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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 19346
 - posted


Please talk about it.
The Explorer
Member # 14778
 - posted
Don't know what that long structure is, the subject of past topic years and years ago, but it appears that there is a djed symbol/structure beneath it, in the forefront, and on top of the djed, is the ideogram of the human arm.
Member # 19346
 - posted
Member # 19346
 - posted

Member # 19346
 - posted
"The "Dendera light" is a term used to describe a supposed ancient Egyptian electrical lighting technology depicted on three"...
The Explorer
Member # 14778
 - posted
The matter came up in this discussion, when supposed "light bulbs" under the name of the "Dendra light" was mentioned. This is what was said of it:

Take for instance the supposed Dendera light which is really a snake with a lotus symbol somebody said was a light. I would be careful trying to interpret hieroglyphs to mean lightbulbs,cars,tanks,airplanes or any other objects. Ask yourself why have none of these things ever been found in ancient Egypt? - ausar

the lioness
Member # 17353
 - posted

Royal classes in ancient Kemet had advanced electronic technology.
These technologies were kept secret from the common people because the common people were not spiritually advanced enough to handle them.
Pictured above is a man with an ipod. It was invented in 2633 BC in Memphis. The king himself Djoser was the first to own one.
In 1999 illuminati agents in Cairo discovered the secret compartment in Djoser's tomb under the pyramid at Saqqara which contained the plans on how to construct an ipod.
They also found plans for several other devices, including mind control technology.

lioness productions 2011
Member # 16412
 - posted
The matter came up in this discussion, when supposed "light bulbs" under the name of the "Dendra light" was mentioned. This is what was said of it:

Take for instance the supposed Dendera light which is really a snake with a lotus symbol somebody said was a light. I would be careful trying to interpret hieroglyphs to mean lightbulbs,cars,tanks,airplanes or any other objects. Ask yourself why have none of these things ever been found in ancient Egypt? - ausar


Oscar is only an authority for lame thinkers like you!

If it was in ancient Iraq...:

The Baghdad Battery, sometimes referred to as the Parthian Battery, is the common name for a number of artifacts created in Mesopotamia, possibly during the Parthian or Sassanid period (the early centuries AD), and probably discovered in 1936 in the village of Khuyut Rabbou'a, near Baghdad, Iraq. These artifacts came to wider attention in 1938 when Wilhelm König, the German director of the National Museum of Iraq, found the objects in the museum's collections. In 1940, König published a paper speculating that they may have been galvanic cells, perhaps used for electroplating gold onto silver objects.[2] This interpretation continues to be considered as at least a hypothetical possibility. If correct, the artifacts would predate Alessandro Volta's 1800 invention of the electrochemical cell by more than a millennium.

Member # 6698
 - posted
^ The Tin Cat apparently confuses the simple electrochemical reactive unit used for plating metal which was made (centuries later) in Bagdad for advanced electronics and therefore desperately wants the Egyptians to have something better like a light bulb! LOL [Big Grin]

the Tin Cat posted:

Oscar is only an authority for lame thinkers like you!

Actually Ausar IS an authority on the count that he is an actual non-Arab non-Turkish Egyptian from rural Upper Egypt with adequate historical knowledge about his own people-- ancient, medieval, as well as modern history. Not to mention he possess common sense which is things a tin cat does not have.

Originally posted by the lyinass:


Royal classes in ancient Kemet had advanced electronic technology.
These technologies were kept secret from the common people because the common people were not spiritually advanced enough to handle them.
Pictured above is a man with an ipod. It was invented in 2633 BC in Memphis. The king himself Djoser was the first to own one.
In 1999 illuminati agents in Cairo discovered the secret compartment in Djoser's tomb under the pyramid at Saqqara which contained the plans on how to construct an ipod.
They also found plans for several other devices, including mind control technology.

lioness productions 2011

Meanwhile the chesire cat above me again puts her hand at sarcasm but it is not amusing or funny in the least.
Member # 16412
 - posted
Originally posted by Djehuti:
^ The Tin Cat apparently confuses the simple electrochemical reactive unit used for plating metal which was made (centuries later) in Bagdad for advanced electronics and therefore desperately wants the Egyptians to have something better like a light bulb! LOL [Big Grin]

[QUOTE]the Tin Cat posted:
Oscar is only an authority for lame thinkers like you!

Actually Ausar IS an authority on the count that he is an actual non-Arab non-Turkish Egyptian from rural Upper Egypt with adequate historical knowledge about his own people-- ancient, medieval, as well as modern history. Not to mention he possess common sense which is things a tin cat does not have.


What was the principle behind that "simple electrochemical reactive unit "?

Could that "simple electrochemical reactive unit " power a bulb or not?

Awaiting your answer...
The Explorer
Member # 14778
 - posted
Originally posted by kitty pussy cat:

Oscar is only an authority for lame thinkers like you!

Knucklehead, the post was offered as another perspective on the matter. Nothing more or less.

If only you weren't too big of a dummy to understand the concept of asking questions when in doubt, before babbling on without thinking first.
Member # 1797
 - posted
Iron, I thought we were cool? I guess not. I would like to emphasize that nobody on this forum is an authority. Some people are very knowledgable in their particular area of interest. I suppose the best person to ask if ancient Egyptians had electricity is an electrical engineer. The hieroglyphs are up for interpretation which still leaves room for doubt. Do you know of any material evidence of electricity in ancient Egypt? The best answer I ever got for the lack of material evidence is that various materials used were recycled to make other everyday items.
Member # 6698
 - posted
^ Ausar, pay no attention to the tin pussy cat with low self-esteem. Absence of evidence does not necessarily mean evidence of absence but it definitely does not mean presence of evidence.
Member # 16412
 - posted
Originally posted by ausar:
Iron, I thought we were cool? ...


We are cool.

I just like pulling your legs from time to time, Oscar... [Razz]

You are my boy anytime! [Wink]

Member # 16412
 - posted
Originally posted by Djehuti:
^ Ausar, pay no attention to the tin pussy cat with low self-esteem. Absence of evidence does not necessarily mean evidence of absence but it definitely does not mean presence of evidence.

Mary, Mary, quite contrary.... [Big Grin]
Member # 17444
 - posted
I'm not too sure about light bulbs since you will still require some form of conducting cable to attach anything. However, the theory of the true nature of the Pyramid as some from of generator is intriguing, and I also found interesting the theory of how the Ark Of The Covenant was originally a power source for the same before it was stolen by the exiting Hykos.
Some believe that the Hykos were pursued on their exit from Egypt only when it was discovered they had stolen the Ark.
Member # 10819
 - posted
I instantly noticed the snake and lotus flower, these types of blunt claims with no evidence are ultra annoying to me, although I am intrigued by the subject.

- My thoughts first seeing the pic claimed as a lightbulb 'bout yesterday.

Today however, to see a pic of a lotus flower with a snake hovering near it with something surrounding it -- doesn't really mean anything at all (and so doesn't really suggest anything nor disprove the given hypothesis (?pulled out of ..?)).

What does the pic even mean?
Member # 18859
 - posted
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
I'm not too sure about light bulbs since you will still require some form of conducting cable to attach anything. However, the theory of the true nature of the Pyramid as some from of generator is intriguing, and I also found interesting the theory of how the Ark Of The Covenant was originally a power source for the same before it was stolen by the exiting Hykos.
Some believe that the Hykos were pursued on their exit from Egypt only when it was discovered they had stolen the Ark.

actually no, you don't need a conducting cable. Tesla was able to "beam" electricity from I believe a few feet away. The light bulb was attached to nothing by the way. He explained how he did it but I don't remember the details. If you look on youtube for a discovery channel documentary about Tesla they talk about that light bulb he had. In fact there is a picture of him holding it and it is lit up "again nothing attached to it". His last project was to beam energy from a few miles away to a battery of light bulbs. His backers pulled out and shortly after he died so the experiment was never completed "beaming energy from miles away"

talks about wireless energy transfer ---> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/6129460.stm doesn't talk about the successful attempts, just talks about his final attempt (from MILES away) and how he ran out of money.

If I can find information on the exact experiments from Tesla I will post up.


I do not subscribe to the idea that the ancient Egyptians had electricity. It is neither here nor there for me. Could be true, may not be true, I have no idea. I have not looked into it enough to have a educated opinion on the subject.
Member # 17444
 - posted
Originally posted by typeZeiss:
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
I'm not too sure about light bulbs since you will still require some form of conducting cable to attach anything. However, the theory of the true nature of the Pyramid as some from of generator is intriguing, and I also found interesting the theory of how the Ark Of The Covenant was originally a power source for the same before it was stolen by the exiting Hykos.
Some believe that the Hykos were pursued on their exit from Egypt only when it was discovered they had stolen the Ark.

actually no, you don't need a conducting cable. Tesla was able to "beam" electricity from I believe a few feet away. The light bulb was attached to nothing by the way. He explained how he did it but I don't remember the details. If you look on youtube for a discovery channel documentary about Tesla they talk about that light bulb he had. In fact there is a picture of him holding it and it is lit up "again nothing attached to it". His last project was to beam energy from a few miles away to a battery of light bulbs. His backers pulled out and shortly after he died so the experiment was never completed "beaming energy from miles away"

talks about wireless energy transfer ---> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/6129460.stm doesn't talk about the successful attempts, just talks about his final attempt (from MILES away) and how he ran out of money.

If I can find information on the exact experiments from Tesla I will post up.


I do not subscribe to the idea that the ancient Egyptians had electricity. It is neither here nor there for me. Could be true, may not be true, I have no idea. I have not looked into it enough to have a educated opinion on the subject.

You're right.
I, like many others indoctrinated to the Edison way had completely neglected Telsa and his wireless technology.
I don't believe the energy source of ancient times was electron based but perhaps some other science based on a completely forgotten paradigm. The general thoughts are it was based on some form of Zero-point nullified field energy
Member # 18859
 - posted
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
Originally posted by typeZeiss:
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
I'm not too sure about light bulbs since you will still require some form of conducting cable to attach anything. However, the theory of the true nature of the Pyramid as some from of generator is intriguing, and I also found interesting the theory of how the Ark Of The Covenant was originally a power source for the same before it was stolen by the exiting Hykos.
Some believe that the Hykos were pursued on their exit from Egypt only when it was discovered they had stolen the Ark.

actually no, you don't need a conducting cable. Tesla was able to "beam" electricity from I believe a few feet away. The light bulb was attached to nothing by the way. He explained how he did it but I don't remember the details. If you look on youtube for a discovery channel documentary about Tesla they talk about that light bulb he had. In fact there is a picture of him holding it and it is lit up "again nothing attached to it". His last project was to beam energy from a few miles away to a battery of light bulbs. His backers pulled out and shortly after he died so the experiment was never completed "beaming energy from miles away"

talks about wireless energy transfer ---> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/6129460.stm doesn't talk about the successful attempts, just talks about his final attempt (from MILES away) and how he ran out of money.

If I can find information on the exact experiments from Tesla I will post up.


I do not subscribe to the idea that the ancient Egyptians had electricity. It is neither here nor there for me. Could be true, may not be true, I have no idea. I have not looked into it enough to have a educated opinion on the subject.

You're right.
I, like many others indoctrinated to the Edison way had completely neglected Telsa and his wireless technology.
I don't believe the energy source of ancient times was electron based but perhaps some other science based on a completely forgotten paradigm. The general thoughts are it was based on some form of Zero-point nullified field energy

the question then becomes, was this technology widely known or was it something they only did in those temples/pyramids when only the initiated where there to see it. IF it was indeed electricity they were depicting then I tend to lean toward this was something only the initiated knew because other wise the Greeks and everyone else would have had electricity as well.
Member # 17444
 - posted
I've always found this interesting of the use of acoustic energy and Null Field theory.

According to the authors of Pyramid Energy: The Philosophy of God, the Science of Man (Delta-K, 1987), the below pictured "Caduceus Coil" was used to levitate the stone blocks that were used to build the pyramids. Pathways were built, flanked by rows of sphinxes, along which a solitron field spiraled, powered by coil generators. Priests used tuned coils (misidentified by Egyptologists as djed pillars), one passive (on the left, above) and one active (on the right, above).


The active coil was grounded to a "Sacred Spot" and tapped into the planetary energy grid. The reason present-day scientists cannot duplicate this simple feat is because "they have not studied the power source called the world grid." Hardy & Killick further explain:

The ancient people used the grid to achieve levitation and worldwide communication. This is why pyramids are found all over the world. The Cheops pyramid in Egypt is a coil generator and was built to tap into the grid. The main control panel for this grid was the Ark of the Covenant. [p. 169]

This theory may sound silly but an amazing number of people propose similar explanations. Andrew Collins, author of Gods of Eden: Egypt's lost legacy and the genesis of civilisation (Headline, 1998), cites a 10th-century Arab historian who recorded a folk tale about the origin of the Great Pyramid. According to the story, the builders struck the stone blocks with a special rod, causing them to levitate and float through the air for the distance of "one bowshot." Collins insists that "the ancient Egyptians were able to set up some kind of sustained sound vibration that enabled the building blocks to defy gravity." He adds, "Although simply a legend, there are traditions from all around the world that speak of the movement of stone blocks and the construction of walls and buildings by sonic levitation."

Zero-Point Energy

Quantum mechanics predicts the existence of what are usually called ''zero-point'' energies for the strong, the weak and the electromagnetic interactions, where ''zero-point'' refers to the energy of the system at temperature T=0, or the lowest quantized energy level of a quantum mechanical system. Although the term ''zero-point energy'' applies to all three of these interactions in nature, customarily (and hereafter in this article) it is used in reference only to the electromagnetic case.

In conventional quantum physics, the origin of zero-point energy is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which states that, for a moving particle such as an electron, the more precisely one measures the position, the less exact the best possible measurement of its momentum (mass times velocity), and vice versa. The least possible uncertainty of position times momentum is specified by Planck's constant, h. A parallel uncertainty exists between measurements involving time and energy (and other so-called conjugate variables in quantum mechanics). This minimum uncertainty is not due to any correctable flaws in measurement, but rather reflects an intrinsic quantum fuzziness in the very nature of energy and matter springing from the wave nature of the various quantum fields. This leads to the concept of zero-point energy.

Member # 10819
 - posted
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
This theory may sound silly

Yes, but interesting nonetheless.
Member # 18859
 - posted
the lioness
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by typeZeiss:
the question then becomes, was this technology widely known or was it something they only did in those temples/pyramids when only the initiated where there to see it. IF it was indeed electricity they were depicting then I tend to lean toward this was something only the initiated knew because other wise the Greeks and everyone else would have had electricity as well. [/QB]

Look, this whole system is a matrix, of course they kept it under wraps. The common man was never supposed to have this knowledge. Now look at the world, the planet's going to hell in a a hand-basket.
In fact it was the Freemasons that broke into the tombs and stole the plans for this stuff, if you want to know the real culprits.
Some crafty mofos


Melanin stop quoting albino authors, know they have an agenda. They are trying to perpetrate spookism.
Member # 17444
 - posted
Originally posted by Whatbox:
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
This theory may sound silly

Yes, but interesting nonetheless.
unfortunately, many try to tie it's creation to Atlantis who left it to the Egyptians, or to Sirius aliens who brought it to earth on a space ship.
Jews try to take the credit by morphing Moses into a Super engineer who followed Yahwah's instructions to build it.
But the story that makes the most sense has it located in the Kings chamber of the pyramid, where it is stolen by the exiting Hykos who used it to part the Red Sea, knock down the Walls of Jericho, and kill many people in their wars.
Member # 17444
 - posted
Originally posted by the lioness:

Melanin stop quoting albino authors, know they have an agenda. They are trying to perpetrate spookism.

Don't hate liar.
Albinos have stolen and hoarded a lot of African/Egyptian artifacts and text over the last 2000 years or so. But you are correct in that, they do have an agenda.

Hopefully, they never will discover the true nature of Dark energy, or they will do what they always do (gunpowder, flight, steam, computers), use it for evil instead of good.
the lioness
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
Originally posted by the lioness:

Melanin stop quoting albino authors, know they have an agenda. They are trying to perpetrate spookism.

Don't hate liar.
Albinos have stolen and hoarded a lot of African/Egyptian artifacts and text over the last 2000 years or so. But you are correct in that, they do have an agenda.

Hopefully, they never will discover the true nature of Dark energy, or they will do what they always do (gunpowder, flight, steam, computers), use it for evil instead of good.

look all this stuff is only ten years ahead,
custom made babies any way you want them.
just like Shabazz back in the day, playing with germs.
If they keep fiddling, they might come up with a green man,
might escape the lab and become the devil to the devil, feel me?
Member # 17444
 - posted
Originally posted by the lioness:
look all this stuff is only ten years ahead,
custom made babies any way you want them.

Keep dreaming fool.

Albinos have a hard enough time just crushing peanuts to make simple peanut butter.
They know more about killing then curing, and almost nothing about melanin. They can make some more albinos, but what's the use of that.
Better to learn how to make peanut butter first.

Member # 18764
 - posted
Originally posted by the lioness:

Royal classes in ancient Kemet had advanced electronic technology.
These technologies were kept secret from the common people because the common people were not spiritually advanced enough to handle them.
Pictured above is a man with an ipod. It was invented in 2633 BC in Memphis. The king himself Djoser was the first to own one.
In 1999 illuminati agents in Cairo discovered the secret compartment in Djoser's tomb under the pyramid at Saqqara which contained the plans on how to construct an ipod.
They also found plans for several other devices, including mind control technology.

lioness productions 2011

Well I thought that was funny [Smile]

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