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T O P I C     R E V I E W
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted



"my great-grandmother was the daughter
of a mixed woman her mother was a white woman
who married a black man"


video 2 ANCESTRY DNA (different company)


she reads the text from her African Ancestry DNA results:

It is with great
pleasure that I report our MatriClan
analysis determined your maternal
lineage to be of European ancestry
the mitochondrial DNA sequence that we
determine from your sample belongs to a
non-African lineage
in the haplogroup H
Our analysis encompasses hypervariable
regions 1
2 and 3. You have inherited these segments of DNA
from your mother and they
have been passed down passed on
consistently from mother to daughter
over the past 500 to 2000 years
so they are unique to your maternal lineage.
We analyze the
variance within these regions to
determine the parts of your
DNA that you share with people within
specific ethnic groups.
the HVR variants listed below indicate
DNA sequence patterns that you share with
European populations the combinations
of HVR variance determine your
membership. The sequence and (?) score
represents our 100 confidence level in
your result, haplogroup H sequence similarity score

This information may be
difficult to absorb especially
if you were not aware of any European ancestry on your
mother's maternal line.
It is important to note that even though
we did not find African ancestry for
your maternal lineage it does not mean
that you are not
African-American it does not mean that
your mother is not African-American and
it does not mean that you have no
African ancestry anywhere in your family
tree. Please feel free to contact one of the
specialists in our office to discuss
other lineages that you can test to find your African roots

In the first video she takes their maternal test from African Ancestry DNA
she receives a document saying she is of haplogroup H and her maternal side is European
note the logo on the document is

In the second video she takes a test from Ancestry DNA according to this test (19:12)
I assume this well known company:

it says she has 6 percent European DNA
Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
African Ancestry is only Haplogroup either mother or father
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by Yatunde Lisa:
African Ancestry is only Haplogroup either mother or father

Yes, according to them she has a European ancestor on her mother's side>
and she has her haplogroup
but she has more African ancestry in the more recent generations of her family showing up in the autosomal results

So as per someone's identity and these tests, each result gives a different impression as we see in each video, although may not contradict each other. On the other hand there are two different companies

A more compete analysis of her paternal ancestry would include testing of one of her main male relatives:
paternal grandfather
paternal uncle
Your paternal cousin
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted

So she took the MatriClan test from African Ancestry
that is mtDNA and costs $300

If you have African ancestry you get a detailed breakdown.
But if it's not African as with this woman, there is no breakdown, you are just indicated
"European population" with an apologetic sort of statement

Your results package will be delivered digitally and will include:

• Your present-day African country and ethnic group, if your result is African.
• Personalized Certificate Of Ancestry.
• A new sense of pride in your identity and a deeper connection with your Ancestors.
• HVR1, HVR2 and HVR3 (hypervariable region) designations and mitochondrial haplogroup.
• “Guide to African History and Cultures” e-book.
• Exclusive access to Online Community on Facebook



ancestry DNA is autosomal, the more common less expensive test for $99

Our new ethnicity inheritance feature can show your ethnicity results by parental side, without your parents even taking a DNA test. And it’s all made possible by SideView™, a specialized technology that will soon give a similarly split view of your matches, communities, and more!


I think 23andMe gives men both Y DNA or mtDNA and autosomal results for $99


The interesting thing is how her self perception changes on looking at each test result
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
While haplogroup H is the most common mtDNA in Europe, the people with the highest frequencies of it are Libyan Tuaregs 61% (Ottoni et al. 2010)
and in other berbers of the Maghreb although it is not thought to have originated in Africa due to lower diversity.
In North Africa second to the Libyan Tuaregs are
Tuareg of the West Sahel, H at 23% a big drop.

but I suspect the commercial DNA companies have limited samples from these populations
The higher frequencies in Europe are more in the south, particularly around Spain around 20%

This however may not pertain to her and her autosomal DNA indicates various European counties
and her family genealogy reported a light skinned ancestor as she talks about in the video
as well, she says her mother is lighter skin
Yatunde Lisa
Member # 22253
 - posted
African Ancestry seems to have some Taureg samples,
this young lady got a match to MTDNA of the Tuaregs.

the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by Yatunde Lisa:
African Ancestry seems to have some Taureg samples,
this young lady got a match to MTDNA of the Tuaregs.


That's interesting, she reads from her MatriClan test from African Ancestry DNA results:

"the variants below
are unique to your maternal lineage and
indicate the innate sequence pattern
effect you share with some TUAREG the
combination of HVR variant determines
your membership in haplogroup L2 alpha 1
your statistical
confidence measure or sequence
similarity score is 100%, Everyone in
your title in your entire maternal
lineage from the past and into the
future is Tuareg so we encourage you to
share this information with everyone on
your mother's side of family including
your siblings children grandchildren
nieces nephews your mother right our
sisters and brothers knew your
grandmother okay okay so.
We have determined that you share maternal
genetic ancestry with quadrant people in
Mali today.



Regions with significant populations

Niger 2,596,634 (11% of its total population)[1]

Mali 704,814 (3.5% of its total population)[2]

Burkina Faso 406,271 (1.9% of its total population)[3]

Algeria 150,000 (0.36% of its total population)

Libya 100,000 (nomadic, 1.5% of its total population)[4]

Nigeria 30,000 (0.015% of its total population)[5]


The Tuareg are semi-nomadic and they have different admixture in different places.

She is talking about Mali Tuareg and haplogroup L2
the most common haplogroup in Africa. I think that is the main group for the Niger Tuareg also.
(although they may have found some particular subclade of L2 but I have never seen an article talking about that)

There have been very few studies on Tuareg mtDNA
The Ottoni et al. (2010) but was just in regard to Libyan Tuaregs and 61% H1
which is probably not predominant in other Tuareg populations (although maybe in Algeria), but I am guessing

Her testing company claims to pin down some specific markers it seems they give them 100% confidence she's maternally Tuareg

I would be surprised if they could identify Tuaregs specifically other markers in The Libyan Tuaregs who carry H1 but I don't know

The higher frequency of H in the Libyans is probably due to isolation
Kefi reported H in some of the 15k Iberomausrian samples in Algeria, may have been some in Morocco also I forget
H is more diverse in Iberia though

We have a similar situation here. She also said that she did an Ancestry DNA tests and it said her highest percentage was Benin.

Here, unlike Nia Hope she identifies more with the African Ancestry DNA results which says she is Tuareg.

3 years earlier, her first test from Ancestry DNA
the list on 2% for Mali and nothing particular to Tuareg>


See what's going on here
The women are basing what they identify as
based on the results they like better it seems

They both took an Ancestry DNA test (autosomal)
and they both took a MatriClan test from
African Ancestry DNA (mtDNA)

The first woman did not like the African Ancestry DNA test
which said she was European maternally
She preferred the Ancestry DNA test which said she is only 6% European and then had a breakdown of the rest of her DNA, various African countries

The other woman preferred the other test. She preferred the African Ancestry DNA test which said she was Mali Tuareg
I think she felt that was more unique than the autosomal mixed bag breakdown of several counties

But if someone asks you what is your ancestry and you base it on these tests we can see how they might answer very differently based on which results they preferred

In addition in these video neither one of them determined their paternal DNA which can only be determined by testing a male relative of theirs.
and, male DNA is slightly more influential on a person's genetics about 60% compared to 40% for mtDNA (according to an article I recently read).
The chromosomes are the same 23 number but there is genetic switching which mean the gene is there but it's not always "turned on"
-Just Call Me Jari-
Member # 14451
 - posted
^^^I can see how that is an issue and how it seems silly to pick and choose which test you like as a way for you to choose your identity. Personally I took my Ancestry test with a grain of salt and dug further with other tests plus GED Match. For me personally Ancestry kept changing my matches with updates, while MyAncestry has remained consistant plus it lets me see where Im matching people on my DNA segments/Chromes.

That said I think folks should use other evidence together with the DNA test and not just rely on DNA tests alone, like Family trees, records, last names etc. For me Im Afro-French Creole on my paternal side with a Native American Haplogroup, through investigating with my Brother, we pinpointed the exact people and location/area we descend from in Louisiana and beyond at least on the European side of our family(The African side pretty much ends/begins in Louisiana as its almost impossible to trace it beyond that unfortunately)..
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
African Ancestry is selling their product in a way that is different from the other companies.
They give you a certificate that says what particular tribe or tribes you are from.
I wonder how accurate that is.
A third party would have to test it.
Get samples from several people in Africa and from a few different tribes, people who live more isolated from cities.
Then send the samples to African Ancestry DNA and see if they get the tribes right on a blind analysis
-Just Call Me Jari-
Member # 14451
 - posted
Yeah that seems a bit suspicious as even if you match a tribe its not really your tribe as they are not the only people you descend from.

Like I said they should use other sources besides the test, a good place to start is examining the culture of Virgina or New England black communities(Which ever she descends from) and looking at the people/communties there, she might not be able to pinpoint Africa but she might find some interesting results for example the Gullah-Geeche people of South Carolina..among many others.
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
another video:

MY DNA RESULTS, African Ancestry Vs Ancestry Vs 23 & Me
45,763 viewsJun 19, 2021
Sista Gurl on Films



She takes three different brand tests (2 the same as the others in the thread)
On her African Ancestry DNA test they reports two specific tribes on her certificate
Her father also does a test and has his own tribe, which is pertinent to her male side ancestry

Three tests, $500 total
she gave a stets to her father, that's another $300 (PatriClan)

If she went only to African Ancestry DNA
with only tribes she would haver no information on any non-African DNA she has.
Some people wouldn't care, others would



PatriClan Test Kit: $299
The PatriClan Test will reveal the African country of origin and ethnic group (tribe) that you share paternal ancestry with during the past 500 - 2,000 years.* This test will not provide percentages of different regions.

Your PatriClan Experience includes:

• Official digital results from the Y chromosome that men inherit exclusively from their fathers
• Digital Certificate of Ancestry with specific ancestral country and tribe
• E-book African Ancestry Guide to African History and Cultures
• Membership in the exclusive African Ancestry Online Community on Facebook
• Newly found sense of pride, place and belonging
• Gateway to exploring the traditions, practices, values and beliefs of your paternal ancestor group
• Eligibility to participate in African Ancestry Family Reunions

* Your paternal ancestry may not be African, despite your father's skin color or whatever percentages you may have from another company. We cannot guarantee your result will be African. THERE IS A 35% CHANCE THAT YOUR RESULT WILL BE NON-AFRICAN. If your result is not African, we will identify whether it is European, Asian, Middle Eastern or Indigenous American but you will not receive a country or a group.

* NO REFUNDS for Non-African results

the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted


A bit of a click bait title

on Ancestry DNA when they update their data
they will inform you and some of these updates will update your former result
Initially she was said to be 44% Nigerian
and 3% Cameroon/Congo

after the update they says she is only 6% Nigerian
yet 44% Cameroon/Congo

It is a big difference though
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
The Dark Side of DNA Testing | Genealogy, Ancestry and My Heritage | America Uncovered


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