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Author Topic: European nations established only from Medieval times - whites are very new to Europe
Member # 12654

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Be aware BEFORE you lip lock and swap that spit with on-the-beach, beach.
Herpes Virus simplex


A cold sore is an eruption on the margin of the lips. It is caused by the virus herpes simplex , which lives in the body and escapes the immune system. Cold sores develop when the skin is damaged during a cold or after sunbathing. They can be suppressed by anti-viral creams available from pharmacists, but usually they die out even if untreated.

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Meninarmer the Artful Dodger


Artful Dodger is a nimble and elusive Warrior. When strongly attacked he changes the subject with a diversionary counterattack. Knowing full well that staying on topic works to his disadvantage, Artful Dodger will not allow himself to be pinned down.

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Melanomas are the best known type of skin cancer. They are increasingly recognized by the public as a potential health hazard, especially if a mole changes shape or color or begins to bleed, when they may become what is called a malignant melanoma.
Actinic keratoses and basal and squamous cell carcinomas occur mainly on exposed areas of the skin, and are the result of excessive sun exposure over many years, often commencing in childhood
If you have a skin mark like this, and notice changes in it, see your doctor immediately.

 -  -

# Although sun beds emit mostly UVA, over-exposure can still cause sunburn, and their use enhances skin aging and the risk of skin cancer.
# People at high risk for skin cancer, persons with skin types I and II , outdoor workers, and persons with a history of skin cancer or a photosensitivity) should use sunscreens daily, and should never 'sunbathe'.

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Three types of ultraviolet radiation
The spectrum of ultraviolet radiation

UVB as measured by sunburn (Erythema) or damage to cell DNA. On the other hand, 20 times more UVA than UVB reaches the earth in the middle of a summer's day. It is not greatly affected by absorption and scattering in the atmosphere when the sun is low in the sky, and is now known to contribute significantly to the total exposure at moderate levels throughout the whole day and year. UVA penetrates deeper into the skin and leads to deeper damage than UVB does. It penetrates cloud cover, light clothing and untinted glass relatively easily, and may induce a degree of continuing skin damage over long periods, even when UVR exposure is not obvious.

* Ultraviolet C (UVC, 100-290 nm) are the shortest and most energetic portion of the UV spectrum. These highly energetic wavelengths are the most dangerous in terms of the damage it can inflict on living material. The important wavelengths in the UVC are removed within the atmosphere, mainly by absorption in the ozone layer and not reach the earth's surface in any quantity.

* Ultraviolet B (UVB, 290-320nm) is the most damaging part of UVR that we encounter. It is currently thought to generate most of the photodamage to skin, though not all. UVB are wavelengths mostly blocked by dense clouds, closely woven clothing and glass window panes. Significant amounts are transmitted from blue sky in the middle of the day in summer. It is less dangerous when the sun is low in the sky, at high latitude in winter, and in early mornings and late evenings in summer.

* Ultraviolet A (UVA, 320-400nm) is about 1000 times less damaging to the skin than The depth of penetration of the skin by UV radiation of different wavelengths: UVB mainly affects the epidermis, while UVA penetrates deeper into the dermis.

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LOL, MARC your thread is well on the way to 3000 posts with at least half actually providing useful information.
Your thread is solid  -

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Originally posted by meninarmer:
Originally posted by rasol:
VI dark brown never burns, tans darkly (African skins)

^ regardless of where you quoted this from, it is of course not true.

burning of the skin is the process by which skin is damaged by uv rays.

tanning is the production of melanin to prevent burning.

'reddening' of pale skin is visual evidence of burning, damage to the skin.

very dark skin cannot 'turn red' regardless of whether it is 'burnt' damaged, by the sun or not.

but this does not mean - as you frankly, stupidly, want to imply - that dark skin is IMMUNE to ultraviolet radiation.

It is not. The very fact that dark skin - still tans [further] under exposure to UV is indication of the potential for UV to damage even dark skin.

If there were no such potential for damage - dark skin would not further tan.

Dark skin people who live in tropical environments know this.

MN, you are either clowning - like Marc Washington, or you are black person living in Europe [like Marc Washington. lol]

Go to the sahara, or kalahari and see how long you can lay under the sun without the skin peeling from your flesh.

Your posts, all of them, are nonsense.

This is why you have no sources - and no, the blurb from the WHO is not a source, for they do not claim -INSANELY - as you do, that dark skin people are immune to ANY AMOUNT OF RADIATION and therefore cannot be burnt [presumably even by nuclear weaponry [Roll Eyes] ].

If what you stated had merit, there would of course be higher incidents of melanoma and skin cancers in Africans
^ Of course, that is non-sequitur. In fact nothing I stated implied that Africans should have higher incidence of skin cancer.

since the two above burns are but preludes to future skin disease.
^ False and non sequitur, as you imply that anyone whose skin burns therefore gets skin cancer. In fact, most people, black and not black who get sun burnt, will *never* get skin cancer.

So again, you make stupid remarks, and front them off as 'arguments'.

What does the world health organization data say about skin cancer and melanoma rates in black Africans?
Again non sequitur since sun burn, is the issue here not skin cancer, in spite of your pathetic attempt to confuse the issue.

If your statement is true, then skin cancer cases in Africa should exceed those in Europe.
Redundant and non-sequitur for reasons just explained.

Is it true?
Not only is it 'true' that Black Africans are not immune to damage from ultra violet radition, but it is also unaddressed by your 3 [!!!] redundant re-writes of the same no-sequitur argument. lol.

What you did, was attempt to -change- the topic via a strawman arguments and non-sequiturs.

All losers of all debates do this.

Is that the best you can do?

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MARC your thread is well on the way to 3000 posts with at least half actually providing useful information.
^ indeed, this is so, in spite of his idiot-clowning and your pseudoscientific drivel

Originally posted by rasol:
Natufians who introduced agriculture to Europe were probably E3b and haplogroup M. These Africans came from East Africa.
Yes, it's probable that neolithic Natufian derived introduced East African male chromosome E3b1 and SouthWest Asian J into Europe.

You'll have to explain to us how this helps your claim that modern Europeans are not descendant from Paleolithic Europeans.

Modern Europeans continue to carry the 3 main Paleolithic lineages, whose mrca is concordant with the following....
Which in turn is concordant with the Ice age.....


You still completely fail to understand genetics.

Until you do, we can't have and intelligent debate on this topic. lol.

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Member # 12654

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Originally posted by rasol:
Originally posted by rasol:
VI dark brown never burns, tans darkly (African skins)^ regardless of where you quoted this from, it is of course not true.

burning of the skin is the process by which skin is damaged by uv rays.

tanning is the production of melanin to prevent burning.

'reddening' of pale skin is visual evidence of burning, damage to the skin.

very dark skin cannot 'turn red' regardless of whether it is 'burnt' damaged, by the sun or not.

but this does not mean - as you frankly, stupidly, want to imply - that dark skin is IMMUNE to ultraviolet radiation.

It is not. The very fact that dark skin - still tans [further] under exposure to UV is indication of the potential for UV to damage even dark skin.

Sorry Rasol

If you find the data incorrect, you are speaking with the wrong person to correct it.
You should write a letter in Word, and forward it to the following institutes who all agree word for word with my statement regarding skin cancer being a prelude to skin cancer in Europeans with skin type 1-3.
Each specially state with high certainty and high probability that the site of the burn with high probablility become a future site of skin cancer or melanoma outbreak.
In fact, it is posted higher in the thread.
That all reports from all agencies agree with this, is one reason I assume the knowledge is universally accepted and post it.

The agencies;

-International Albinism Research Center
-Mayo Cancer Clinic
-Procter & Gamble Skin Research Center

If what you say is true in that Dark African's with type 5 skin burn, then this leads me to confirm the abovementioned institute's additional information that whites have not only lost melanin production capability, but also lost immunization where their ability to perform cellular repair of solar damaged DNA, while African blacks have not.
This is confirmed with Europe leading in world skin burns and accompanying skin cancer cases, while the same is vitually non-existent in African and African American blacks, even IF they should become over exposed and burn.

It appears that even Europeans are not as up to date, and as cautious about sum exposure as one would believe.
Hopefully this thread will assist in educating those who do not know or understand the fundamentals, like yourself. I know for sure, I have certainly learned a lot on this subject.

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Meninarmer the Artful Dodger


Artful Dodger is a nimble and elusive Warrior. When strongly attacked he changes the subject with a diversionary counterattack. Knowing full well that staying on topic works to his disadvantage, Artful Dodger will not allow himself to be pinned down.

If you would like to discuss your theory, then answer the following questions.....

What haplotypes did these albinos bring into Europe? What part of Africa did these albinos come from?

What natives are you talking about? Where did they come from? What haplotypes did they carry?

What African Europeans are you talking about? What lineages did they carry? What part of Africa did they come from?

Tell me why African Americans suffer from high levels of Vitamin D deficiency?

African Americans and other dark-skinned people, and anyone living in northern latitudes, make far less Vitamin D than some other groups. Why?

Why aren't whites the highest cases of Vitamin D deficient patients in America?

Tell me why people would want to go through the hassle to continue hunting and fishing for their foods, when they were able to grow it, and domesticate the animals instead of hunting them?

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The Windows Of The Soul
What Eye Problems Result from Albinism

People with albinism, whether it involves the eyes alone or involves the skin and the hair, often have several problems:

* People with albinism are not "blind," but their vision (also called visual acuity) is not normal, and cannot be corrected completely with glasses. Extreme far-sightedness or near-sightedness, and astigmatism are common (see definitions below) and correction with glasses can improve acuity in many people with albinism. Corrected visual acuity ranges from 20/20 (can see at 20 feet what should be seen at 20 feet; normal) to 20/400 (see at 20 feet what should be seen at 400 feet; legally blind). Normal or near-normal vision is unusual, however, even when glasses are worn.

* Sensitivity to light, which is called photophobia (FOE-tow-FOE-bee-ah). The iris allows "stray" light to enter the eye and cause sensitivity. Contrary to a common idea, this sensitivity does not limit people with albinism from going out into the sunlight.

* Iris color is usually blue/gray or light brown (Diagram 1). It is a common notion that people with albinism must have red eyes, but in fact the color of the iris varies from a dull gray to blue to brown. (A brown iris is common in ethnic groups with darker pigmentation.) Under certain lighting conditions, there is a reddish or violet hue reflected through the iris, which has very little pigment. This reddish reflection comes from the retina, which is the surface lining the inside of the eye. This reddish reflection is similar to that which occurs when a flash photograph is taken of a person looking directly at the camera, and the eyes appear red. With some types of albinism the red color can reflect back through the iris as well as through the pupil.

* One major abnormality of the eye in albinism involves lack of development of the fovea (also known as foveal hypoplasia) (Diagram 2). The fovea is a small but most important area of the retina in the inside of the eye. The retina contains the nerve cells that detect the light entering the eye and transmit the signal for the light to the brain. The fovea is the area of the retina which allows sharp vision, such as reading, and this area of the retina does not develop in albinism. It is not known why the fovea does not develop normally with albinism, but it is related to the lack of melanin pigment in the retina during development of the eye. The developing eye seems to need melanin for organizing the fovea .

* The major abnormality of the eye in albinism involves the development of the nerves that connect the retina to the brain. People with albinism have an unusual pattern for sending nerve signals from the eye to the brain (Diagram 3). The nerve connections from the eye to the vision areas of the brain are organized differently from normal (see Diagram 3). This unusual pattern for nerve signals probably prevents the eyes from working well together, and causes reduced depth perception.

 -  -  -

All variations of OCA1B are characterized by development of dark eyelashes. Eyelash hair pigment is often darker than that of the scalp hair. The irides can develop hazel, light tan or brown pigment, sometimes limited to the inner third of the iris, and iris pigment can be present on globe transillumination. Some degree of iris translucency, as demonstrated by slit-lamp examination, is usually present. Visual acuity is in the range of 20/90 to 20/400, and may improve with age.

The most accurate test for determining the specific type of albinism is a gene test. A small sample of blood is obtained from the affected individual and the parents as a source of DNA, the chemical that carries the 'genetic code' of each gene. By a complex process, a genetic laboratory can "sequence" the code of the DNA, to identify the changes (mutations) in the gene that cause albinism in the family. The test is useful only for families that contain individuals with albinism, and cannot be performed practically as a screening test for the general population. None of the tests available are capable of detecting all of the mutations of the genes that cause albinism, and responsible mutations cannot be detected in a small number of individuals and families with albinism.

NOAH, the National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation

Richard A. King, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Medicine and in the Institute of Human Genetics at the University of Minnesota, has conducted research on albinism for more than fifteen years, and coordinates the International Albinism Center.

C. Gail Summers, M.D., Associate Professor of Ophthalmology at the University of Minnesota, is involved in research on vision and albinism, and is co-director of the International Albinism Center.

James W. Haefemeyer, M.D., M.S., is a family practice physician in Minneapolis, Minnesota, who has albinism and is a NOAH Scientific Advisor.

Bonnie S. LeRoy, M.S., is a Genetic Counselor at the University of Minnesota.

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How Much Time Can a Person with Albinism Stay in the Sun?

Most people with albinism do not tan, and they burn easily on exposure to the sun. People with albinism who develop increasing amounts of hair and skin pigment as they get older may not be bothered by the sun, and may tan with sun exposure. If sun exposure produces a sunburn, then the skin must be protected to prevent burning and damage.

Sunburn is skin damage from exposure to ultraviolet light, which is a part of sunlight that is not visible to the human eye. Redness develops 2 to 6 hours after exposure to ultraviolet light, and sunburn may not turn completely red until as long as 24 hours after the exposure. As a result a sunburn can worsen after a person leaves the sun. Prolonged sun exposure in a person who does not tan well is associated with the development of skin cancer. This can be prevented with correct protection of the skin from the ultraviolet radiation of the sun.

It is difficult to state a general rule for the number of hours in the sun that people with albinism can tolerate, since the intensity of the ultraviolet light varies a great deal, depending upon the time of day and year, and the environmental conditions:

* Latitude: A person who can tolerate one hour of sun in Florida without burning can tolerate two hours of sun in New Jersey under the same conditions.

* Altitude: Each 1000-foot increase in altitude adds 4% to the intensity of the sunburning rays. The intensity of sunlight at 5000 feet is about 20% greater than at sea level.

* Surroundings: Sand reflects 25% or more of ultraviolet rays , so that it is possible to get sunburned while sitting in the shade on a beach. Fresh snow reflects 70 to 90% of ultraviolet rays. Reflected light may burn areas which are usually shaded, such as those under the nose or chin.

* Weather: A bright day with a thin cloud cover has 60 to 80% of the ultraviolet rays present on a clear day. Clouds can cool and give a false impression that there is little risk of sunburn.

* Water: As much as 96% of ultraviolet rays can penetrate clear water.

* Season: The greatest intensity of ultraviolet light occurs at the summer solstice, about June 22. May 1 has as much intensity as August 15.

* Time of day: Most ultraviolet rays come between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Standard Time, or 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Daylight Savings Time.

* Clothing: Up to 50% of the ultraviolet rays can go through wet clothing, such as tee shirts worn for swimming. Colored clothing and denser-woven clothing allow less light penetration. Some tee shirts, such as Frogskin¨ tee shirts, are designed to protect against sun even when wet.

NOAH, the National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation

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LOL Minibrainer may be a dodger, but definitely not an "artful" one! He can cite all the articles on damaged eyesight and STDs he wants, and even actual sources on albinism but it still won't change the FACT that European 'whiteness' is NOT albinism!!...

And now for the pièce de résistance, the one source that should end his nonsense once and for all!...

I believe Rasol posted this study before perhaps a couple of times in past threads on human skin color diversity, but I had to recieve it again from Jablonski herself:


^^ Read it and wet your pants Minibrainer-- that is if your puny intellect can even comprehend it!! If not, I or Knowledge, or Rasol can help you! LMAO [Big Grin]

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Is Illness And Physical Defect A LEARNED Reality?

Dr. Jewel Pookrum M.D. PhD


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Originally posted by Djehuti:
I believe Rasol posted this study before perhaps a couple of times in past threads on human skin color diversity, but I had to recieve it again from Jablonski herself:


^^ Read it and wet your pants Minibrainer-- that is if your puny intellect can even comprehend it!! If not, I or Knowledge, or Rasol can help you! LMAO [Big Grin]

Nice work AI Robot DJ!!!

Although you were unable to think and make these deductions on your own, you are forgiven since you took the initiative to go beg others for something, anything to help you refute the above data.

The paper is what I like and contains the type of data I've been waiting for you clowns to present from the very first post. 30 days lately, it begins to trickle in. LOL

The report is very informative and provides me with some detailed genetic information. Basically, it's a condensed form of everything I've posted, with much prettier pictures.
However, contrary to your expectations, I feel badly informing of this, but while the report doesn't refute any position I've presented, it does add much more enlightenment on missing details that will enable me to tighten up a few missing ends on the genetic side.

Keep it up AI DJ! So far, you are the first to present something useful.
You may possibly wind up being the very first European developed AI based life-form to make the transition of actually learning how to emulate human thought processes.  -

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Marc Washington
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The nature of homelife is the fate of the nation.

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Marc Washington
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The nature of homelife is the fate of the nation.

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Originally posted by rasol:

burning of the skin is the process by which skin is damaged by uv rays.

tanning is the production of melanin to prevent burning.

'reddening' of pale skin is visual evidence of burning, damage to the skin.

very dark skin cannot 'turn red' regardless of whether it is 'burnt' damaged, by the sun or not.

but this does not mean - as you frankly, stupidly, want to imply - that dark skin is IMMUNE to ultraviolet radiation.

It is not. The very fact that dark skin - still tans [further] under exposure to UV is indication of the potential for UV to damage even dark skin.

mn writes: Sorry Rasol

If you find the data incorrect, you are speaking with the wrong person to correct it.


if i wanted data, facts or answers to questions - -i'm speaking to the wrong person period. [Roll Eyes]

I can get factual information, right here:
People with fair skin are more likely to get sunburn. But even dark and black skin can burn and should be protected. - MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia, http://www.nlm.nih.gov/MEDLINEPLUS/ency/article/000062.htm

^ So, if you don't like it.... well actually who cares what you like or don't like (??).

It's not like you have -any idea- of what you're talking about. [Razz]

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It's spamming the board because it lends no credence to your theory of African albinos migrating into Europe to mix with natives and African Europeans to create whites.
^ it is at least funny though, the reverse hamite theory.

cursed albino's cast out of africa and into the caves of Europe where they hid from the deadly rays of the sun.

superstition and stupidity go hand in hand, because people who can't reason, also can't fathom when their own 'beliefs' are simply prepostrous.

see -> marc washington's 'european africans from 2 million years'. -:> until displaced by cast out albino's. [Big Grin]

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Marc Washington
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Yes. Rasol. You are an credible, honest, righteous person.



The nature of homelife is the fate of the nation.

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Marc Washington
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[rASOL writes] see -> marc washington's 'european africans from 2 million years'.


[rASOL writes] see -> marc washington's 'european africans from 2 million years'. -:> until displaced by cast out albino's.




The nature of homelife is the fate of the nation.

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Originally posted by rasol:
Originally posted by rasol:

burning of the skin is the process by which skin is damaged by uv rays.

tanning is the production of melanin to prevent burning.

'reddening' of pale skin is visual evidence of burning, damage to the skin.

very dark skin cannot 'turn red' regardless of whether it is 'burnt' damaged, by the sun or not.

but this does not mean - as you frankly, stupidly, want to imply - that dark skin is IMMUNE to ultraviolet radiation.

It is not. The very fact that dark skin - still tans [further] under exposure to UV is indication of the potential for UV to damage even dark skin.

mn writes: Sorry Rasol

If you find the data incorrect, you are speaking with the wrong person to correct it.


if i wanted data, facts or answers to questions - -i'm speaking to the wrong person period. [Roll Eyes]

I can get factual information, right here:
People with fair skin are more likely to get sunburn. But even dark and black skin can burn and should be protected. - MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia, http://www.nlm.nih.gov/MEDLINEPLUS/ency/article/000062.htm

^ So, if you don't like it.... well actually who cares what you like or don't like (??).

It's not like you have -any idea- of what you're talking about. [Razz]

Melanin is so vital to every day life and needed for everything from sight to reproduction.
Why are black men so desired by white women and white men alike?
Did the Moors really have such a HARD time in Europe? From the traces of the many mixed offspring we see, obviously not much resistance was offered.
Thus, began the ritual of, The Running Of The BULLS!


Hunter Wessells, Dan R. Gralnek, Robert T. Dorr, Mac E. Hadley, Victor Hruby, Norman Levine. Tucson, Arizona. (Presentation by Dr. Wessells)

Introduction and Objectives

Melanotan II (MTII), a superpotent cyclic melanotropic peptide, is a central initiator of erection in men with psychogenic erectile dysfunction (ED). We assessed the erectogenic properties and side effect profile of MT II in men with organic ED.


Nine white male subjects aged 37 to 67 years (mean 57.4) with erectile dysfunction were enrolled in the study if history, physical examination, and nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) were consistent with an organic etiology. Pre-trial NPT revealed a mean of 0.5 erectile events per night, lasting a mean of 6 minutes (range 0-18) with a mean maximum rigidity of 36%. A serum biochemical and hormonal profile was obtained prior to entry into the study and subjects were required to fill out the IIEF: mean values for questions 3 and 4 were 0.77 and 0.22 respectively. A double blind placebo-controlled, crossover study design was used: MTII (0.025 mg/kg) and vehicle were each administered twice by subcutaneous injection. Placebo and MTII doses were separated by at least 48 hours. Real time Rigiscan monitoring, a questionnaire, and a visual analog score of penile rigidity were used to quantify erection and side effects. Subjective change in sexual desire during the 6 hour period was recorded using a modification of IIEF question 12 (scale of 0 to 5: None=0, Very High=5)


Eight of 9 subjects reported Rigiscan and subjective evidence of erections with MT II while none did so on placebo. Two patients reported erections outside of the 6-hour observation period. Mean values for rigidity (visual analog scale) were 7.37 on MTII versus 0.0 for placebo. Subjectively reported duration of erection averaged 64.1 minutes on MT II. Mean level of sexual desire was 2.12 after MT II versus 1.06 on placebo. Nausea, stretching and yawning, and flushing occurred more frequently with MTII, but only 2 of 17 injections resulted in severe nausea.


The erectogenic properties of MT II are not limited cases of psychogenic ED; men with a variety of organic etiologies developed penile erections in response to our standard dose of 0.025 mg/kg. The unexpected finding of increased sexual desire warrants further investigation of central initiators on disorders of desire.

So much for the opinion that decreased melanin production effects ONLY the skin and not internal brain and reproduction functions. Scientific data shows the depleted life also leads to severe cases of penile erection dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and impotent sperm.

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From the last 2007 US Census:

- Non-Hispanic whites, who are two-thirds of the population today, are older, dying off faster and producing fewer children than other groups (Birth Rate-Death Rate = Negative number), Vincent said. By 2050, they'll number 203 million in a nation of 439 million.

- Hispanics are projected to triple by 2050, when they'll be nearly a third (133 million) of the population. Spurring Hispanic growth is the group's large natural increase — birth rate minus death rate — which Vincent attributed mainly to its youth and fertility. Immigration is an important but lesser factor, she said.

- The black population is projected to increase by just 1 percentage point, from 14 percent this year to 15 percent (66 million) in 2050. At that point, Hispanics will outnumber blacks by two to one, the report said.

- The Asian population will grow from 5 to 9 percent of the population (41 million) by 2050, according to the projections.

- American Indians and Alaska Natives are projected to rise from1.6 percent to 2 percent (9 million) of the population.

The same report indicated less than half the children in the U.S. will be non-Hispanic whites by 2023.

So, what can be expected is major interbreeding between whites, Hispanic whites, and other races to help replenish diminishing white birth rates.

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Why are black men so desired by white women and white men alike?

^ non-sequitur, and gay.

Instead of trying to distract, why not just admit you have no answers....

People with fair skin are more likely to get sunburn. But even dark and black skin can burn and should be protected.

http://www.nlm.nih.gov/MEDLINEPLUS/ency/article/000062.htm [Embarrassed]

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posted by the pansy:
Why are black men so desired by white women and white men alike?\


posted by rasol:^ non-sequitur, and gay.

Lmaoo what's wrong with this kid, this pansy Meninarmer knows no end.

People with fair skin are more likely to get sunburn. But even dark and black skin can burn and should be protected.

http://www.nlm.nih.gov/MEDLINEPLUS/ency/article/000062.htm [Embarrassed]

Also to add the above of darkskinned people still being able to burn is....

African Americans and other dark-skinned people, living in northern latitudes, make far less Vitamin D, than if they were in more southern latitudes.

Meninarmer can't address this though.

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Originally posted by rasol:

Why are black men so desired by white women and white men alike?

^ non-sequitur, and gay.

Instead of trying to distract, why not just admit you have no answers....

People with fair skin are more likely to get sunburn. But even dark and black skin can burn and should be protected.

http://www.nlm.nih.gov/MEDLINEPLUS/ency/article/000062.htm [Embarrassed]

Minor point and ultimately, meaningless.
There is no boubt blacks are acclimated to their natural environments.
If they burn, they don't contract skin cancer, indicative of someone not native, or adapted to their environment, as we see in Europeans, Israelis, and white Australians. They all burn and contract resulting skin cancer alike.

There is no need for you to cry or to expect me to cry with you. 100s of billions of our dollars are devoted to finding a cure for ya'll.
Be happy.

Hey KIK, why did you run away prior to explaining your new "evidence"?
Don't hide. You can't help yourself. Come and show us what you've learned.

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There is no boubt blacks are acclimated to their natural environments.
There is no **doubt** that whites are acclimated to their environments as well, as they are able to produce Vitamin D through synthesis of UV rays under darker skies, as blacks can't, and are considerably cold adapted as blacks aren't.


If they burn, they don't contract skin cancer, indicative of someone not native, or adapted to their environment, as we see in Europeans, Israelis, and white Australians. They all burn and contract resulting skin cancer alike.

True, but yet evasive post, as Africans can burn, whereas you said they couldn't, and when moving to northern Latitudes would become vitamin D deficient, due to them not getting enough sun, which means blacks are not suited for said environment as well.

Hey KIK, why did you run away prior to explaining your new "evidence"?
Prior to explaining my new evidence?


Don't hide. You can't help yourself. Come and show us what you've learned.

Perhaps you mean to come teach you some more, and make you look like a fool? Ok I get it.
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Instead of trying to distract, why not just admit you have no answers....

People with fair skin are more likely to get sunburn. But even dark and black skin can burn and should be protected.

http://www.nlm.nih.gov/MEDLINEPLUS/ency/article/000062.htm [Embarrassed]

MN finally admits: Minor point and ultimately, meaningless.
^ translation: you were a fool to dispute it, and now wish to change the subject.

go ahead.

i only state facts, when fools try and fail to dispute them, and then eventually wise up and move on, i never -chase- after them.

run along then, maybe post more herpes pictures or something. [Big Grin]

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Why are black men so desired by white women and white men alike?
I don't find black MALES particularly desirable. Black females, on the other hand...but like rasol said, it's a non-sequitur.

Oh, and "white" people in general are not albinos. We CAN produce melanin; have you never heard of tanning?

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African Americans and other dark-skinned people, living in northern latitudes, make far less Vitamin D, than if they were in more southern latitudes.

Meninarmer can't address this though.

^ the main reason MN's pseudo theory falls apart was illustrated pages ago.

Black Africans also tan under excessive sun exposure and 'grow lighter' with lesser exposure.

An intelligible theory MUST account for why and already 'perfectly dark' people would ever grow lighter - to any degree.

There must be a reason.

Simply committing to the goodness of more and more melanin may be emotionally satisfying, but it does not facilitate sound hypothesis.

MN is inteligent and knows this, but evidently prefers to indulge wishful thinkings even at the expense of his[her] own intellect.

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Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
There is no boubt blacks are acclimated to their natural environments.
There is no **doubt** that whites are acclimated to their environments as well, as they are able to produce Vitamin D through synthesis of UV rays under darker skies, as blacks can't, and are considerably cold adapted as blacks aren't.

Which Europeans are you referring to?

-The Europeans of Australia, who lead the world as the number 1 in incidents of skins cancer cases;

-The Europeans of Israeli who are number 2 in world skin cancer cases;

-Or, the Europeans of Europe who come in 3rd in leading the world skin cancer case incidents?

Guess what the skin cancer incident rate is for INUITS and Africans who are indeed adapted to their NATURAL environments.

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Originally posted by T. Rex:
Why are black men so desired by white women and white men alike?
I don't find black MALES particularly desirable. Black females, on the other hand...but like rasol said, it's a non-sequitur.

Oh, and "white" people in general are not albinos. We CAN produce melanin; have you never heard of tanning?

I would expect white people are not so pleased about the word getting out. In their minds, they have taken much effort to construct the race story, and their superior race myth.
Albinism clearly does not fit well into this scheme.

Don't be like Rasol and KIK and attempt to change what I said because you have no answers.

Regarding whites tanning. I suggest you CAREFULLY read ALL of the W.H.O. white protection information a few pages back. It could save your life.

I never said Whites could not produce low levels of melanin.
What I said was, type OCA1 Albinos produce no melanin, while OCA2 Albinos produce "a little" melanin.
Whites (type 1,2 ,3) skins fall under characterizations of parameters defined for OCA1 & 2 based on description of hair, eye color, visual acuity, and limited melanin production capability.
Those facts are indisputable.
Whatever low levels they produce it is medical fact, it isn't enough production to protect against UV radiation in their adopted environments, Australia, Israel, The UK, The USA, or Europe.
The question then is, why? Clearly they are from somewhere where they do not suffer the effects of UV exposure. Else, you have to look elsewhere like the only other case where a people can be in their native land and not be protected from their native environments. Need I say more.

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Originally posted by rasol:
African Americans and other dark-skinned people, living in northern latitudes, make far less Vitamin D, than if they were in more southern latitudes.

Meninarmer can't address this though.

^ the main reason MN's pseudo theory falls apart was illustrated pages ago.

Black Africans also tan under excessive sun exposure and 'grow lighter' with lesser exposure.

An intelligible theory MUST account for why and already 'perfectly dark' people would ever grow lighter - to any degree.

There must be a reason.

Simply committing to the goodness of more and more melanin may be emotionally satisfying, but it does not facilitate sound hypothesis.

MN is inteligent and knows this, but evidently prefers to indulge wishful thinkings even at the expense of his[her] own intellect.

You are grasping at straws and wish to present peanuts against oranges.
When you want to seriously refute the data, come back with some oranges and perhaps I'll take you seriously for a moment or two.

Case In Point:
The INUITS lost pigmentation also, and are a perfect example of environmental adaptation very similar to the environment in Europe.
The difference is, unlike Europeans, the INUITS melanin production facilities were not compromised and due to this, they do not contract skin cancers in their NATURAL environment.
Before KIK comes back with his lame and weak counter claiming this is due to blubber, save it.
Europeans have access to many of the same seafoods in their environments, as did another example, The Siberians.

Only those who are NOT acclimated are prone to adverse effects of the environments, as we clearly observer in Israel with migrating Russians.

Where's AI DJ? I'm waiting for his return to explain this outstanding paper he's presented to me as irrefutable evidence.
He knows I don't understand all of this DNA stuff.

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Is there available data proving the Israelites, Romans or Egyptians knew the difference between Leprosy and Albinism with progressive skin cancer?

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Originally posted by meninarmer:
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
There is no boubt blacks are acclimated to their natural environments.
There is no **doubt** that whites are acclimated to their environments as well, as they are able to produce Vitamin D through synthesis of UV rays under darker skies, as blacks can't, and are considerably cold adapted as blacks aren't.

Which Europeans are you referring to?

-The Europeans of Australia, who lead the world as the number 1 in incidents of skins cancer cases;

-The Europeans of Israeli who are number 2 in world skin cancer cases;

-Or, the Europeans of Europe who come in 3rd in leading the world skin cancer case incidents?

Guess what the skin cancer incident rate is for INUITS and Africans who are indeed adapted to their NATURAL environments.

Of course I am talking about Europeans in Europe, where in lower Uv environments they are able to produce Vitamin D through synthesis. Whereas albinos can't.

Moving to northern Latitudes would become vitamin D deficient, due to them not getting enough sun, which means blacks are not suited for said environment as well. So melanin is not suitable for all environments just as Europeans adaptation to darker skies to produce Vitamin D is not suitable in higher UV environments.

Only 5 out every 100,000 Europeans are albinos.

What part don't you understand about this?

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5 quick Reasons why Europeans are NOT albinos

1) Europeans can produce Vitamin D through synthesis of UV under darker skies.

2) Only 5 out every 100,000 Europeans are albinos

3) Albinism is marked by a melanin deficient person completely lacking melanin, whereas Europeans do have melanin just not as much as Africans or darker populations.

4)Albinism is rare and recessive, if Europeans were albinos, when they mix with a darker skinned individual, their(Europeans) genes should recess and not be at all present. But since Europeans are not albinos this does not happen.

5) If Europeans were African albinos they should be able to produce darkskinned children as an African albino can.

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The INUITS lost pigmentation also, and are a perfect example of environmental adaptation very similar to the environment in Europe.
True, and are indeed a perfect example of a population living in an extreme low Uv environment yet by eating their rich Vitamin D diet are able to retain Melanin levels higher than if they would have adopted agriculture and left their hunter gatherer lifestyle, but Inuits never did.

The Inuit have traditionally been hunters and fishers. They hunted, and still hunt, whales, walruses, caribou, seals, polar bears, muskoxen, birds, and at times other less commonly eaten animals such as foxes. The typical Inuit diet is high in protein and very high in fat - in their traditional diets, Inuit consumed an average of 75% of their daily energy intake from fat.


The difference is, unlike Europeans, the INUITS melanin production facilities were not compromised and due to this, they do not contract skin cancers in their NATURAL environment.

No the difference is Europeans were affected by the spread of agriculture and Inuits weren't, they are and always have been hunter gatherers.

Tell me why people would want to go through the hassle to continue hunting and fishing for their foods, when they were able to grow it, and domesticate the animals instead of hunting them?

Only those who are NOT acclimated are prone to adverse effects of the environments, as we clearly observer in Israel with migrating Russians.
Indeed, African Americans and other dark-skinned people, and anyone living in northern latitudes, make far less Vitamin D than some other groups. Which is why African Americans suffer from high levels of Vitamin D deficiency.

Why aren't whites the highest cases of Vitamin D deficient patients in America?

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Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Originally posted by meninarmer:
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
There is no boubt blacks are acclimated to their natural environments.
There is no **doubt** that whites are acclimated to their environments as well, as they are able to produce Vitamin D through synthesis of UV rays under darker skies, as blacks can't, and are considerably cold adapted as blacks aren't.

Which Europeans are you referring to?

-The Europeans of Australia, who lead the world as the number 1 in incidents of skins cancer cases;

-The Europeans of Israeli who are number 2 in world skin cancer cases;

-Or, the Europeans of Europe who come in 3rd in leading the world skin cancer case incidents?

Guess what the skin cancer incident rate is for INUITS and Africans who are indeed adapted to their NATURAL environments.

Of course I am talking about Europeans in Europe, where in lower Uv environments they are able to produce Vitamin D through synthesis. Whereas albinos can't.

Only 5 out every 100,000 Europeans are albinos.

What part don't you understand about this?

Oh, I comprehend it fully.
The dizziness you are experiencing is your own defensive confusion about the data.
Let me assist you.

1) Vitamin D deficiency DOES NOT lead to skin cancer. A lack of natural defense and DNA repair mechanism takes all the blame for this.
Sp, you are barking up the wrong tree with Blacks and Vitamin D deficiency.
The most negative effect this will result in is weaker bone formation, not skin cancer.

2) If you had read the data, you would realize the 5:100,000 is a MINIMUM, based on visual detection due to the lack of DNA discriminator devices to detect the defect in the general population.
The widest utilized detection method today is, Visual Inspection.
Complying with medical visual inspection parameter's, every blond, blue-eyed, near/far sighted, small built European is a PRIME candidate.
Recently, these visual cues have been expanded to include Europeans who have brown/black eyes, hair color and may TAN also, especially if they display evidence of impaired visual acuity.

I trust you FINALLY comprehend this and drop your defensive posture that makes you appear to be, white, and afraid.

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Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:

1) Europeans can produce Vitamin D through synthesis of UV under darker skies.

How much of their daily VitD requirement can Europeans synthesis? You can use ratios if you like, such as, 1/10 from sunlight, 9/10 from supplements.

Whatever increment used, it should be used to validate your, ASSUMPTION, and link your source.

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Originally posted by meninarmer:
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Originally posted by meninarmer:
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
There is no boubt blacks are acclimated to their natural environments.
There is no **doubt** that whites are acclimated to their environments as well, as they are able to produce Vitamin D through synthesis of UV rays under darker skies, as blacks can't, and are considerably cold adapted as blacks aren't.

Which Europeans are you referring to?

-The Europeans of Australia, who lead the world as the number 1 in incidents of skins cancer cases;

-The Europeans of Israeli who are number 2 in world skin cancer cases;

-Or, the Europeans of Europe who come in 3rd in leading the world skin cancer case incidents?

Guess what the skin cancer incident rate is for INUITS and Africans who are indeed adapted to their NATURAL environments.

Of course I am talking about Europeans in Europe, where in lower Uv environments they are able to produce Vitamin D through synthesis. Whereas albinos can't.

Only 5 out every 100,000 Europeans are albinos.

What part don't you understand about this?

Oh, I comprehend it fully.
The dizziness you are experiencing is your own defensive confusion about the data.
Let me assist you.

1) Vitamin D deficiency DOES NOT lead to skin cancer. A lack of natural defense and DNA repair mechanism takes all the blame for this.
Sp, you are barking up the wrong tree with Blacks and Vitamin D deficiency.
The most negative effect this will result in is weaker bone formation, not skin cancer.

2) If you had read the data, you would realize the 5:100,000 is a MINIMUM, based on visual detection due to the lack of DNA discriminator devices to detect the defect in the general population.
The widest utilized detection method today is, Visual Inspection.
Complying with medical visual inspection parameter's, every blond, blue-eyed, near/far sighted, small built European is a PRIME candidate.
Recently, these visual cues have been expanded to include Europeans who have brown/black eyes, hair color and may TAN also, especially if they display evidence of impaired visual acuity.

I trust you FINALLY comprehend this and drop your defensive posture that makes you appear to be, white, and afraid.

Again nice avoiding, as nobody said Vitamin D deficiency causes skin cancer. What I am saying is when Africans move to lower Uv environments they become Vitamin D deficient proving that they are not adapted for this climate, end result have to take supplements to increase their vitamin D intake.

Which proves when humans moved into Europe, if they weren't hunter gatherers, without their high levels of vitamin D provided by their diets they would've became Vitamin D deficient earlier, and would have evolved and turned pale much sooner than 6-12kya.

Like I said.....

Eskimos are indeed a perfect example of a population living in an extreme low Uv environment yet by eating their rich Vitamin D diet are able to retain Melanin levels higher than if they would have adopted agriculture and left their hunter gatherer lifestyle, but Inuits never did.

The Inuit have traditionally been hunters and fishers. They hunted, and still hunt, whales, walruses, caribou, seals, polar bears, muskoxen, birds, and at times other less commonly eaten animals such as foxes. The typical Inuit diet is high in protein and very high in fat - in their traditional diets, Inuit consumed an average of 75% of their daily energy intake from fat.

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Originally posted by meninarmer:
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:

1) Europeans can produce Vitamin D through synthesis of UV under darker skies.

How much of their daily VitD requirement can Europeans synthesis? You can use ratios if you like, such as, 1/10 from sunlight, 9/10 from supplements.

Whatever increment used, it should be used to validate your, ASSUMPTION, and link your source.

Nice strawman, as it really doesn't matter how much they are able to consume, what matters is they are able to consume it, which albinos are not. Address this, instead of making strawman arguments.
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**Vitamin D Deficiency Called Major Health Risk**

By Rob Stein
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, May 21, 2004; Page A01


Many Americans, particularly **African Americans**, may be suffering from unrecognized deficiencies of a key nutrient -- vitamin D -- that increase the risk of bone problems and perhaps a host of other diseases, a growing number of scientists say.

Pediatricians scattered around the country have been surprised to see children suffering from rickets, a bone disorder caused by vitamin D deficiency that had been largely relegated to a bygone era. A few doctors have come across adults who were disabled by severe muscle weakness and pain, sometimes for years, until they were treated for undiagnosed vitamin D deficiency. And recent studies suggest low vitamin D may be putting the elderly at higher risk for the bone-thinning disease osteoporosis and life-threatening falls and fractures.

But beyond bone and muscle problems, some evidence suggests a dearth of vitamin D may be associated with an array of more serious illnesses, including many forms of cancer, high blood pressure, depression, and immune-system disorders such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes.

In response, many scientists have begun pushing to sharply boost the official recommendations for how much vitamin D everyone should get daily, either by taking supplements, by eating more food that contains the nutrient or from the sun -- a major source of vitamin D.

Suggestions that people get more sun exposure, however, have sparked an unusually intense, and sometimes bitter, debate. Skin cancer experts are alarmed that people will disregard warnings about unprotected sun exposure, making them more vulnerable to what is the most common malignancy.

The debate is complicated by the many uncertainties about vitamin D. Because the nutrient's apparently widespread functions in the body are just now being recognized, little research has been done to try to answer some of the most basic questions, such as how much is needed for optimal health.

"It's a nutrient that's been around for a long time, but it's relatively recently that there's been a lot of evidence emerging that indicates there's more to vitamin D than we thought," said Daniel Raiten of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, who organized a recent conference at the National Institutes of Health to identify the most urgent priorities for more research.

Skin produces vitamin D when hit by ultraviolet light in sunlight. The amount depends on where people live, skin pigment, age and other factors. African Americans and other dark-skinned people, and anyone living in northern latitudes, make far less than some other groups.

With people spending more time indoors, covering up and slathering on sunblock when they are outside, and smog obscuring the sun on many days, the amount of vitamin D people create naturally is probably very low, many scientists say.

"Imagine you're a space alien looking down on Earth. You have these humans who evolved in the Horn of Africa, as nudists living around the equator. They would have been getting lots of vitamin D through their skin. Then they suddenly . . . move north and put on lots of clothes and block out most of their capacity to make vitamin D," said Reinhold Vieth, a University of Toronto vitamin D researcher. "For me it's a no-brainer. We're not getting enough."

Milk and a few other foods are fortified with vitamin D, and it occurs naturally in a few others, such as fatty fish, but most people get very little through their diets.

"All along the northern United States, where we have long winters, a lot of snow, not much sunshine all winter, there is endemic vitamin D deficiency," said Paresh Dandona of the State University of New York at Buffalo, who treated six patients disabled by misdiagnosed vitamin D deficiencies.

A number of studies have found what could be disturbingly low levels of vitamin D in many populations, including children, the elderly and women. One federal study of women nationwide found that perhaps **nearly half of African American women** of childbearing age may be vitamin D deficient.

It remains unclear whether vitamin D deficiencies are becoming more common because people are shunning the sun and making other lifestyle changes or whether it is a long-standing problem that is only now being recognized.

The first clue came from rickets. Milk was fortified with vitamin D in the 1930s to eliminate the disorder, which can cause bowlegs and other bone malformations. But during the 1990s, doctors in several cities reported unusual numbers of cases, primarily in babies being breast-fed and mostly among ***African American children***. Formula is fortified with vitamin D, but breast milk contains little, especially among women with dark skin.

In response, the American Academy of Pediatrics last spring instructed pediatricians to prescribe that all children, especially breast-fed babies, take vitamin D supplements through adolescence.

While it is clear that low vitamin D levels can lead to rickets in children, muscle problems in older people and probably brittle bones in the elderly, the link to other serious illnesses remains far more tentative. But many specialists say the case has steadily been getting stronger.

Vitamin D appears to interact with virtually every tissue in the body. Moreover, the incidence of certain diseases seems to vary depending on sun exposure and vitamin D levels.

For example, many cancers, most notably breast, colon and prostate cancer, seem to increase the farther you get from the equator, where exposure to ultraviolet light from the sun is greatest.

"The highest rate of ***prostate cancer is among African Americans***, followed by countries in northern Europe. How are blacks like Scandinavians? They don't look alike, but in some important ways they have to be alike," said Gary G. Schwartz, a cancer researcher at Wake Forest University School of Medicine. "One way that they are alike is both groups have very low levels of vitamin D."

While there could be many other explanations, the idea that vitamin D may help prevent malignancies has been buttressed by animal and laboratory studies indicating it can act as a brake on cell growth, preventing the uncontrolled cell division that is cancer.

Similarly, vitamin D appears to damp down the immune system, and researchers have also found associations among sun exposure, vitamin D levels and the incidence of "autoimmune diseases" such as multiple sclerosis, lupus and diabetes, in which the immune system attacks the body.

Some studies suggest vitamin D can reduce blood pressure, which would cut the risk for heart disease and strokes -- the nation's leading causes of death. Others suggest that low vitamin D levels may contribute to depression and other psychiatric conditions.

"It's a major health problem," said Michael F. Holick, a Boston University scientist who is the most prominent proponent of the role of vitamin D in health. "Everybody has always associated vitamin D deficiency with rickets in children, and after childhood you don't have to worry. There's nothing further from the truth."

Holick and others argue that instead of the 200 to 600 international units a day that current recommendations suggest, most people should be getting at least 1,000 units a day. In a controversial new book, "The UV Advantage," Holick recommends exposing the hands, face, arms and legs to the sun for five to 15 minutes a day a few days a week, which he says would be enough to generate that amount without increasing the risk for skin cancer. Many people are not getting even that amount of sun exposure on a regular basis, Holick and others say.

"There's no question that chronic, excessive exposure to sunlight and sunburning incidents markedly increases your risk for skin cancer. But there's little evidence out there that if you practice safe sun exposure, it would increase your risk for skin cancer or wrinkling," Holick said.

But dermatologists and skin cancer experts argue that those recommendations are irresponsible and have little firm scientific support.

"Dr. Holick says vitamin D is a cure-all magic pill. If everyone took vitamin D, there would be no more cancer. But there's no evidence that is true," said James Spencer, vice chairman of dermatology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York.

"Ultraviolet light contained in sunlight causes skin cancer and wrinkles. That's beyond dispute," Spencer said. "We already have an epidemic of skin cancer in this country."

Barbara Gilchrest, who chairs the dermatology department at the Boston University School of Medicine, said she asked Holick to resign his position in her department in February because of his views and because he receives some funding from the tanning-parlor industry. "He has, in my opinion, an enormous conflict of interest that he refuses to acknowledge," Gilchrest said.

Holick, who kept his other academic positions at the university, acknowledges he receives funding from the tanning industry, but he says it is a small portion of his budget and comes with no strings attached. "The dermatologists get a lot of money from the sunscreen industry and no one ever questions them about that," he said.

Many experts who believe vitamin D deficiencies play an important role in a range of diseases say people can get enough safely by taking vitamin D supplements, sidestepping the contentious sunlight debate.

"There's a lot of emotion in this fight, which is unfortunate," said Hector F. DeLuca, who studies vitamin D at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. "This is a very important issue. We really need to address two important questions: Are we getting enough vitamin D? I believe we are not. The other one is: What's the best way to get it? That's a matter of debate."

Others, meanwhile, say much more research is needed to figure out how much vitamin D people need and the best way to get it.

"We're a long way from making any definitive statement that Group X has a serious problem," NIH's Raiten said. "The evidence seems to imply that we need to look at it carefully, but I don't think we're in a position of being able to make any specific recommendations."

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Originally posted by xyyman:
Doctors double vitamin D for children.

Is this a catch 22 for Euros ??? Are they saying Euros need more sunlight?? Too little sun is bad too much is also bad. SH11111T!


Historically, the main source of vitamin D has been sunlight, synthesized in the skin. Today, vitamin D deficiency is rampant because we're coated in sunscreen - in order to avoid skin cancer - or not outdoors enough to soak up the right amount, doctors say. But they aren't recommending sunbathing or tanning beds because they can't determine a safe amount of sunlight exposure to synthesize vitamin D in a given individual.

According to the chair of the AAP Committee on Nutrition, the dose of the recommended amount of vitamin D children need each day needs to be doubled because evidence has shown this could have life-long health benefits. Supplementation is important because most children do not get enough vitamin D through diet alone.

Adequate vitamin D throughout childhood may also reduce the risk of the bone-thinning disease osteoporosis and in adults, new evidence suggests that vitamin D plays a role in the immune system and may help prevent infections, autoimmune diseases, cancer and diabetes.

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Is this a catch 22 for Euros ??? Are they saying Euros need more sunlight?? Too little sun is bad too much is also bad. SH11111T!
Obviously you have reading comprehension problems, as it states for Americans alike, not singling out a group.

But African Americans are the group who actually suffer most from Vitamin D deficiency in America, since Africans are not adapted to lower UV environments. Understand. Simple science.

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Xy..I wonder if you read this in your article?

In individuals, vitamin D status differs by distance from the equator and race, with residents of the Northeast and people with more skin pigmentation being at increased risk of deficiency. Melanin, which gives skin its color, slows vitamin D synthesis.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends vitamin D supplements in liquid or tablet form for:

# Breast-fed and partially breast-fed infants, beginning in the first few days of life. Nearly all cases of rickets occur in breast-fed infants with ****dark skin**** who receive no vitamin D supplementation.

Would Pansy/Meninarmer care to address this?
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Originally posted by meninarmer:
Originally posted by rasol:
[qb] [QUOTE]African Americans and other dark-skinned people, living in northern latitudes, make far less Vitamin D, than if they were in more southern latitudes.

Meninarmer can't address this though.

^ the main reason MN's pseudo theory falls apart was illustrated pages ago.

Black Africans also tan under excessive sun exposure and 'grow lighter' with lesser exposure.

An intelligible theory MUST account for why and already 'perfectly dark' people would ever grow lighter - to any degree.

There must be a reason.

Simply committing to the goodness of more and more melanin may be emotionally satisfying, but it does not facilitate sound hypothesis.

MN is inteligent and knows this, but evidently prefers to indulge wishful thinkings even at the expense of his[her] own intellect.

MN: You are grasping at straws and wish to present peanuts against oranges.
^ you're trying to counter facts with incoherent non-sequiturs and strawman arguments.

it's not working.

it's never going to work.

you're wasting your time.

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Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
5 quick Reasons why Europeans are NOT albinos

1) Europeans can produce Vitamin D through synthesis of UV under darker skies.

2) Only 5 out every 100,000 Europeans are albinos

3) Albinism is marked by a melanin deficient person completely lacking melanin, whereas Europeans do have melanin just not as much as Africans or darker populations.

4)Albinism is rare and recessive, if Europeans were albinos, when they mix with a darker skinned individual, their(Europeans) genes should recess and not be at all present. But since Europeans are not albinos this does not happen.

5) If Europeans were African albinos they should be able to produce darkskinned children as an African albino can.

^ Another example of factual post that MN should be proud of.....if only he'd written it. lol. [Razz]
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Marc Washington
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The nature of homelife is the fate of the nation.

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So far, you two are falling very far behind in the discussion. I am very disappointed.
Imagine a row boat, with 1 oar stuck on the left side only with two giggling riders aboard.

Who would have ever guessed, of the three of you, AI DJ The Euro-bot would present the most scientific backed data to support his position.
It doesn't actually support his claims, but hey, at least he presented something.

Posts: 3595 | From: Moved To Mars. Waiting with shotgun | Registered: Dec 2006  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Originally posted by rasol:
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
5 quick Reasons why Europeans are NOT albinos

1) Europeans can produce Vitamin D through synthesis of UV under darker skies.

2) Only 5 out every 100,000 Europeans are albinos

3) Albinism is marked by a melanin deficient person completely lacking melanin, whereas Europeans do have melanin just not as much as Africans or darker populations.

4)Albinism is rare and recessive, if Europeans were albinos, when they mix with a darker skinned individual, their(Europeans) genes should recess and not be at all present. But since Europeans are not albinos this does not happen.

5) If Europeans were African albinos they should be able to produce darkskinned children as an African albino can.

^ Another example of factual post that MN should be proud of.....if only he'd written it. lol. [Razz]
^ Of course, but notice the idiot was only able to address the first point only. He cannot refute the rest
Minibrainer wrote:

Where's AI DJ? I'm waiting for his return to explain this outstanding paper he's presented to me as irrefutable evidence.
He knows I don't understand all of this DNA stuff.

Right here, b*tch:

There is no doubt that visual impressions of body form and color are important in the interactions within and between human communities. Remarkably, it is the levels of just one chemically inert and stable visual pigment known as melanin that is responsible for producing all shades of humankind. Major human genes involved in its formation have been identified largely using a comparative genomics
approach and through the molecular analysis of the pigmentary process that occurs within the melanocyte. Three classes of genes have been examined for their contribution to normal human color variation through the production
of hypopigmented phenotypes or by genetic association with skin type and hair color. The MSH cell surface receptor and the melanosomal P-protein are the two most obvious candidate genes influencing variation in pigmentation
phenotype, and may do so by regulating the levels and activities of the melanogenic enzymes tyrosinase, TRP-1 and TRP-2.

..There are easily recognized differences in
melanosome qualities of ethnic groups, as shown in ultrastructural studies of the skin.(15) Although the number of melanocytes is essentially constant, the number, size, and the manner in which the melanosomes are distributed within the
keratinocytes vary.
In general, more deeply pigmented skin contains numerous single large melanosomal particles that are ellipsoidal and intensely melanotic. Lighter pigmentation
is associated with smaller and less dense melanosomes that are clustered in membrane bound groups. Melanosomes in black African skin are .0.8 μm, with Asian and Caucasian
melanosomes averaging ,0.8 μm,(16) but there is variation in melanosome size within these groups. These distinct patterns of melanosome type and distribution are present at birth and are not determined by sun exposure.(17) It is possible that the formation of either single or aggregated melanosomes depends more on melanosome size, which may be influenced by nongenetic factors,(16) as well as genetic factors.

..The most dramatic example of gene action in pigmentation is seen in the complete loss of color resulting from the inability to form melanin. Albinism has been recorded in almost every species and the way in which the genes responsible for hypopigmented states have been identified demonstrates the power that a comparative molecular genetic approach has
given to the study of pigmentation in humans...

The chromosomal locations of the loci for the three human TYRP genes have been determined, and searches have been conducted for functional polymorphisms that could explain natural variation in pigmentation phenotypes as well
as several hypopigmented states. The TYR gene on chromosome 11q14–21 is encoded in five exons spanning more than 50–65 kb.(36,37) Many alleles responsible for OCA1 albinism have been identified,(38) but ethnic differences in the tyrosinase protein are rare, with only two apparently nonpathogenic amino acid substitutions reported. The Y192S(39) and R402Q variant substitutions are found in all populations
except in Asian.

As TYRP1 is the third albinism locus to be
identified, phenotypes caused by mutations in this gene are referred to as OCA3. Although the OCA3 newborn expressed normal amounts of tyrosinase that was catalytically active in
cell lysates, tyrosinase activity was reduced by 70% when assayed in melanocytes cultured from the patient...

Not all genes that cause clinically significant forms of hypopigmentation are members of the TYRP family. The most common form of albinism worldwide, tyrosinase-positive oculocutaneous
albinism, is most often caused by mutations in a
gene encoding a structural protein whose function remains poorly understood. As this was the second albinism gene to be identified, the locus was designated OCA2.
The OCA2 locus maps to chromosome 15q11.2–12,(51) and the gene is the human homologue, P, of the mouse pink-eyed dilution locus, p.

The vast majority of 'whites' DON'T HAVE any of those mutations that cause albinism just like the majority of all human populations!

The wide variety of pigment phenotypes seen in human populations prompts the question of whether there is likely to have been selection for skin color. Most of the Earth is populated with more darkly pigmented peoples, with a striking
northern European localization of more lightly pigmented peoples.
(84) One might argue in favor of selection for darkerskinned individuals who are better protected from the harmful
effects of ultraviolet (UV) irradiation, but perhaps this was the ancestral state. A more likely scenario is that mutations that
arose for lighter skin color have been selected for in individuals with poor dietary vitamin D intake and little exposure to the sun.
Natural selection, although a possible driving force through latitudinal variation in sunlight, may not readily apply to humankind, which can so easily alter its environment and behavior, and where other factors are more important in choosing partners.

Which brings us back to this article posted since page 1 of this idiotic thread:


Are you still confused??

Posts: 26252 | From: Atlanta, Georgia, USA | Registered: Feb 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Originally posted by meninarmer:

So far, you two are falling very far behind in the discussion. I am very disappointed.
Imagine a row boat, with 1 oar stuck on the left side only with two giggling riders aboard.

Who would have ever guessed, of the three of you, AI DJ The Euro-bot would present the most scientific backed data to support his position.
It doesn't actually support his claims, but hey, at least he presented something.

Is this the only response the dimwitted pansy chump offers?

Meanwhile additional information comes aboard, in which the pansy can't refute.....

Posted By Dj:


***Not all genes*** that cause clinically significant forms of hypopigmentation ***are members of the TYRP family***. The most common form of albinism worldwide, ***tyrosinase-positive oculocutaneous albinism***, is most often caused by mutations in a gene encoding a structural protein ***whose function remains poorly understood***. As this was the second albinism gene to be identified, the locus was designated OCA2. The OCA2 locus maps to chromosome 15q11.2–12,(51) and the gene is the human homologue, P, of the mouse pink-eyed dilution locus, p. The vast majority of 'whites' ***DON'T HAVE*** any of those mutations that cause albinism just like the ***majority of all human populations!***

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