do not you declare your religion or origin here? and see what others would think of you or comment on you??

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Originally posted by Laura:
My guess Magdy, Disa is a Zionist.

She just takes a word from her 'husband' and is like a sheep. She should go to that area and talk to Palestinians who have been through this conflict in years and years and see what she agrees with.

Disa this is what you applaud:

Remember that truth is the first casualty of war.

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Mo Ning Min E
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Don't listen to this 'disa' person. 'It' is probably a 22 year old Israeli or jewish-zionist student who's been asked to spam boards like this with provocative garbage. Hoping someone will overreact and the board will be closed.
The press has warned that Israel has mobilised thousands of young supporterson Israel to scan for discussions like this and spread disinformation. Take care.
It will leave when the Gaza problem is resolved.
I have recently read very similar posts all over the internet in the past few weeks. Many of them are trying to convince zionist christians in the US that Copts are being abusedin Egypt. many try to portray Israel as the only civilised community in the 'squalid ME'. It is all bullshit. Ignore it.
Read Laura's posts here instead. Wise.

Posts: 1399 | From: alexandria | Registered: Jan 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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By the way Disa, nothing here to prove that you are female or that you are married to christian egyptian male ( as no christian egyptian male would be that stupied to say what you said ) any way I think you are male and yes I agree with who siad that you might be zinoest.. so how can any one make sure that you are a genuine person!
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This should probably go on another thread, but I will post it here anyways. Just another thing to think about.

Guess What? Lots Of Oil,
Natural Gas In Gaza!
A Secret Behind Israel's Siege of Gaza: Palestinians
Have Oil and Natural Gas Resources
Martha Rose Crow, M.S.

"there is an abundance of oil reserves both on the strip and offshore" http://blogs.state.gov/index.php/entries/q_israeli_palestinian_peace/

"The Palestinians are, in aggregate, energy rich. For the past six years, the Palestinian Authority has been sitting on a major gas field that contains at least 1.4 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of gas."

"Palestine was rewarded with an oil reserve 22 miles off of the coast of the Gaza Strip. The entire country was excited by this natural mineral that would hopefully provide them with the economic freedom and financial stability they desired. Unfortunately, the financial success did not come directly on the heels of their discovery"

To find the real reasons behind conflicts and wars in this world, you need to follow some or all of four things: Money, blood, power or natural resources (usually oil or natural gas but it can be cobalt like in the Congo).

Oil is behind the conflicts in Darfur, Somalia and other similar places.

The war in Afghanistan was never about finding bin Laden. It was about uniting Afghanistan into a single government so a pipeline could be constructed to bring a million barrels a day from areas north of Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Russia to markets (http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig/sardi7.html).

We need to stop listening to what the "official" media tells us when it comes to conflicts and wars because the official media is corporate and government owned and/or controlled by government. Less than one percent of the "news" in the world today is reported and what is reported is usually heavily edited and slanted for propaganda purposes.

Governments don't want the world to know that huge genocides are going on just because of oil, gas or other natural resources. The world might get angry as a body and might organize to reject the genocides. Big Oil and Energy doesn't want that to happen because it will interfere with their profits.

Historically, it has been "efficient" for Big Energy's short-term profit line to steal resources or get them "lower than wholesale" than to pay the owners decently for them. This is how they've always done business (force by boot and gun).

The World has been watching Israel's genocide of the Palestinians for a long time but incredibly, the media never mentions the Palestinians' natural resources or the fact that Israel has thwarted Palestine's efforts to develop them.

The Palestinians are usually portrayed on television as victims of impossible, cyclical poverty. Ironic the Palestinians wouldn't have to live in poverty if Israel would let them develop their natural resources.

But developing Palestine's energy resources wouldn't be in Israel's self-interest. The oil and gas revenues would empower the Palestinians. They wouldn't have to starve to death or struggle in poverty. Empowered Palestinians would be able to invest in infrastructure of their legal government, Hamas.

Israel wants the Palestinians crushed and disappeared so Israel can expand its territories for its citizens, have better access to the sea for its navy and serve as watchdog for US and Israeli hegemony.

Israel wants the Palestinians' oil and gas for its own because Israel needs it for its country's needs. Middle eastern countries are loathe to sell their supplies to Israel. The rulers and people of area countries know that Israel has been slaughtering their Muslim kin for over six decades and it is against their morals to help Israel with energy supplies, especially fuel for Israeli tanks, airplanes and military vehicles.

To thwart Palestine from developing its energy supplies, Israel keeps the region in turmoil plus in 2005, "Israel delivered a major blow to the Palestinians' fledgling oil industry by choosing to import natural gas from Egypt. By doing this, Israel completely bypassed its neighbor in favor of making a political statement. The Israeli government feared that any money given to Palestine would be later used to fund acts of terrorism against

Finding information about Palestine's oil and gas resources is difficult. Even wikipedia doesn't mention it nor do most encyclopedias and other academic resources.

The major corporate media has completely ignored and/or has remained blissfully ignorant about Palestinian oil and gas because it goes against the script of how powerful hidden western corporate and government interests want to portray Palestine.

Western media, Israel and the US would rather have the world see Palestinians groveling in extreme poverty and/or portrayed as "terrorists" who want to kill everyone.

Palestinians, empowered from oil and gas revenues, could live decently. Shed of their impoverished image, the world would see them as the Bright, Shining Human Beings they are. But Bright, Shining Human Beings are harder to disappear than those depicted by governments and the media as untermenschen (nazi German term for "inferior people").

If you want to know more about this important subject, the best places to look are oil and energy websites and publications.

Palestinian oil and gas is no secret in the energy field. It's just a secret to everyone else.

web page

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