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Author Topic: Do They Know It Is Reported That the Prophet Mohamed Said This About Kemet
Member # 9422

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dana marniche

What can be said but that you really need to get your Articles published so you can reach more people. What I take offence to is the part in the first thread that claimed that The son of Noah, Ham was turned "Black" You don't need to push a claim for a curse to Ham to prove your point.

It's clear you put a lot of work into your articles and I respect that.

The 1st and 3rd ones are the best in my humble opinion and you should try to get them published somehow.

Maybe if more Arabs read these this would stop the hate they have for others.


Posts: 9651 | From: Reace and Love City. | Registered: Oct 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
-Just Call Me Jari-
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Originally posted by KING:

I'm no expert on Arab Idenity. If what I said is wrong, then I will go with what you said. You and Dana are the people who know about your people.
As for about the Black Arabs being a force in Arab Society, All one has to do is open a book about Arabs and there will rarely be anything positive about Black Arabs. If this is wrong, then kindly post the facts where Black Arabs were considered a Force and helped Build up Arab society.


This is the point the only place I hear about black Arabs is here and rastawire. Dana if the Black Arabs were the original, If black Arabs were such a force how come when I research Islam all I see are images of Light Arabs. It makes non sense to me that people who were Originally and the Big force behind a culture are absolutley silent in modern times..
Posts: 8804 | From: The fear of his majesty had entered their hearts, they were powerless | Registered: Nov 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
-Just Call Me Jari-
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Originally posted by dana marniche:
Originally posted by Just call me Jari:
Originally posted by Mike111:
dana marniche - Doesn't it seem strange to you that someone who claims to hate Islam knows so many bogus quotes?

BTW Jari, Muhammad was illiterate, but his father-in-law was literate?

BTW-2 Jari - the Koran doesn't say that, racist crap like that is in the Turk written Hadiths.

1) I have studied Islam, unlike you Im not going to sit around and lie and pretend all the Text books written by modern day Muslims show pics of Caucasian Arabs as the founders of Arab culture. You black Arabs are highly underrepresented in Islamic Academia. You control nothing, you anre not seen, heard or spoken highly of. Im talking about Arab Islamic sources not Western European sources.

2) First off YOU said the Koran was written by Turks, second off the Hadiths were written by Arabs, the Turks did not get a foothold in Islam until the Time of the Mamluks after the HAdiths were compiled. Second no Muslim on Earth will deny the Hadiths..

It is impossible to understand the Qur'an without reference to the Hadith; and it is impossible to explain a hadith without relating it to the Qur'an

according to Mike111.com the Koran and HAdiths are Turkish in origin..there fore Abu Bakr and Uthman(the Caliphs who compiled the Koran and Hadiths) were Turks..

LMAO, you are killing your own argument fool..

Ur right I'm a fool for even posting on the same site as you. As the Lord has said "as you have done unto the least of these."

But I forgot, "Don't cast pearls before swine."

I'm not an Arab, but you are certainly a whacko for thinking I am one. History is not based on politics. I don't with people that don't have the rationality of a 5th grader.

He's sand your eyes i know hate that!.

Saudi Bedouin

Sorry not casting any more pearls. You'll just swallow them .


Bedouin Arab...


Why ignore Leo??

Posts: 8804 | From: The fear of his majesty had entered their hearts, they were powerless | Registered: Nov 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Originally posted by KING:

I'm no expert on Arab Idenity. If what I said is wrong, then I will go with what you said. You and Dana are the people who know about your people.
As for about the Black Arabs being a force in Arab Society, All one has to do is open a book about Arabs and there will rarely be anything positive about Black Arabs. If this is wrong, then kindly post the facts where Black Arabs were considered a Force and helped Build up Arab society.


Can you explain what you mean by "a Force and helped Build up Arab society", but before you explain, please read this:


Would you consider this a "force that helped build up Arab society"? Also, who started the first Arab kingdom in Morocco? Have you ever heard of Idris 1st? Read about him here:


Do you know that this is his brother:


Wouldn't you consider them "a force that helped build up Arab society"?

Who are the Sharifs that all Arabs respect and look up to and consider the noblest of all Arabs? Read about them here:


Without these people, King, there is no Arab society. Do you understand what I'm saying? Pay no heed to what you hear about the Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) being described as "white". If only the person who mentioned the hadith understood Arabic well enough to understand what "white" means in Arabic. If only he understood Arabic, I would tell him to translate the article below to English and explain to everyone here what it says that "white" means in Arabic. But he cannot understand Arabic and at the same time, he is sitting here explaining to everyone the meanings of Arabic hadiths. I find that very strange.

عندما أقرأ كلام علماء السلف حول معنى كلمة "أبيض" عند العرب، أتساءل: لماذا يجهل العام و الخاص المعنى الصحيح لهذا المصطلح؟ كم من الناس في هذا الزمان يعرف ان العرب في الماضي لم تسمّ من نسمي ابيض اليوم ابيضا - بل سمّته أحمرا. قال الزبيدي في تاج العروس:

"الأحمر : الأبيض ضد. وبه فسر بعض الحديث : " بعثت إلى الأحمر والأسود " . والعرب تقول امرأة حمراء أي بيضاء"
قال ابن الأثير:
"فيه "بعثت إلى الأحمر والأسود" أي العجم والعرب ؛ لأن الغالب على ألوان العجم الحُمْرة والبياض ، وعلى ألوان العرب الأُدْمَة والسُمرة".

و قال ابن منظور في لسان العرب:
"والحمراء: العجم لبياضهم ولأَن الشقرة أَغلب الأَلوان عليهم، وكانت العرب تقول للعجم الذين يكون البياض غالباً على أَلوانهم مثل الروم والفرس ومن صاقبهم: إنهم الحمراء؛ ومنه حديث علي، رضي الله عنه، حين قال له سَرَاةٌ من أَصحابه العرب: غلبتنا عليك هذه الحمراء؛ فقال: لنضربنكم على الدين عَوْداً كما ضربتموهم عليه بَدْءاً؛ أَراد بالحمراء الفُرْسَ والروم. والعرب إِذا قالوا: فلان أَبيض وفلانة بيضاء فمعناه الكرم في الأَخلاق لا لون الخلقة، وإِذا قالوا: فلان أَحمر وفلانة حمراء عنوا بياض اللون؛ والعرب تسمي المَوَاليَ الحمراء. والأَحامرة: قوم من العجم نزلوا البصرة وتَبَنَّكُوا بالكوفة.".
قال العلامة الإمام الحافظ الذهبي:
الحمراء ، في خطاب أهل الحجاز : هي البيضاء بشقرة ، وهذا نادر فيهم ، ومنه في الحديث : رجل أحمر كأنه من الموالي يريد القائل أنه في لون الموالي الذين سبوا من نصارى الشام والروم والعجم.
وسئل ثعلب : لم خص الأحمر دون الأبيض فقال : "لأن العرب لا تقول : رجل أبيض من بياض اللون إنما الأبيض عندهم الطاهر النقي من العيوب فإذا أرادوا الأبيض من اللون قالوا أحمرا".
فمن هو ثعلب الذي قال هذا الكلام؟ هو أحمد بن يحيى بن يزيد الشيباني أبو العباس إمام الكوفيين في النحو واللغة، ولد سنة مائتين، وابتدأ النظر في العربية والشعر واللغة سنة ست عشر، وحفظ كتب الفراء، فلم يشذ منها حرفا، وعني بالنحو أكثر من غيره، فلما أتقنه أكب على الشعر والمعاني، ولازم ابن الأعرابي بضع عشرة سنة، وسمع من نفطويه وغيره، قيل‏:‏ إنما فَضَل أهل عصره بالحفظ للعلوم التي تضيق عنها الصدور.
قال أبو الطيب اللغوي‏:‏ كان ثعلب يعتمد على ابن الأعرابي في اللغة، وعلى سلمة بن عاصم في النحو، ويوري عن ابن أبي نجدة كتب أبي زيد، وعن الأثرم كتب أبي عبيد، وعن أبي فص كتب الأصمعي، وعن عمرو بن أبي عمر كتب أبيه‏.‏
وكان ثقة، حجة، صالحا، مشهورا بالحفظ، وصدق اللهجة، والمعرفة بالعربية، ورواية الشعر القديم، مقدما عند الشيوخ منذ هو حدث.
قال أبو بكر بن مجاهد‏:‏ قال لي ثعلب‏:‏ يا أبا بكر، اشتغل أصحاب القرآن بالقرآن ففازوا، وأصحاب الحديث بالحديث ففازوا، وأصحاب الفقه بالفقه ففازوا، واشتغلت أنا بزيد وعمرو، فليت شعري ماذا تكون حالي‏؟‏ فانصرفت من عنده، فرأيت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم تلك الليلة، فقال لي‏:‏ أقرئ أبا العباس عني السلام، وقل له‏:‏ أنت صاحب العلم المستطيل‏.‏
فمن هو ابن مجاهد؟ هو أبو بكر أحمد بن موسى بن العباس بن مجاهد (245 - 324هـ ، 859 - 936م) ، التميمي البغدادي الأستاذ الإمام، شيخ صنعة القراءات وأول من سبع السبعة (اختار القراء السبعة الذين يقرأ القرآن بقراءاتهم حتى اليوم مثل عاصم وأبي عمرو وغيرهما). قرأ على عبدالرحمن بن عبدوس عشرين ختمة، وعلى قنبل المكي راوية ابن كثير، وإسحاق بن أحمد الخزاعي، وعلى أحمد بن يحيى ثعلب النحوي وإدريس بن عبدالكريم وخلائق آخرين. وروى عنه أحمد بن بُدهن وأبو علي الفارسي وأبو عبدالله بن خالويه والحسين بن حبش وأبو جعفر الشاهد وخلائق لا يحصون. كان مشهورًا بعيد الصيت فاق أقرانه ومعاصريه مع الدين والحفظ والخير. قال أبو عمرو الداني: فاق ابن مجاهد في عصره سائر نظرائه من أهل صناعته مع اتساع علمه وبراعة فهمه، وصدق لهجته، وظهور نسكه. قال بعض أهل التراجم: "ولا نعلم أحدًا من شيوخ القراءات أكثر تلاميذ منه ولا بلغنا ازدحام الطلبة على أحد كازدحامهم عليه". كان في حلقته أربعة وثمانون خليفة يقرئون الناس.

فما هو العلم المستطيل؟ العلم المستطيل هو علم اللغة وما يتصل بها من دراسات، كالنحو والصرف والرواية والبلاغة والشعر والأدب.
كيف لا تكون اللغة العربية العلم المستطيل و جميع العلوم مفتقرة إليها؟ فكيف يفسر المفسرون القرآن بطريقة صحيحة بدون علم باللغة العربية؟ كيف يشرح أهل الحديث الأحاديث بطريقة صحيحة بدون علم باللغة العربية؟ كيف يصيب المفتي في فتواه بدون علم باللغة العربية؟

قال الأزهري:

إذا قالت العرب فلان أبيض، وفلانة بيضاء، فالمعنى نقاء العرض من الدنس والعيوب، ومن ذلك قول زهير بن أبي سلمى يمدح هرم بن سنان:
أشم أبيض فياض يفكـك عـن أيدي العناة وعن أعناقها الربقا
وقال ابن قيس الرقيات في عبد العزيز بن مروان:
أمك بيضاء من قضاعة في البيت الذي يستظل في طنبـه
قال: وهذا كثير في شعرهم، لا يريدون به بياض اللون، ولكنهم يريدون المدح بالكرم، ونقاء العرض من العيوب. وإذا قالوا: فلان أبيض الوجه، وفلانة بيضاء الوجه، أرادوا نقاء اللون من الكلف والسواد الشائن.
و في المعجم الوسيط:
" يقال وجه أبيض نقي اللون من الكلف و السواد الشائن و فلان أبيض نقي العرض"

بعد عرفنا ان العرب لا تقول رجل أبيض من بياض اللون، دعنا ننظر الى ما هو بياض اللون عند العرب:

قال الشيخ العلامة الإمام الحافظ الذهبي في كتابه سير اعلام النبلاء:
"إن العرب إذا قالت : فلان أبيض ، فإنهم يريدون الحنطي اللون بحلية سوداء".

و حلية الإنسان هي ما يُرى من لونه أو مظهره. قال ابن منظور في لسان العرب:

الخِلْقة. والحِلْيَةُ: الصفة والصُّورة. والتَّحْلِيةُ: الوَصْف. وتَحَلاَّه: عَرَفَ صِفَته. والحلْية: تَحْلِيَتُك وجهَ الرجلِ إذا وصَفْته."
قال الشيخ العلامة محمد بن أحمد بن علي بن عبد الخالق، شمس الدين السيوطي في كتابه جواهر العقود ومعين القضاة والموقعين والشهود:
"في ذكر الالوان
إذا كان الرجل شديد السواد
قيل: حالك.
فإن خالط سواده حمرة
قيل: دغمان.
فإن صفا لونه
قيل: أسحم.
فإن خالط السواد صفرا
قيل: أصحم.
فإن كدر لونه
قيل: أربد.
فإن صفا عن ذلك
قيل: أبيض.
فإن رقت الصفرة، ومال إلى السواد
قيل: آدمي اللون.
فإن كان دون الاربد وفوق الادمة
قيل: شديد الادمة، فإن رق من الادمة
قيل: شديد السمرة.
فإن صفا عن ذلك
قيل: أسمر اللون.
فإن صفا عن ذلك
قيل: رقيق السمرة.
فإن صفا ومال إلى البياض والحمرة
قيل: صافي السمرة تعلوه حمرة.
ويقال: رقيق السمرة بحمرة.
فإن صفا لونه جدا
قيل: صافي السمرة، ولا يقال: أبيض
لان البياض هو البرص.
فإن خلص بياضه
قيل: أنصح.
وإن كان في بياضه شقرة
قيل: أشقر.
فإن زاد على ذلك
قيل: أشكل.
فإن كان مع ذلك حمرة زائدة
قيل: أشقر.
فإن كان مع ذلك نمش، قيل: أنمش.
فإن صفا لونه ومال إلى الصفرة من غير علة
قيل: أسحب اللون".
ماذا قال صاحب العلم المستطيل - ثعلب؟ قال:

"العرب لا تقول رجل أبيض من بياض اللون"
ان عدم فهم المعنى الصحيح لكلمة "أبيض"سبّب خلطا شديدا لدي العامة و العلماء. فكيف يُوصف رجل بالأبيض تارة و بالأسمر أو الآدم تارة أخرى؟انظر الى وصفعثمان بن عفان رضي الله عنه:

كان عثمان بن عفان رضي الله عنه رجلا ليس بالطويل المفرط ولا بالقصير البائن ، حسن الوجه ، رقيق البشرة ، أبيض اللون ، وفي بعض الروايات انه كان اسمر اللون ، كث اللحية عظيمها ، أصلع الرأس ، عظيم الكراديس ، عظيم ما بين المنكبين ، أروح الرجلين ( منفرج ما بينهما ) ، اقنى الانف ، ضخم الساقين ، طويل الذراعين قد كسا ذراعيه جعد الشعر ، أحسن الناس ثغرا ، جُمته اسفل من اذنيه.

انظر الى وصف ابو هريرة رضي الله عنه:

قال بلد الرحمن بن لبينة رأيت أبا هريرة رجلا آدم بعيد ما بين المنكبين أفرق الثنيتين ذا ضفيرتين وقال ابن سيرين كان أبو هريرة أبيض لينا لحيته حمراء.

و انظر الى وصف معاذ بن جبل:

دخل عائذ الله بن عبدالله المسجد يوماً مع أصحاب الرسول صلى الله عليه و سلم في أول خلافة عمر..قال:
"فجلست مجلسا فيه بضع وثلاثون، كلهم يذكرون حديثاً عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، وفي الحلقة شاب شديد الأدمة، حلو المنطق، وضيء، وهو أشبّ القوم سناً، فاذا اشتبه عليهم من الحديث شيء ردّوه اليه فأفتاهم، ولا يحدثهم إلا حين يسألونه، ولما قضي مجلسهم دنوت منه وسالته: من أنت يا عبد الله؟ قال: أنا معاذ بن جبل".

وقال عبد الصمد بن سعيد نزل (معاذ بن جبل) حمص وكان طويلا حسنا جميلا وقال الجماعة كنيته أبو عبد الرحمن إلا أبا أحمد الحاكم فقال كنيته أبو عبد الله قال علي بن محمد المدائني معاذ لم يولد له قط طوال حسن الثغر عظيم العينين أبيض جعد قطط وأما ابن سعد فقال له ابنان عبد الرحمن وآخر قال عطاء أسلم معاذ وله ثمان عشرة سنة وقال ابن اسحاق ومن السبعين من بني جشم بن الخزرج معاذ بن جبل وروى قتادة عن أنس قال جمع القرآن على عهد رسول الله أربعة كلهم من الأنصار أبي بن كعب وزيد ومعاذ بن جبل وأبو زيد أحد عمومتي قال أحمد حدثنا أبو معاوية حدثنا الأعمش عن شقيق عن مسروق عن عبد الله بن عمرو قال قال رسول الله (خذوا القرآن من أربعة من ابن مسعود وأبي ومعاذ بن جبل وسالم مولى أبي حذيفة).

عندما نقرأ توضيح أصحاب العلم المستطيل لكلمة "أبيض"، يزيل الإختلاط و يصبح من العادي جدا أن يوصف شخص بالسمرة تارة و بالبياض تارة أخرى.

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-Just Call Me Jari-
Member # 14451

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Originally posted by dana marniche:
Originally posted by Just call me Jari:
Dana you know as well as I that there were different types of Arabs in Arabia, the black ones living near where Africa and Arabia meet. I dont know why you deny those Brown/White Arabs their heritage. Im not going to argue we can agree to disagree at least we agree there were black Arabs.

My thing is so what?? They were anti African and Anti black.

Unlike Mike111 I have respect for you as a scholar, so I apologize for calling you "Bitch" I just get tired of people equating Christ with Europe when Ethiopians were Christians before any Western Europeans. Any way I apologize.

Besides my fight is nit with you but the low life trash that quoted and called me out the Arab Alwaadberry...Typical Low life Arab...talk crap and then runs..

I don't believe this Jari about Tariq calling you out. He is - from what I have seen and read - a rather calm person who doesn't curse and rant like you and many of us Americans. I have been reading the posts and there is no way he would have insulted you because there is more of the peaceful side of Islam in him than many of this post will ever have with Christianity.

An also your excuse about getting tired of equating Christianity with Europe also doesn't ring true. The early Christians Arabs and Ethiopians were the same people, and that is what I have said in my posts on: When Arabia was Ethiopia and Israel Mizraim Canaan in context. So you need to stop equating the word Arabian with modern Arabs and with Islam - most of the tribes in Arabia that you are claiming were wortheless were nothing but descendants of early Christians and Jews.

If you know anything about Ethiopian Christians you might know about the Farasan Christians next to eh Axumites who were in fact from the black Taghlib of Arabia and called "black Syrians" because they were said to have been living in Syria before they were pushed out by one of the early Greeks.

The black Al- Baliyyan or Jacobite Christians had been another group of the Quda'a Himyarites like the Mahra and Shahra who settled in Africa Eritrea and the eastern desert and Syria.

If I were you I would read the book - Who was Jesus: Conspiracy in Jerusalem, by Kamal Salibi to find out why Christianity probably spread among black or Afro-Arabians and their Ethiopian, Eritraean and Nubian relatives.

The name Bayna Lakhem or Menelik is also related to and evidently to that of the early Lakhmid Christians or Banu Lakhem of the Azd and he is of course considered ancestral to a large group fo Christian Ethiopians or Abyssinians. In addition many are not aware that Menelik is in fact David of the Bible.

Instead of trying to prevent this knowledge from coming out by attacking people who were basically "Ethiopians" who had converted to the faith of Muhammed I would suggest you read the articles I have been posting so that you won't feel Christianity is being neglected.

Dana this Alwaadberry poster quoted me in his opening post. He might not cuss but he is a slick Rick type of dude, insulting on the cool. Like I said I don't disagree with Black Arabs, I believe the Sabeans were black too but I still thin the Northern Arabs were white-tan like those boys I posted.

Lets make it clear Im not saying Islam did not do any good in Africa. If Islam is celebrated so should Christianity in Africa.

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Man your website has some Info that seems to be very much researched. What can I say but that I hope your Book gets picked up by many Modern Arabs and they realize that Black Arabs are their brothers and not their slaves.

I hope that we see more of your book around these parts and it's great having a scholar on these forums. We need more people to post stuff like this. And if what you posted in your book is True then the coverup and Hatred for everything Black is deeper then first thought. It bothers me as a TRUTHSEEKER to see how people have covered up and hid Truth just so they could feel superior. [Mad] Hatred MUST be thrown out and unity pushed because we are more alike then we are different.


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Originally posted by KING:

Man your website has some Info that seems to be very much researched. What can I say but that I hope your Book gets picked up by many Modern Arabs and they realize that Black Arabs are their brothers and not their slaves.

I hope that we see more of your book around these parts and it's great having a scholar on these forums. We need more people to post stuff like this. And if what you posted in your book is True then the coverup and Hatred for everything Black is deeper then first thought. It bothers me as a TRUTHSEEKER to see how people have covered up and hid Truth just so they could feel superior. [Mad] Hatred MUST be thrown out and unity pushed because we are more alike then we are different.


Thank you King. And keep seeking the truth because as you've said, a whole lot has been covered up.


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[/QUOTE]This is the point the only place I hear about black Arabs is here and rastawire. Dana if the Black Arabs were the original, If black Arabs were such a force how come when I research Islam all I see are images of Light Arabs. It makes non sense to me that people who were Originally and the Big force behind a culture are absolutley silent in modern times.. [/QB][/QUOTE]



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Originally posted by dana marniche:

I don't believe this Jari about Tariq calling you out. He is - from what I have seen and read - a rather calm person who doesn't curse and rant like you and many of us Americans. I have been reading the posts and there is no way he would have insulted you because there is more of the peaceful side of Islam in him than many of this post will ever have with Christianity.

An also your excuse about getting tired of equating Christianity with Europe also doesn't ring true. The early Christians Arabs and Ethiopians were the same people, and that is what I have said in my posts on: When Arabia was Ethiopia and Israel Mizraim Canaan in context. So you need to stop equating the word Arabian with modern Arabs and with Islam - most of the tribes in Arabia that you are claiming were wortheless were nothing but descendants of early Christians and Jews.

If you know anything about Ethiopian Christians you might know about the Farasan Christians next to eh Axumites who were in fact from the black Taghlib of Arabia and called "black Syrians" because they were said to have been living in Syria before they were pushed out by one of the early Greeks.

The black Al- Baliyyan or Jacobite Christians had been another group of the Quda'a Himyarites like the Mahra and Shahra who settled in Africa Eritrea and the eastern desert and Syria.

If I were you I would read the book - Who was Jesus: Conspiracy in Jerusalem, by Kamal Salibi to find out why Christianity probably spread among black or Afro-Arabians and their Ethiopian, Eritraean and Nubian relatives.

The name Bayna Lakhem or Menelik is also related to and evidently to that of the early Lakhmid Christians or Banu Lakhem of the Azd and he is of course considered ancestral to a large group fo Christian Ethiopians or Abyssinians. In addition many are not aware that Menelik is in fact David of the Bible.

Instead of trying to prevent this knowledge from coming out by attacking people who were basically "Ethiopians" who had converted to the faith of Muhammed I would suggest you read the articles I have been posting so that you won't feel Christianity is being neglected.

Thanks Dana!
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Originally posted by KING:

Man your website has some Info that seems to be very much researched. What can I say but that I hope your Book gets picked up by many Modern Arabs and they realize that Black Arabs are their brothers and not their slaves.

I hope that we see more of your book around these parts and it's great having a scholar on these forums. We need more people to post stuff like this. And if what you posted in your book is True then the coverup and Hatred for everything Black is deeper then first thought. It bothers me as a TRUTHSEEKER to see how people have covered up and hid Truth just so they could feel superior. [Mad] Hatred MUST be thrown out and unity pushed because we are more alike then we are different.


the coverup and Hatred for everything Black is deeper then first thought. It bothers me as a TRUTHSEEKER to see how people have covered up and hid Truth just so they could feel superior.

Finally someone gets it!

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dana marniche
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Originally posted by Just call me Jari:
Originally posted by dana marniche:
Originally posted by Just call me Jari:
Dana you know as well as I that there were different types of Arabs in Arabia, the black ones living near where Africa and Arabia meet. I dont know why you deny those Brown/White Arabs their heritage. Im not going to argue we can agree to disagree at least we agree there were black Arabs.

My thing is so what?? They were anti African and Anti black.

Unlike Mike111 I have respect for you as a scholar, so I apologize for calling you "Bitch" I just get tired of people equating Christ with Europe when Ethiopians were Christians before any Western Europeans. Any way I apologize.

Besides my fight is nit with you but the low life trash that quoted and called me out the Arab Alwaadberry...Typical Low life Arab...talk crap and then runs..

I don't believe this Jari about Tariq calling you out. He is - from what I have seen and read - a rather calm person who doesn't curse and rant like you and many of us Americans. I have been reading the posts and there is no way he would have insulted you because there is more of the peaceful side of Islam in him than many of this post will ever have with Christianity.

An also your excuse about getting tired of equating Christianity with Europe also doesn't ring true. The early Christians Arabs and Ethiopians were the same people, and that is what I have said in my posts on: When Arabia was Ethiopia and Israel Mizraim Canaan in context. So you need to stop equating the word Arabian with modern Arabs and with Islam - most of the tribes in Arabia that you are claiming were wortheless were nothing but descendants of early Christians and Jews.

If you know anything about Ethiopian Christians you might know about the Farasan Christians next to eh Axumites who were in fact from the black Taghlib of Arabia and called "black Syrians" because they were said to have been living in Syria before they were pushed out by one of the early Greeks.

The black Al- Baliyyan or Jacobite Christians had been another group of the Quda'a Himyarites like the Mahra and Shahra who settled in Africa Eritrea and the eastern desert and Syria.

If I were you I would read the book - Who was Jesus: Conspiracy in Jerusalem, by Kamal Salibi to find out why Christianity probably spread among black or Afro-Arabians and their Ethiopian, Eritraean and Nubian relatives.

The name Bayna Lakhem or Menelik is also related to and evidently to that of the early Lakhmid Christians or Banu Lakhem of the Azd and he is of course considered ancestral to a large group fo Christian Ethiopians or Abyssinians. In addition many are not aware that Menelik is in fact David of the Bible.

Instead of trying to prevent this knowledge from coming out by attacking people who were basically "Ethiopians" who had converted to the faith of Muhammed I would suggest you read the articles I have been posting so that you won't feel Christianity is being neglected.

Dana this Alwaadberry poster quoted me in his opening post. He might not cuss but he is a slick Rick type of dude, insulting on the cool. Like I said I don't disagree with Black Arabs, I believe the Sabeans were black too but I still thin the Northern Arabs were white-tan like those boys I posted.

Lets make it clear Im not saying Islam did not do any good in Africa. If Islam is celebrated so should Christianity in Africa.

Jari - the only way you could think that is if you know nothing about how north Arabian tribes were described. If all of the north Arabian tribes are described as black or dark brown with kinky hair than there is no way that they could have had the complexion of most of their early slaves.

You need to take a look at who the North Arabians were:

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dana marniche
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Originally posted by Just call me Jari:
Originally posted by dana marniche:

I'm not an Arab, but you are certainly a whacko for thinking I am one. History is not based on politics. I don't with people that don't have the rationality of a 5th grader.

Saudi Bedouin

Sorry not casting any more pearls. You'll just swallow them .


Bedouin Arab...


Why ignore Leo??

Because my interest is not in Syrian "Arabs" or Turkish descended "Arabs". It is about the original Arabs - who held the complexion of Syrians in contempt, and whose culture had separate origins than "white Syrians" or Eurasiatics.

Early Syrians were Eurasiatics, (like the one you have posted with the Syrian Arab.) Early Arabs were Africans and remained looking like Africans according to the Syrians and Iranians until the 14th century.

I can post and many blond and fair-skinned Egyptians, Berbers and Arabs and post them but that is not going to change what they were before they mixed with fair-skinned people.


The tribes of people these fair skinned Arabs that Leo and Lyin'_ss like to post are coming from the Anaesa or Anaeza and Shammar etc. who are the result of Syrians mixed with Arabs who have moved back into the Arabian peninsula after the 16th century. I have said this many times before. The Anaeza and Shammar in the south and other places in the Arabian peninula are still dark and African in appearance as the Arabian tribes are described in early Syrian Muslim sources.

There are many tribes that are living in Syria and Iraq that are fair -in color that claim to be descendants of the Azd and other Arabians whose tribes are always described in all early writings as of jet black or black color.

Do you understand?

Shammar Arab of Central Arabia

Zalabi Arabs of Jordan come from the Anaezah
The Anaeaza are one of the largest "Arab groups living between Syria and Iraq" however, some are evidently more Syrian than Arab.

Colonialist Richmond Palmer claimed in Bornu Sahara and Sudan - that Syrians like Al Umari of the 14th century , though of the Central Arabian area from which the people in Iraq and Syria have come was considered part of the Sudan. I guess I will have to start learning to read Arabic again.

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dana marniche
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Originally posted by KING:
dana marniche

What can be said but that you really need to get your Articles published so you can reach more people. What I take offence to is the part in the first thread that claimed that The son of Noah, Ham was turned "Black" You don't need to push a claim for a curse to Ham to prove your point.


I take offense to this stuff, too - King. My claim was not a need to push a curse of Ham. It was to show that tribes of Ham were thought to have been black, of course. That is why I wrote about how the Iranians and Syrians have distorted the history of the Arabians claiming Noah's sons were all originally white when in fact only "black" or near "black-skinned" people are mentioned in Genesis. [Wink]
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the lioness,
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Originally posted by awlaadberry:

"Fear Allah - Fear Allah concerning the black-skinned, kinky-haired People of the Black Soil (People of Kemet) who are under your protection! Verily they are your relatives."

الله الله في أهل الذمة ، أهل المدرة السوداء السحم الجعاد فإن لهم نسبا وصهرا [/QB]

did anybody post in English the alleged source of this?
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the lioness,
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Originally posted by awlaadberry:
When I read comments like this:

"I hate Islam personally, After studying Islam no Africancentric or any black person in his right mind should convert into that religion."

I wonder if people who say things like this realize that it is reported that the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) said this:

"Fear Allah - Fear Allah concerning the black-skinned, kinky-haired People of the Black Soil (People of Kemet) who are under your protection! Verily they are your relatives."

الله الله في أهل الذمة ، أهل المدرة السوداء السحم الجعاد فإن لهم نسبا وصهرا

I see a translation of the Arabic you quoted:

الله الله في أهل الذمة ، أهل المدرة السوداء السحم الجعاد فإن لهم نسبا وصهرا

as being contained in this

Amazing piece of information may not know a lot of the people of Port Said is that Khalil's wife Hagar God of Abraham and mother Prophet Prophet Ishmael peace be upon him was one of the people of Farma - Port Said now!!
والمعروف طبعا أن السيدة هاجر هي الأم التي انحدر من نسلها كل العرب، وبذلك يكون لأهل بورسعيد الشرف كل الشرف في أن تكون السيدة هاجر منهم لحما ودما، حسبا ونسبا. Known of course, that Hagar is the mother who descended from the offspring of all Arabs, and thus to the people of Port Said Honor all honor to be Hagar them flesh and blood, and ratios, happens.
وهاكم حديث وصية الرسول عليه الصلاة والسلام بأهل مصر وأهل السيدة هاجر والمعروف في كتب السيرة بحديث الوصاة: Here is a modern and commandment of the Prophet, peace and blessings of the people and the people of Egypt and the Hagar known in the biography written speech guardians:
قال ابن هشام : حدثنا عبد الله بن وهب عن عبد الله بن لهيعة ، عن عمر مولى غفرة أن رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم - قال: Ibn Hisham said: Narrated Abdullah bin Wahab Abdullah bin Lahee'ah, at the age of sire will forgive that the Messenger of Allah - may Allah bless him and his family and him - said:
"الله الله في أهل الذمة ، أهل المدرة السوداء السحم الجعاد فإن لهم نسبا وصهرا" "God is God in the people of the Book, the people of generating black Shm Aldjaad they have the proportions and marriage relationship"
قال ابن لهيعة (راوي الحديث) أم إسماعيل هاجر من "أم العرب" قرية كانت أمام الفرما من مصر. "I say to Hia (narrator of hadeeth) or Ismail migrated from" the mother of the Arabs, "the village had before Farma from Egypt.
ويقول صاحب معجم الأماكن ومحققو سيرة المصطفى عليه الصلاة والسلام: And says in his Dictionary of places and investigators biography of Mustafa, peace be upon him:
الفرما أو الطينة : هي مدينة بمصر من شرق ، تبعد عن ساحل بحر الروم " البحر الأبيض " بقدر ميلين ، كان لها ميناء عامر وبها صنائع وتجارة، ويصل إليها فرع من النيل مسمى باسمها اليوناني " بيلوزة " أو الطينة ، وكانت في عهد الفراعنة حصن مصر من جهة الشرق ، وتعرف الآن (أي بعد الفتح الإسلامي) بتل الفرما، وقد سمي المكان الذي نشأت به هاجر بتل الفرما باسم "أم العرب" تكريما لهاجر Farma or Tina: is a city in Egypt from the east, away from the coast of the Sea Roman "Mediterranean" as far as two miles, it was the port of Amer and the creatures and trade, and up to a branch of the Nile named name Greek "Belozp" or Tina, were in the era of the pharaohs Fort Egypt from the east, and is now known (ie, after the Islamic conquest) Tel Farma, has been named by where they originate emigrated Tel Farma behalf of "the mother of the Arabs" in honor of the Hajar

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Originally posted by the lioness:
Originally posted by awlaadberry:
When I read comments like this:

"I hate Islam personally, After studying Islam no Africancentric or any black person in his right mind should convert into that religion."

I wonder if people who say things like this realize that it is reported that the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) said this:

"Fear Allah - Fear Allah concerning the black-skinned, kinky-haired People of the Black Soil (People of Kemet) who are under your protection! Verily they are your relatives."

الله الله في أهل الذمة ، أهل المدرة السوداء السحم الجعاد فإن لهم نسبا وصهرا

I see a translation of the Arabic you quoted:

الله الله في أهل الذمة ، أهل المدرة السوداء السحم الجعاد فإن لهم نسبا وصهرا

as being contained in this

Amazing piece of information may not know a lot of the people of Port Said is that Khalil's wife Hagar God of Abraham and mother Prophet Prophet Ishmael peace be upon him was one of the people of Farma - Port Said now!!
والمعروف طبعا أن السيدة هاجر هي الأم التي انحدر من نسلها كل العرب، وبذلك يكون لأهل بورسعيد الشرف كل الشرف في أن تكون السيدة هاجر منهم لحما ودما، حسبا ونسبا. Known of course, that Hagar is the mother who descended from the offspring of all Arabs, and thus to the people of Port Said Honor all honor to be Hagar them flesh and blood, and ratios, happens.
وهاكم حديث وصية الرسول عليه الصلاة والسلام بأهل مصر وأهل السيدة هاجر والمعروف في كتب السيرة بحديث الوصاة: Here is a modern and commandment of the Prophet, peace and blessings of the people and the people of Egypt and the Hagar known in the biography written speech guardians:
قال ابن هشام : حدثنا عبد الله بن وهب عن عبد الله بن لهيعة ، عن عمر مولى غفرة أن رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم - قال: Ibn Hisham said: Narrated Abdullah bin Wahab Abdullah bin Lahee'ah, at the age of sire will forgive that the Messenger of Allah - may Allah bless him and his family and him - said:
"الله الله في أهل الذمة ، أهل المدرة السوداء السحم الجعاد فإن لهم نسبا وصهرا" "God is God in the people of the Book, the people of generating black Shm Aldjaad they have the proportions and marriage relationship"
قال ابن لهيعة (راوي الحديث) أم إسماعيل هاجر من "أم العرب" قرية كانت أمام الفرما من مصر. "I say to Hia (narrator of hadeeth) or Ismail migrated from" the mother of the Arabs, "the village had before Farma from Egypt.
ويقول صاحب معجم الأماكن ومحققو سيرة المصطفى عليه الصلاة والسلام: And says in his Dictionary of places and investigators biography of Mustafa, peace be upon him:
الفرما أو الطينة : هي مدينة بمصر من شرق ، تبعد عن ساحل بحر الروم " البحر الأبيض " بقدر ميلين ، كان لها ميناء عامر وبها صنائع وتجارة، ويصل إليها فرع من النيل مسمى باسمها اليوناني " بيلوزة " أو الطينة ، وكانت في عهد الفراعنة حصن مصر من جهة الشرق ، وتعرف الآن (أي بعد الفتح الإسلامي) بتل الفرما، وقد سمي المكان الذي نشأت به هاجر بتل الفرما باسم "أم العرب" تكريما لهاجر Farma or Tina: is a city in Egypt from the east, away from the coast of the Sea Roman "Mediterranean" as far as two miles, it was the port of Amer and the creatures and trade, and up to a branch of the Nile named name Greek "Belozp" or Tina, were in the era of the pharaohs Fort Egypt from the east, and is now known (ie, after the Islamic conquest) Tel Farma, has been named by where they originate emigrated Tel Farma behalf of "the mother of the Arabs" in honor of the Hajar

Whoever "translated" that should be ashamed of himself/herself! A terrible translation that has nothing to do with the original in Arabic and which makes no sense whatsoever! Who did that Lioness?!
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-Just Call Me Jari-
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Alwaadberry can you show where in the Hadith did Muhammed say the Egyptians were "The blacks of the black soil".

I know for instance that Upper Egypt at one point was considered "Sudan" or Black Land...so if you can provide a link it would be appreciated.

or if you have written info??

Also Can you read Arabic...

Apparently Abaza the Fradulent Busted Tranny..says he is an Arab and the he knows the Blacks are the real Egyptians..


Wow BigMo told me in Arabic he was a Mukhtaba from Saudi Arabia and that he knew that the black africans were the innocent doves of ancient egypt.

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Originally posted by Just call me Jari:

This is the point the only place I hear about black Arabs is here and rastawire. Dana if the Black Arabs were the original, If black Arabs were such a force how come when I research Islam all I see are images of Light Arabs. It makes non sense to me that people who were Originally and the Big force behind a culture are absolutley silent in modern times..

Jari - Has it ever occurred to you that the problem might be that you are simply not a very bright Boy?

Let me explain;
Wouldn't sensible person, when confronted with such contradictory information, first consider the source?

Then wouldn't a sensible person, bring "Common Sense" to bear?

Then wouldn't a sensible person seek greater historical knowledge?


So what is the source of this contradictory information?

Why it's White people, isn't it?
Since I don't know your background, I can't give the most telling example of White people lying to you. So let's use the subject matter here - Egypt.

Didn't White people teach you that Egyptians were White? Or at the least, not Black?

Well, this guy looks Black to me!

And Who assisted the White man in creating this lie? Why it was people like this "Sand Nigger" wasn't it?


And isn't it "Sand Nigger" just like Hawass who also claim to be Arabs?


See what I mean about intelligence?
A sensible person would have said WHOA! These people claim to be EGYPTIANS and ARABS, something MUST be WRONG!


Now we come to the "Common Sense" part.

Isn't Arabia right next to Africa?
Of course it is, so what does the Africans around them look like?
So in your mind, God, Nature, or something, plucked these light skinned people down in Arabia, and surrounded them with Black people?

And wouldn't a sensible person say; Wait a minute, aren't these SAME people all over North Africa, and there they call themselves Berbers.

And aren't these SAME people all over the Middle East, and there they call themselves, Phoenicians, Sumerians, Babylonians, Persians.

And aren't these SAME people all over Turkey too?

See what I mean about intelligence?
Wouldn't a sensible look at all of that, and think: How can all of these people who look exactly alike, be all over the place claiming to be all of these DIFFERENT people?

Then as a matter of "Common Sense" wouldn't a sensible person just LOOK at them, and think: Wait a minute, these people are NOT White, and they are NOT Black, why they have the same complexion as the "Mixed-Race" people in my home town of Stupid U.S.A.

I won't even mention that the Hot, Burning Sun of Arabia would not allow such people to exist very long without elaborate clothing. And since you probably know that Man was not created WITH clothing, they probably came from someplace else. Remember - this is just the "Common Sense" part.

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^So Jari - With all of the stuff above that doesn't make sense, wouldn't a sensible person then delve into the history of the area?

A sensible person would then find out that the Greeks conquered the area in 332 B.C.

Then he would find out that the Romans took over in 44 A.D.

And then the Arabs took over in 628 A.D.

But then a sensible person would think: wait a minute, Arabia has hardly any people, where would the Arabs get an army that large, to defeat the Romans AND the Persians?

Hint; all those left-over Greeks!
AND some NEW people who just started coming in - TURKS!

He would learn that Caliph Umar II (reigned 717-720), then gave his discontented "Mawali" (White Muslims) the same full rights and privileges as Arabs. This decree allowed Greeks, Turks and other Eurasians to fully assimilate into the Muslim brotherhood.

(Blacks giving Whites Rights, big mistake)!

A sensible person reading history, would then find out that the Arabs, from even before caliph al-Ma'mun (reigned 813–833) the Caliphs still needed more men; therefore Turkish men were imported from Central Asia as Slave soldiers (Mamluks) for the Caliphs army, and Turkish women were imported as Slaves for the Caliphs Harem (a practice that the Berbers (Moors) continued.

It was during the rule of Abbasid caliph Harun ar-Rashid (ruled 786-809), that the caliphs began assigning Egypt to Turks rather than to Arabs. The first Turkish dynasty was that of Ibn Tulun who entered Egypt in 868.

Then in 1250 A.D. The Mamluks rebelled and
established their own dynasty in Egypt.

THIS MARKS THE BEGINNING OF THE END FOR THE DUMB-ASSED BLACK ARABS. By now White Turks had already taken over in Persia!

(They brought in, or allowed in, millions of Whites - and all they had to do was accept Islam. These dumb-ass Niggers deserved what they got!)

Then in 1516 the Turkic Sultan in Turkey Selim I, conducted a campaign against the Mamluks in Egypt to the south. Although the Mamluks were Sunni Muslims, like the Ottomans, and although the Mamluks were not threatening expansion into Ottoman lands the way the Safavids were, Selim opted to invade anyway. The reason he gave for the invasion was that the Mamluks - weakened by the plague and a poor economy - were no longer strong enough to defend the Islamic world against the new threats it faced.

Selim began his Mamluk campaign in Syria, taking Aleppo, Damascus, and Jerusalem from the Mamluks in 1516. He then crossed the Sinai Peninsula into Egypt, killed the Mamluk sultan, and declared Egypt to be under Ottoman control.

From there, the Ottomans moved south down the Arabian Peninsula to Mecca, but no battle was needed there. The Sherif of Mecca, gave Selim the keys to the city for both Mecca and Medina. After he gained control of the holy cities, Selim added the title of caliph, or supreme leader of Islam, to the title carried by all Ottoman sultans.

Then in 1811 the Black Arabs started to "Act-up" the domination of Mecca and Medina by puritanical Wahhabi Muslims was a serious embarrassment to the Ottoman sultan, so he sent Muhammad Ali (an Albanian Turk) on an expedition to Arabia that between 1811 and 1813 expelled the Wahhabis from the Hejaz. In a further campaign (1816-18), Ibrahim Pasha, the viceroy's eldest son, defeated the Wahhabis in their homeland of Najd, and brought central Arabia under Albanian control.

Then on 28 June 1914, The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, is seen as the immediate trigger of World War I. Which brought the great powers of Europe, such as the German Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, the Russian Empire, the British Empire, France, and Italy, also played a major role.

After WW I the Ottoman Empire was broken up. In Egypt, the White Turks kept power, until the "mixed-race" Nasser took over.

 -  -

In Arabia The House of Saud - Abdul Aziz Al Saud, King (Malik) of Saudi Arabia, took over in 1931.

(As you can see, he still had a fair amount of Black Blood. But they do love their White Women - so that didn't last).



Saudi King








BTW Jari, since you get so much of your information from the White mans movies. Haven't you heard of "Lawrence of Arabia".

You know, British fighting Turks over Arabia - didn't that tell you something?

So you see jari, it's not that this stuff is so hard to understand. It's just that you are not very bright, and too lazy to read.

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^BTW Jari - I doubt it, but if you ever think to wonder what happened to the Black Arabs who refuse to accept these White and "Mixed-race" people as their rulers.

Last I heard, they had been herded into "Tribal Areas" in the south, just above the Yemen border.

Why do you think all of these "So-called" ARAB countries are all "Police States"? There are a lot of people who won't accept them!

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Originally posted by Just call me Jari:
Alwaadberry can you show where in the Hadith did Muhammed say the Egyptians were "The blacks of the black soil".

I know for instance that Upper Egypt at one point was considered "Sudan" or Black Land...so if you can provide a link it would be appreciated.

or if you have written info??

Also Can you read Arabic...

Apparently Abaza the Fradulent Busted Tranny..says he is an Arab and the he knows the Blacks are the real Egyptians..


Wow BigMo told me in Arabic he was a Mukhtaba from Saudi Arabia and that he knew that the black africans were the innocent doves of ancient egypt.

Yes, I can read Arabic Jari. The part that says that the Egyptians are the blacks of the black soil is this:

السحم الجعاد = the black-skinned kinky-haired
أهل المدرة السوداء= people of the black soil

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Jari - I know that you are probably struggling to read all of the stuff that I posted.

So here are some pictures which may help you - you know, the picture spamming that you and Anguish are always complaining about.

So here is how the world saw Arabs, before the Albinos and their Sand Niggers, conspired to rob Arabs of their Black identity.









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^Just like the Albinos and their Sand Niggers, conspired to rob Egyptians of their Black identity.

Just like the Albinos and their Sand Niggers, conspired to rob Berbers of their Black identity.

Just like the Albinos and their Sand Niggers, conspired to rob Persians of their Black identity.

Just like the Albinos and their Sand Niggers, conspired to rob Anatolian's of their Black identity.

Just like the Albinos and their Sand Niggers, conspired to rob Mesopotamian's of their Black identity.

Just like the Albinos and their Sand Niggers, conspired to rob the original Europeans of their Black identity.

Just like the Albinos and their Sand Niggers, conspired to rob original Americans of their Black identity.

Just like the Albinos and their Sand Niggers, conspired to rob original Mongols of their Black identity.

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the lioness,
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Mike says whites are liars yet he constantly uses their paintings to attempt to prove points about Arabs who were living in Arabia hundreds of years before when those paintings were made. He says whites are liars and yet also uses white texts claiming they represent the truth.
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-Just Call Me Jari-
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Alwaadberry can you explain why Muhammed said those things about Kemet, was he sending Caliphs into Egypt??

Also what Hadith is it in?? Don't mean to be a Nusaince just curious..

Also I found this..

Caliph Walid 1


caliph Walid built a Desert palace where aparantly there is an image of the king as well as his enemies..(Im still looking for the Walid's Image).

Seems you and Dana might be onto something..some of those figures look black. That wall fresco is apparently people that helped build the palace.

However this same figure is on the cover of this book..


Now I don't know if its Walid himself(The Fact that he is on the cover must mean something). But if it is then its proof that you and Dana are right that the first Caliphs were black, I mean the man looks black with an Afro. Personally I wish I had the book because its Images of Islamic figures 600-1000 A.D...which is very up my alley. However its 100 bucks and Im tight for cash, Im a student you know how that is.

Anyway Im gonna search the net to see if I can find the Image of the Caliph.

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Originally posted by the lioness:
Mike says whites are liars yet he constantly uses their paintings to attempt to prove points about Arabs who were living in Arabia hundreds of years before when those paintings were made. He says whites are liars and yet also uses white texts claiming they represent the truth.

Lioness - In your simple-minded way, you have identified the modern Black mans dilemma.

The White man has either destroyed or hidden, all sources created before his take-over.

Thus we are totally dependent on piecing together that which is allowed to see the light of day. And data generated by those few who are more interested in science than they are in racism.

P.S. What do you think are Jari's chances of finding an authentic picture of a Caliph?
He he.

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British Museum

An Islamic coin based on a Sasanian prototype


Silver dirham of al-Hajjaj ibn. Yusuf

Bishapur, southern Iran
AH 77/AD 696-7

The first Islamic coins minted in the eastern Islamic lands (Iran and central Asia) initially adapted Sasanian silver types. The Sasanian coins bore the head of Khosrau II (reigned 590-628) on the obverse (front) of the coin, and a fire altar on the reverse. The fire is a sacred symbol in the Zoroastrian religion which was the state religion in ancient Persia under the Sasanians.

Under Islamic rule these Sasanian images were adapted to include Arabic inscriptions. The coin shown here was struck by the powerful Umayyad governor of the eastern provinces, al-Hajjaj ibn. Yusuf. His name appears in Kufic script to the right of the head of Khosrau II. He was in charge of implementing the reform of the coinage initiated by the Umayyad caliph Abd al-Malik (685-706).

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Originally posted by Just call me Jari:
Alwaadberry can you explain why Muhammed said those things about Kemet, was he sending Caliphs into Egypt??

Also what Hadith is it in?? Don't mean to be a Nusaince just curious..

Also I found this..

Caliph Walid 1


caliph Walid built a Desert palace where aparantly there is an image of the king as well as his enemies..(Im still looking for the Walid's Image).

Seems you and Dana might be onto something..some of those figures look black. That wall fresco is apparently people that helped build the palace.

However this same figure is on the cover of this book..


Now I don't know if its Walid himself(The Fact that he is on the cover must mean something). But if it is then its proof that you and Dana are right that the first Caliphs were black, I mean the man looks black with an Afro. Personally I wish I had the book because its Images of Islamic figures 600-1000 A.D...which is very up my alley. However its 100 bucks and Im tight for cash, Im a student you know how that is.

Anyway Im gonna search the net to see if I can find the Image of the Caliph.

He (pbuh) said it as a prophecy of the future conquest of Egypt. It's a well-known hadith, but I'm not sure what book it is from.

Let me know if you find the image of the Caliph on the net.

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the lioness,
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To Mike and Jari,

I could be wrong on this but this new crop of people
like dana talking about Muhammad being not only dark skinned but "Negroid", some are saying there were no early black Caliphs. Some claim Prophet Muhammad was
negroid and whites came in beginning with the very first Caliph, Abu Bakr, described as "red' (they say meaning white). Apparently Allah let it happen.

Prophet Muhammad is sometimes described in hadith as black other times as white.
Of course when Prophet Muhammad gets described as "white" it's symbolic and when described as black it means Negroid.

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Originally posted by Just call me Jari:
Alwaadberry can you explain why Muhammed said those things about Kemet, was he sending Caliphs into Egypt??

Jari - None of this is really getting through to you is it?

I trying to teach you, but it's rough going!

Listen-up: In FUNCTION, Muhammad was the FIRST Caliph. Though it's the political leaders of the religion AFTER him who were called Caliphs.

The LAST ARAB Caliph was killed after the conquest of Baghdad and the execution of Abassid caliph al-Musta'sim by Mongol forces under Hulagu Khan.

This marked the official end of the Caliphate. What existed afterward was called the Shadow Caliphate.

Come-on Boy, let something penetrate your mind!

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Originally posted by the lioness:
To Mike and Jari,

I could be wrong on this but this new crop of people
like dana talking about Muhammad being not only dark skinned but "Negroid", some are saying there were no early black Caliphs. Some claim Prophet Muhammad was
negroid and whites came in beginng with the very first Caliph, Abu Bakr, described as "red' (they say meaning white). Apparently Allah let it happen.

Prophet Muhammad is sometimes described in hadith as black other times as white.
Of course when Prophet Muhammad gets described as "white" it's symbolic and when described as black it means Negroid.

Lioness I know that the statement isn't addressed to me, but I don't understand what you said. Can you explain? And where did you find Abu Bakr described as red? And where is the Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) described as black - if you mean black. This is black and the Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) wasn't described as black:


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Lioness, as I said to Jari, I will say to YOU!

Sahih al-Bukhari as it is commonly referred to, is one of the six canonical hadith collections of Sunni Islam.

These prophetic traditions, or hadith, were collected by the Muslim scholar Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhari (810–870 AD) 194-256 H (about 200 years after Muhammad died) and compiled during his lifetime.

He was born in 810/194 in the city of Bukhara, in what is today Uzbekistan. His father, Ismail Ibn Ibrahim, was a known hadith scholar who died while he was young.


What is it about this stuff that you people find so hard to understand????


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You all seem to forget that the Turks arrived as Slaves of the Black Arabs.

Well the Turks didn't forget, here is some of the racist stuff they wrote after they took over.

Like everyone before them, they realized that religion could be used as a Weapon!

Ishaq:243 "I heard the Apostle say: 'Whoever wants to see Satan should look at Nabtal!' He was a black man with long flowing hair, inflamed eyes, and dark ruddy cheeks.... Allah sent down concerning him: 'To those who annoy the Prophet there is a painful doom."

[9:61] "Gabriel came to Muhammad and said, 'If a black man comes to you his heart is more gross than a donkey's.'"

Ishaq:144 "A rock was put on a slave's chest. When Abu Bakr complained, they said, 'You are the one who corrupted him, so save him from his plight.' I will do so,' said Bakr. 'I have a black slave, tougher and stronger than Bilal, who is a heathen. I will exchange him. The transaction was carried out."

Qur'an 9:97 "The Arabs of the desert are the worst in unbelief and hypocrisy, and most fitted to be in ignorance of the command which Allah hath sent down to His Messenger."

Tabari II:11 "Shem, the son of Noah was the father of the Arabs, the Persians, and the Greeks; Ham was the father of the Black Africans; and Japheth was the father of the Turks and of Gog and Magog who were cousins of the Turks. Noah prayed that the prophets and apostles would be descended from Shem and kings would be from Japheth. He prayed that the African's color would change so that their descendants would be slaves to the Arabs and Turks."

Tabari II:21 "Ham [Africans] begat all those who are black and curly-haired, while Japheth [Turks] begat all those who are full-faced with small eyes, and Shem [Arabs] begat everyone who is handsome of face with beautiful hair. Noah prayed that the hair of Ham's descendants would not grow beyond their ears, and that whenever his descendants met Shem's, the latter would enslave them."

Tabari IX:69 "Arabs are the most noble people in lineage, the most prominent, and the best in deeds. We were the first to respond to the call of the Prophet. We are Allah's helpers and the viziers of His Messenger. We fight people until they believe in Allah. He who believes in Allah and His Messenger has protected his life and possessions from us. As for one who disbelieves, we will fight him forever in Allah's Cause. Killing him is a small matter to us."

Bukhari: V9B89N256 "Allah's Apostle said, 'You should listen to and obey your ruler even if he is a black African slave whose head looks like a raisin.'"

Ishaq:450 "It is your folly to fight the Apostle, for Allah's army is bound to disgrace you. We brought them to the pit. Hell was their meeting place. We collected them there, black slaves, men of no descent."

Ishaq:374 "The black troops and slaves of the Meccans cried out and the Muslims replied, 'Allah destroy your sight, you impious rascals.'"

Bukhari:V4B52N137 "The Prophet said, 'Let the negro slave of Dinar perish. And if he is pierced with a thorn, let him not find anyone to take it out for him.... If he [the black slave] asks for anything it shall not be granted, and if he needs intercession [to get into paradise], his intercession will be denied.'"

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Your obsession with calling every light skinned Arab a Turk is just too much.

Maybe you should ask yourself what happened to all the socalled Black Arabs? Did they get breeded out or was it because of violence that they became less? Not trying to diss you Mike just trying to tell you your obsession with Turks is way overblown.


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King - I try to be nice, but you are just a fuching idiot!

What do you mean what happened to them?
There are pictures of modern Black Arabs all over this forum.

As to the Turk leadership, above I detailed it, can't you read? I even showed pictures, can't you see?

But even without that, even an ass like you understands that Egyptians were Black. So aren't the same people claiming to be Egyptians too?

Don't the same people rule Egypt too?

So what is your problem?

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Be easy with the insults. It won't get you anyhwere.

Yes I agree that Egypt was Black, hence the reason why I post mainly about Egypt and Africa. All I am saying is that I don't doubt that there was Black Arabs, but really when they show countries in the ME it's rare to see ANY black Arabs. I know in Saudi Arabia and other places there really is Black Arabs. All I am saying is not every light skinned Arab is a Turk. You even showed pics of Black Arabs with white concubines and we know like in America it does not take long to transform Black into White, or White into Black.

Also stop the insults.


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the lioness,
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Originally posted by Mike111:
King - I try to be nice, but you are just a fuching idiot!

What do you mean what happened to them?
There are pictures of modern Black Arabs all over this forum.

As to the Turk leadership, above I detailed it, can't you read? I even showed pictures, can't you see?

But even without that, even an ass like you understands that Egyptians were Black. So aren't the same people claiming to be Egyptians too?

Don't the same people rule Egypt too?

So what is your problem?

Mike the Caliphs were not black
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^Lioness, what a pathetic creature you are. Once again you take on a new identity. You must be a Turk!
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Originally posted by KING:

Be easy with the insults. It won't get you anyhwere.

Yes I agree that Egypt was Black, hence the reason why I post mainly about Egypt and Africa. All I am saying is that I don't doubt that there was Black Arabs, but really when they show countries in the ME it's rare to see ANY black Arabs. I know in Saudi Arabia and other places there really is Black Arabs. All I am saying is not every light skinned Arab is a Turk. You even showed pics of Black Arabs with white concubines and we know like in America it does not take long to transform Black into White, or White into Black.

Also stop the insults.


I will gladly stop insulting you when you stop saying stupid things.

If you wanted to make the point that EVERY Sand Nigger does not have to be Turk based. They could be Greek, Roman, Visigoth, Alan, okay I would accept that. But the fact remains that the overwhelming majority of Sand Niggers ARE Turks.

But that is NOT really what you were saying, is it.

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Lioness - I notice that when I break-out the historical facts and such, the Sand Niggers get quiet, and you resort to changing identity - very wise! It's foolhardy to argue with the truth, isn't it.
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the lioness,
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Originally posted by awlaadberry:
And where is the Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) described as black - if you mean black. This is black and the Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) wasn't described as black:

awlaadberry what we refer to as a black person may include relatively dark skin including dark skin in combination with kinky hair and certain skeletal/facial proportions also called "negroid" compared many other people who may have dark skin but not kinky hair and certain proportions.
For example the woman below, Oprah Winfrey, is black even though not so close to actual black color as the very dark brother you posted. Her color is brown, racially she is considered black.
We all realize her hair was straightened.

 -  -

You said "Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) wasn't described as black."

So given what I have said as to give you an idea of what I mean by "black" if Prophet Muhammad wasn't described as black how was he described?

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Originally posted by the lioness:
Originally posted by awlaadberry:
And where is the Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) described as black - if you mean black. This is black and the Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) wasn't described as black:

awlaadberry what we refer to as a black person may include relatively dark skin including dark skin in combination with kinky hair and certain skeletal/facial proportions also called "negroid" compared many other people who may have dark skin but not kinky hair and certain proportions.
For example the woman below, Oprah Winfrey, is black even though not so close to actual black color as the very dark brother you posted. Her color is brown, racially she is considered black.
We all realize her hair was straightened.

 -  -

You said "Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) wasn't described as black."

So given what I have said as to give you an idea of what I mean by "black" if Prophet Muhammad wasn't described as black how was he described?

Oh OK. I thought you meant black when you said black.
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Originally posted by the lioness:
Originally posted by awlaadberry:
And where is the Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) described as black - if you mean black. This is black and the Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) wasn't described as black:

awlaadberry what we refer to as a black person may include relatively dark skin including dark skin in combination with kinky hair and certain skeletal/facial proportions also called "negroid" compared many other people who may have dark skin but not kinky hair and certain proportions.
For example the woman below, Oprah Winfrey, is black even though not so close to actual black color as the very dark brother you posted. Her color is brown, racially she is considered black.
We all realize her hair was straightened.

 -  -

You said "Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) wasn't described as black."

So given what I have said as to give you an idea of what I mean by "black" if Prophet Muhammad wasn't described as black how was he described?

But bear in mind that amongst the Arabs of the past, an Arab the complexion of the woman (Oprah Winfrey) would call a person the complexion of the man black and would not consider himself/herself black. This is the source of much confusion about what the Arabs of the past looked like.
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the lioness,
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awlaadberry was Prophet Muhammad Negroid?
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Originally posted by the lioness:
awlaadberry was Prophet Muhammad Negroid?

No. He was Arab.
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Originally posted by the lioness:
awlaadberry was Prophet Muhammad Negroid?

What is a "Negroid" anyway and how is he/she a "Negroid" and who gave him/her the name "Negroid"?
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Member # 17426

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Originally posted by the lioness:
awlaadberry was Prophet Muhammad Negroid?

I find this definition:

Negroid [ˈniːgrɔɪd]
(Social Science / Peoples) denoting, relating to, or belonging to one of the major racial groups of mankind, characterized by brown-black skin, tightly-curled hair, a short nose, and full lips. This group includes the indigenous peoples of Africa south of the Sahara, their descendants elsewhere, and some Melanesian peoples
(Social Science / Peoples) a member of this racial group

Is this what you mean?

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the lioness,
Member # 17353

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Originally posted by awlaadberry:
Originally posted by the lioness:
awlaadberry was Prophet Muhammad Negroid?

I find this definition:

Negroid [ˈniːgrɔɪd]
(Social Science / Peoples) denoting, relating to, or belonging to one of the major racial groups of mankind, characterized by brown-black skin, tightly-curled hair, a short nose, and full lips. This group includes the indigenous peoples of Africa south of the Sahara, their descendants elsewhere, and some Melanesian peoples
(Social Science / Peoples) a member of this racial group

Is this what you mean?

It's an o.k. definition. Let's for the purposes of argument set aside the indigenous to Africa part.
Was Prophet Muhammad characterized as having brown-black skin, tightly-curled hair of the afro type, a short nose and full lips?

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